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2824244_460s.jpg (420×324) Zombie Identification Chart. Laughing Squid AboutTwitterFacebookHostingContactStore Archive Random RSS Zombie Identification Chart 2nd Dec 2010 / 6,730 notes Founded in 1995 by Scott Beale, Laughing Squid is a blog featuring compelling art, culture & technology, as well as a cloud-based web hosting company.

Zombie Identification Chart

Help support Laughing Squid by hosting your website or WordPress blog with Laughing Squid Web Hosting. Latest Tweets ‘Common Room’, 13 Animators Help Visualize a Poem About Adolescent Angst ‘Kiss the Water’, A Documentary Film About Celebrated Fishing Fly Maker Megan Boyd ‘The Fifth Beatle’, A Graphic Novel About The Beatles’ Manager Brian Epstein Persistent Cat Demands Attention While Human Plays Guitar Shredding Solo Fire Breathing With Cornstarch in Super Slow Motion.

Super Emo Friends. Hey, c'mon. Dreamworks Face. The Art of Negative Space. on the Behance Network. Sign Up Log In The Art of Negative Space.

The Art of Negative Space. on the Behance Network

Project Featured On: — 7/13/2011 Wacom Gallery — 12/8/2013 Tang Yau Hoong Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Follow Following Unfollow Message Add to Collection Tools Used Tools Adobe Photoshop View Gallery → Download Now → Adobe Illustrator Wacom Bamboo Tablet Watercolor Calligraphy Pen Paint Marker/Pen About About Selected designs and illustrations employing negative space by Tang Yau Hoong. Published: April 26, 2011 The Art of Negative Space Selected illustrations employing negative space by Tang Yau Hoong Get connected with Tang Yau Hoong on: Website / Shop / Facebook / Instagram / Tumblr / Flickr / Twitter / Pinterest In Nostalgic Mood. Coexistence. Beware of Those Hands. Day vs. Learn Something Everyday Part 4 - Stuff no one told you: Simple truths of life - Fun Stuff Cafe. Browser Wars. Juan Francisco Casas e Ballpoint Artworks - Design Atento. Juan Francisco Casas é um artista espanhol de 33 anos que consegue a proeza de fazer impressionantes desenhos realísticos usando apenas a boa e velha caneta Bic azul.

Juan Francisco Casas e Ballpoint Artworks - Design Atento

O processo é assim: de uma foto digital, Juan amplia a imagem obtida e a transforma em enormes painéis desenhados a mão. E não tem nada de Photoshop. É pura habilidade mesmo. O trabalho desse artista é bem conhecido na Europa e leva o nome de Ballpoint Artworks. Freqüentemente, expõe seus desenhos na Galeria Fernando Pradilla, em Madri. Saiba mais no site do designer | Busque também no Google.

50 Viral Images The Web Shared In 2010. As a perpetual observer/analyzer of what people share and why, it’s fascinating to me to study content that spreads.

50 Viral Images The Web Shared In 2010

As such, I document/bookmark much of the web’s hottest content for my own insight/analysis, but I also share with readers here too. Images have always been one of the most popular types of content on the web, (even through the popularization of video) and I’m always surprised more marketing and PR folk don’t actively use them as part of their content mixes.

Anyway – to continue to spread inspiration, following are 50 images the web has shared in 2010 (likely not all created in 2010, but were shared this year). This is the 4th installment of this series, if you’re new to the blog check out the first three – as when taken together you’ll start to notice patterns in the web’s most shared images If you’re involved in any facet of content marketing, study the archetypes of popular images to gain an understanding of why certain images are sticky and others fall flat. Agreed… Designerscouch #thecritiquenetwork. 55 Epic, Weird and Totally Awesome Images. There are some incredibly talented and creative minds in the field of graphic design.

55 Epic, Weird and Totally Awesome Images

Combining 3D, photomanipulation, and digital painting can result in some pretty incredible effects. However, designers don’t always create serious images for clients, sometimes, they just like to goof off. Today, we have 55 epic, weird, insane, crazy, neat, confusing and just all around freakin’ awesome images that you have to see. If you glance at one and don’t get the idea, be sure to click and see the fullsize image, because there’s some hidden tricks in some of the images. A lot of these are a perfect wallpaper size, too. I hope you all think this post is as cool as I do, and if you do, please Stumble, Digg and share it with your friends. Thanks for reading, everyone! This child may be a future candidate for teen alcohol rehab.

Rimfrost on deviantART. Cool Photos and Artworks for Your Inspiration #10. Atheism_motivational_poster_18.jpg from It Only took a Moment. Picture (big) by Jeff Cruz chamba. Elephant2-480x356.jpg (480×356)