HTML5 Drum Machine. Banques de ressources libres de droit (photos, icônes, polices de caractères, etc.) Game of Thrones Season 5: A Day in the Life (HBO) The Literary Snob (characterdesigninspiration: Quite a few people...) Interview : Mishima vu par Koji Wakamatsu - News films Interviews. Dans "25 Novembre 1970 : Le jour où Mishima choisit son destin", le réalisateur japonais Koji Wakamatsu revisite la mort et le destin du célèbre auteur de "La Mer de la Fertilité" et "Le Pavillon d'Or".
Nous l'avions rencontré dans le cadre du Festival de Cannes 2012, quelques mois avant sa disparition. Morceaux choisis. "25 Novembre 1970 : Le jour où Mishima choisit son destin" © Dissidenz Films. Akira Kurosawa’s 80-Minute Master Class on Making “Beautiful Movies” (2000) Ghost Gimbals. RGBDToolkit - DSLR + DEPTH Filmmaking. How I Photograph the Milky Way from Light-Polluted Skies of Singapore. Just came back from my Mount Bromo trip and I finally found time to complete this tutorial, after I wrote my first article for SLR Lounge last week, before I have to fly again soon.
I will update this tutorial along the way but meanwhile, I hope this will get you started. A recent study suggests that Singapore was ranked as second safest out of 99 countries and this may also imply that the heavy light pollution here could have helped maintain the city’s low crime rate. So, light pollution will continue to be an ever-growing problem in major cities that threaten human sleep patterns, animal migrations, natural habitats, heritage of appreciation for our night sky and more. Of course, I am not implying that we should compromise on safety in order for us to admire heavens, but there are smarter ways to light up a city by pointing down the street lights and using very focused LEDs. Halt and Catch Fire (2014) An idea can be a violent thing.
Birthed out of nothingness, forcing its way into the world with a stroke of luck, a flash of inspiration, and sometimes, the push of a button. In the opening to AMC’s new period drama Halt and Catch Fire, a spark blazes a trail through sheer red, scorching an idea into existence. Zeroes become ones. Pharrell Mashup (Happy Get Lucky) - Pomplamoose. Two men are living in a spinning hamster wheel house for ten days. Liège expansé en panneaux pour isolation écologique et saine. chez vous partout en France. CERAMIC TUTORIALS. Urban Paper Collective. Urban Paper Collective » Platform Toy: Elephriends. What Is Art? Favorite Famous Definitions, from Antiquity to Today. Ira Glass’ Advice on Achieving Creative Excellence Presented in Two Artful, Typographic Videos. Coffitivity - Increase Your Creativity!
Meet the Patron of American Modern Art: The CIA. Tournament. 1951 oil on canvas by Adolph Gottlieb.
The paintings shown in the 1958 exhibition “The New American Painting” are full of muddles of color and shapes ranging from representative to unrecognizable. The work of American Abstract Expressionists including Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning, the paintings inspired mockery and confusion from the public matched in intensity only by the appreciation they elicited from admirers. President Truman commented, “If that’s art, then I’m a Hottentot.” Nevertheless, the Museum of Modern Art, which organized the exhibition and its tour through European capitals, noted that the artists’ style “is now dominant throughout the United States.” Dither Studies. M benjamin herndon. ARCHICINE - federico babina. Easy Art for Kids. Sound of Threads. French artist Bertrand Lanthiez created this audiovisual installation by projecting white light along criss-crossing woollen threads.
Called Sounds of Threads, the installation comprises strands of wool stretched between four wooden stands, with beams of white light projected across them in time to a piece of music. “I was interested in questions of how sight can enhance hearing, or also disturb our balance in perceiving a multimedia-based bodily experience.” He composed an original piece of music to use in the installation, which he exhibited earlier this year in Reykjavik.
More info and videos on the behance page : Rayman Legends Musical Dev Diary. Radiolab’s Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich on their favorite Radiolab episodes Bestcasts asks podcasters to discuss the three most memorable episodes of their podcast.
Note: ties are allowed/encouraged. The podcaster: Originally conceived as a two-hour block of NPR stories based around a not-necessarily-science-related theme, the first episodes of Radiolab airied on WNYC in 2002. At first, Jad Abumrad was the show’s solo commentator, but Robert Krulwich joined the fold semi-officially in 2003 after the two met during an interview. By 2004, Krulwich was on for good and Radiolab became an hour-long science-themed show, earning outspoken boosters like This American Life’s Ira Glass with its combination of excellent storytelling and sound-collage design.
