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VRM - Vendor Relationship Management

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Messina Target. The augmented reality view in Brightkite’s mobile app. Brightkite , a location-tracking service, recently launched version 2.0 of their service after merging with Limbo and taking $9M in funding this past April . In recent months I’ve found myself using Foursquare more and more, though I still update Brightkite from time to time since it powers the location status on my personal homepage . Searles Intention Economy. My thinking out loud about what came to be called VRM began with The Intention Economy at Linux Journal, which I posted from a seat amidst the audience at the 2006 eTech in San Diego.

Searles Intention Economy

The money ‘graphs: The Intention Economy grows around buyers, not sellers. It leverages the simple fact that buyers are the first source of money, and that they come ready-made.