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START-UP's: DE LA IDEA A LA OPORTUNIDAD. Por qué todo el mundo quiere ser Whatsapp. Con WhatsApp tenemos una paradoja interesante.

Por qué todo el mundo quiere ser Whatsapp

Se trata de un servicio que ha convertido un negocio de miles de millones de dólares al año (la mensajería SMS) en otro mucho más pequeño en el que usuario paga menos de un euro al año (y a veces ni eso) por una tarifa plana de mensajes de texto, vídeos y fotos. Y, a pesar de ello, es con toda probabilidad la compañía más vibrante, imitada y deseada en el terreno de las aplicaciones móviles y el “over the top“. De hecho mi impresión es que durante años, y a menudo todavía, se ha despreciado la mensajería en el móvil por culpa precisamente del modelo económico y su perfil más bajo que los grandes sitios sociales como Facebook, Instagram o Twitter.

Sin embargo, cada vez más, muchos analistas nos preguntamos si realmente ante lo que estamos es hacia una transición en la que “lo social en el móvil” se articulará sobre todo a través de los WhatsApp de turno y no sobre los hasta ahora se han contado como grandes referencias. Mexico: The Sleeping Giant. 10 errores que no deben cometer las Startups.

En los inicios de tu startup, te enfrentarás a muchas dificultades y en el camino para resolverlas, puede que cometas algunos errores, que aunque sean pequeños te pueden traer serias consecuencias.

10 errores que no deben cometer las Startups

Es por eso que como emprendedor, debes ser precavido y no tomar decisiones apresuradas en lo que se refiere a tu negocio. A continuación te damos los tips para que estés alerta y no caigas en trampas. 1. Iniciar la empresa en solitarioSi decides iniciar un proyecto solo, lo más seguro es que te sea más difícil hacerlo crecer, porque no contarás con suficientes recursos económicos ni con apoyo externo para potenciarlo. Lo más aconsejable es que comiences con un pequeño equipo o con un socio que te ayude gestionar las tareas administrativas y financieras, que son las más complejas. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 Key Things Great Strategic Thinkers Do. Startup Weekend México – SWMX SoSummit 2013. Startup company. Evolution of a startup company[edit] Startup companies can come in all forms and sizes. Qué significa ser Emprendedor de Sofá y 5 formas para evitarlo. Cuando la inspiración llega, no hay quien la pare.

Qué significa ser Emprendedor de Sofá y 5 formas para evitarlo

10 Ways For Startups To Survive The Valley Of Death. 10 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read From 2011. 1.

10 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read From 2011

Steve Jobs – Walter Isaacson Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing. Startup eXchange Program - enhancing opportunities for startups in foreign markets. Que es BOMBA - bombacamp. Con nuestro proceso de ideación captura las mejores ideas de negocio de tus equipos y emprendedores externos.

Que es BOMBA - bombacamp

El equipo directivo elige las ideas con mayor potencial y se construyen los equipos para construir. Los equipos trabajan 5 semanas en un programa intensivo para acelerar la creación y validación de los productos y servicios, testeando rápido y a bajo costo. Entrepreneurship. El pitch, cómo controlar la ansiedad. Analogía entre las rondas de inversión de Startups y un Esquema Ponzi, ¿es válida? ¿cómo mejorar las prácticas de fondeo de startups? - sergio romo.

Crowd funding. Collection of finance from backers—the "crowd"—to fund an initiative Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.[1][2] Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and alternative finance.

Crowd funding

In 2015, over US$34 billion was raised worldwide by crowdfunding.[3], complemento para empresarios latinos. Escrito por Fabiola Naranjo el 14 Ene 2013. Startups. Entrepreneur. The Future of Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Almost every large company understands it needs to build an organization that deals with the ever-increasing external forces of continuous disruption, the need for continuous innovation, globalization and regulation.

The Future of Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship

But there is no standard strategy and structure for creating corporate innovation. 19 consejos de un millonario para mejorar tu vida ~ Jose Luis Naranjo N. Me encontré con algunos consejos que Donald Trump da en un documento titulado “Los Consejos De Donald Trump Para Los Emprendedores”, me tomo el atrevimiento de tomar cada una de las sugerencias y parafrasearlas para mi, primeramente y luego de preguntar ¿será que esto púede ser útil para alguien más?

