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Cryptography, the mathematics of secret codes, the project for children. Reducing Fractions. MultiMultiples Game. Arcademic Skill Builders: Online Educational Games. Dynamic Paper. Dynamic Paper. Window Patters with the Simple Kite. The simple kite ,so called because it is the easiest to fold from A paper, has angles of 45, 90, 90 and 135.

Window Patters with the Simple Kite

It needs just two folds to create. When you have folded one then it can easily be used as a template. Place it on about 4 other sheets and cut out more kites. You will need 8 for each of he following star patterns. A good size to use is based on the A7 rectangle (an A4 sheet folded in half 3 times). Four Pointed star Use pairs of kites to make rhombi like this. Then combine pairs of rhombi to make four pointed stars. These look good against the light Combining two of the four pointed stars gives an 8 pointed star.

A lovely 8 pointed star emerges inside when the pattern is placed against the light. Lay out 4 kites in this pattern and then overlay another four kites to give this star. This gives a delightful and simple effect against the light. Placing the kites accurately is not easy so here are two ways way to get the kites in the correct place. Method 1 Method 2. Cyberchase . Games Central. Math Jewels. Square Project Activities on Squared Paper. The ocean around Math Cats' Tessellation Town! Math cats explore. Horus Eye Fractions. The ancient Egyptian system of measures provides another example of number signs conceived as a coherent system.

Horus Eye Fractions

In the so- called “Horus-eye fractions”1, the designer of a numerical sequence linked its members also into a unified whole derived from a myth, just as in the series of numerals for the powers of ten. Gay Robins and Charles Shute describe this series of measures in their book on “The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus”, an ancient Egyptian mathematics text for apprentice scribes : “The common unit of volume, used for measuring amounts of grain or flour, was the hekat, approximately equal to 4.8 litres or just over a [British] gallon. (...) For smaller amounts, the hekat could be progressively halved to give /2, /4, /8, /16, /32, and /64 fractions. (...) [These ] are known as the Horus-eye fractions, because they were written with distinctive signs that resemble the parts of the eye of the falcon- headed god Horus, known as the wedjat-eye. The actual color of the pupil is black.

Skip Counting. Patterns in Mathematics. Tree Measurement - fieldwork - L a n d L e a r n - Australia. Contents: 1.

Tree Measurement - fieldwork - L a n d L e a r n - Australia

Measurement in the field - techniques Introduction: Vegetation management on both public and private land, in farm forestry, native forests, gardens and parkland provides examples of monitoring techniques which can be applied with students. Understanding and applying the techniques used in the field to measure individual trees and stands provides students with an insight into the roles and work of forest and other natural resource management scientists. Students can collect data and, depending on the sites available, can use the information in management decisions for the site.

Students will be able to: Equipment: (i) Data collection - Measurements of a single tree 1. The diameter of a tree provides a measure of tree performance and is required for estimating tree volume. By convention, the diameter of forest trees is measured 1.3 metres above the ground. When estimating tree volume it is best to have a value of 'Diameter at Breast Height Under Bark' (DBHUB). 10 Fun Back to School Maths Ideas « Mathspig Blog. Mathematics Task Centre: Maths Tasks (Hands-on Problem Solving)