, por que de la encuesta que me han llenado varias personas, los problemas que yo tengo en mi negocio, son los problemas que tienen otros en sus negocios, luego estoy totalmente seguro que a muchos nos puede servir estos consejos, así que decidí no quedarme con ellos solo yo, sino compartirlos para aquellos que están en el mismo camino que estoy yo, y si estos consejos nos dan un empujón hacia lo que buscamos bien, por ellos. El embudo de relación, la métrica más importante para tu startup. Cdr Blog: digital convergence, business strategy, innovation. A great article on Wired Magazine, May 2013 on the hot topic of the Internet of things, WELCOME TO THE PROGRAMMABLE WORLD.

Cdr Blog: digital convergence, business strategy, innovation

It starts with an introduction to a vision on what to expect when all these sensors are around us: In our houses, cars, and factories, we’re surrounded by tiny, intelligent devices that capture data about how we live and what we do. Now they are beginning to talk to one another. Soon we’ll be able to choreograph them to respond to our needs, solve our problems, even save our lives. Top 15 or so books for web / mobile technology entrepreneurs. Steve Blank, Serial Entrepreneur - Rethinking the Product Development Process.

Startups. CLM, una poderosa herramienta de marketing. POR: Erick Zúñiga Cualquier experto en marketing, te dirá que la clave del éxito está en conocer a tus clientes, especialmente aquellos con quienes puedas establecer una relación tan duradera como sea posible.

CLM, una poderosa herramienta de marketing

Liquidity hacking: Solving the chicken-egg dilemma with marketplace startups. Marketplace businesses: they always seem great on paper, but it’s so insanely hard to solve the chicken-or-the egg problem.

Liquidity hacking: Solving the chicken-egg dilemma with marketplace startups

Every founder I meet who’s building a marketplace business basically says the same thing: “It’s so much harder than I thought to build a two-sided marketplace.“ Of course, it can be done. There are plenty of examples of success. Growth Capitalism: Venture Capital in Mexico, Viva La Revolución. By Patick J. McGinnis It’s not surprising that entrepreneurs and investors in Argentina and Brazil are at the forefront of the current wave of early stage ventures in Latin America. Building new businesses begins with people, and both Argentina and Brazil have established networks of proven entrepreneurs who contribute back into the system with capital, ideas, connections, and leadership.

Given their entrenched bases of talent and capital, Brazil and Argentina will continue to play critical roles in the early-stage space in Latin America. Social Media Revolution 2013 Subtitulado HD. Entreprise-emploi. The personal blog of Mukund Mohan. I am in the beautiful city of Udaipur for the weekend to participate in the IIM Udaipur Prarambh hackathon. The IIM itself is only 3 years old and is located within the campus of MLS university in the city. There were about 70-80 participants from various cities and towns near Rajasthan and a few from outside the state as well. 26 ideas were presented on Friday and of them 6 ideas and teams were formed (ones with the most votes).

The city of Udaipur itself was a major draw and it is a delight to be here. The lakes, palaces, food and colors are amazing. Startup documents. Here is a list of startup documents that I use. Feel free to download and use. Please read them thoroughly before you use them. Please get some legal advice if you want to change them or use them with modifications. I am not responsible for the legal implications from you using these documents. PunchTab : Loyalty programs, giveaways and rewards programs for websites, blogs, and mobile applications.

Startups. Simplib. StartUp. 6 TED Talks Entrepreneurs Must Watch. is just about the best place to hang out online if you have a few minutes to kill. That's because it offers free recorded lectures given by brilliant people doing amazing things in areas including technology, entertainment, design, business, science, and global issues. And what's cool about it is the talks are tagged so if you're in the mood for something inspiring or funny, for example, you can get just the kinds of videos to do the trick. Here are a handful of insightful TED talks posted this year that every entrepreneur should check out.

Startups Find Fertile Ground For Explosive Growth In Latin America. Editor’s note: Maria Rocio Paniagua currently works as a project manager at Innku, one of the top mobile and web workshops in Mexico. She is very passionate about all things technology, entrepreneurship and innovation. Follow her on Twitter. Mexico 15 years ago may not look very different from today if seen from the right angles. Most Mexicans used a single search engine (the now forgotten AltaVista); Windows was operating in most homes; and we were all excited for Nokia’s latest release: a lighter, smaller phone. Nowadays, the same social echelon owns personal computers, Apple and Google have taken over, and lines that go on for days can be seen outside Apple stores whenever a new product hits the shelves. How A 17-Year-Old In India Bootstrapped To $7M In Revenue. How A 17-Year-Old In India Bootstrapped To $7M In Revenue The following is a guest post written bySanket Nadhani.

He previously headed Marketing and Sales at FusionCharts and just launched an eBook on the complete journey of the company on its tenth birthday. FusionCharts was founded in 2002 by my brother, Pallav Nadhani, in a quest for more pocket money. The charts people used on the web those days were Excel-type charts that were a pain to use, sat heavy on the servers often sending them crashing and burning, and generated deathly-dull output at the end of it all. FusionCharts came in with sexy, animated and interactive charts that were a breeze to use and installed the copy-paste way. Why Startup Founders are Always Unhappy — jessblog.

Startups are incredibly stressful. I know many founders whose companies are doing great, but they are still stressed and unhappy. Polyvore is doing great (growing fast and cash-flow positive!) , but I still have my moments of extreme unhappiness. Startup School - Brian Chesky of AirBnB. What Goes Wrong - Founders at Work. We funded the Lockitron guys back in the summer of '09—that's them at their YC interview. A year after YC, they were still figuring out their idea. They lived with the Wepay guys and one day the Wepays had a party for their investors. The 7 Deadly Sales Sins Committed By Startups. Editor’s note: Steli is the Co-Founder / Chief Hustler of ElasticSales and an advisor to several startups and entrepreneurs. You can follow Steli on Twitter here. At ElasticSales, we’ve had the honor to create and run sales campaigns for some of the hottest Silicon Valley startups today. We’ve also consulted with dozens more each week to learn the challenges their sales team face.

Great Leadership. Shifting your leadership as your company outgrows the startup phase. GUÍA PARA EMPRENDEDORES PRINCIPIANTES. The Challenge of Business Model Innovation. The Challenge of Business Model Innovation ASSOCIATIONS NOW, August 2010, Feature. Dr K Photography. Neuromarketing. Nueve empresas mexicanas se integran a la familia de 500 Startups a través de Mexican.VC. 80 cuentas de los Emprendedores más influyentes en Twitter que deberías seguir. ¿En qué favorecen las neuronas espejo al marketing? #MxDisrupt. Customer Experience Should Be Part of Your Business - Harley Manning. Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer. Why Your Idea Isn't Worth Anything. Ideando productos innovadores. Diferentes tipos de publicidad en internet ~ Un Negocio Online. Introducción a la Neurosicoeducación - Dr. Nse. Carlos Logatt Grabner - Neurociencias. Taller Neuromarketing - Parte I - Dr. Carlos Logatt Grabner - Neurociencias.

Founder Institute Colombia - Juan Fernando Giraldo - Enkuestame! TECHNOCOATING - Nuestros Productos. Los 8 principales motivos de compra: parte I. The Lean Startup - by Eric Ries (Video+MP3(64 Kbps)+PPT) Momentum Design Lab – San Francisco Bay Area User Interface Design Firm. IEBS - La Escuela de Negocios de la Innovación y los Emprendedores. Little Pickle Press: Big Ideas for Young Readers. Los 7 spots más emotivos de los Juegos Olímpicos 2012. InvestoMex - Home. A blog about productivity for the Internet entrepreneur. — My goal is to help you focus on your passions by reducing or eliminating the time needed to maintain your life. ¿Por qué Reddit ha tenido éxito donde Digg fracasó? University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Lo que aprender del offline para triunfar en las Redes sociales. Las 10 cosas que los inversionistas buscan en un ‘startup’ ¡5 tips para convertir tu marca en una experiencia! Silicon Valley, London, NYC: Startup Genome Data Reveals How The World’s Top Tech Hubs Stack Up. Hernán Botbol de Taringa: “Queremos ser el YouTube de la Música” [FW Interviú] Geeks on a Plane lands in Mexico City.