Though it’s now a popular podcast with more than 1.8 million listeners per episode, Radiolab still airs on more than 300 radio stations across the country every week. Final Cut Pro X – Une révolution dans le montage créatif. Louis C.K. and Bill Simmons Full Podcast. TUTORIAL 13_STEERING BEHAVIORS_AGENTS. 4 Rules to Make Star Wars Great Again. Are the Titans from Attack on Titan Evil? The Doodle Project.
Poésie des gares, métaphysique des aérogares. Quand le voyageur voyage, il lui arrive d’ouvrir les yeux hors des sentiers battus, loin du parcours fléché des musées à écouteurs et des espaces (ah, les « espaces », quelle plaie !)
Consacrés sinon sanctuarisés à son intention. Ce pas de côté commence dès le départ, ou l’arrivée. Mais qui regarde vraiment les gares et les aéroports, ce qui s’appelle « regarder », poser son regard sur une façade ou des voûtes sans hâte de le reprendre, prendre le temps de détailler sans chercher à identifier dans ces lieux destinés en principe à accueillir le fugace absolu, ceux qui ne font que passer, le peuple international des transhumants ? Sur la poésie ferroviaire, il y aurait déjà beaucoup à dire (ici les plus belles gares). Katie Paterson, Streetlight Storm. A necklace comprised of 170 carved, rounded fossils, spanning geological time.
‘Fossil Necklace is a string of worlds, with each bead modestly representing a major event in the evolution of life through a vast expanse of geological time. From the mono-cellular origins of life on earth to the shifting of the continents, the extinction of the Cretaceous period triggered by a falling meteorite, to the first flowering of flowers, it charts the development of our species and affirms our intimate connection to the evolution of those alongside us. Each fossil has been individually selected from all corners of the globe, and then carved into spherical beads in a secondary process of excavation.’ Guy Haywood, Kettle’s Yard. Read full text. Landscape Monolith, Reynald Drouhin. How to Draw Letters – Its easy, right? Blprnt_van. Avengers, Assembled (and Visualized) Este sitio tiene como objetivo compartir cultura.
A set of visualizations of the history of the Marvel comic ‘The Avengers’ Avengers, Assembled (and Visualized) is a set of visualizations of the history of the Marvel comic ‘The Avengers‘ made by blprnt_van ‘This post is about comics.
It’s also about superheroes, robots, Norse gods, shrinking men, and women made of light – so it makes sense that it was inspired in the first place by a 10 year-old.’ Every Avenger. Ⓐ Alphabetical order. The key features of a good logo design. April 22nd, 2009. Both comments and pings are currently closed. So what makes a good logo? The key features of any good logo are; it is easily describableit must be memorableit should be effective in black and grey scale onlybe scalable, so as to suit any applicationand obviously suit what it represents. Wallpaper-1104682. Invertebrate Abstract Art: Snail trails imaged in. 3D UV Thread Installation. Découverte du projet « 3D UV Thread », la dernière installation de l’artiste coréenne Jeongmoon Choi. Whitepod. Jonathan Latiano - The Artwork of Jonathan Latiano.
Eric Standley. Listen to Indie Rock on - Free Streaming Music Online. Paco Peña performs "Farruca" in Studio Q. Tout ce que vous ne savez pas sur MARVEL. Tout ce que vous ne savez pas sur MARVEL Fan de Comic Books, saviez vous que Marvel avait les caisses vides en 1996 ? Qu'ils ont essayé de mettre un copyright sur le mot Zombie ? Que Michael Jackson a failli acheter la société ? Ou que l'incroyable Hulk devait sa couleur verte à un problème d'impression ? Ça et bien d'autres choses sont sur cette magnifique, que dis-je, SPLENDIDE illustration ! Current WIP by KuriOz. Then I recorded Space Oddity... In November of 1970, a month after signing a five-year publishing deal with Chrysalis Music, 24-year-old David Bowie wrote the following letter to Bob Grace, the man who signed him, and briefly filled him in on his life so far.
Transcript follows. (Source: Any Day Now; Image: David Bowie in 1970, via.) Transcript. How To Sing: Lilli Lehmann's Illustrated Guide, 1902. By Maria Popova “It is the artist’s task, through offering his best and most carefully prepared achievements, to educate the public, to ennoble it.” Just like learning to listen to music is an acquired skill, learning to make music may have as much to do with discipline and practice as it does with inborn “talent,” if not more. In How To Sing (public library; public domain), originally published in 1902, German opera superstar Lilli Lehmann sets out “to discuss simply, intelligibly, yet from a scientific point of view, the sensations known to us in singing” by exploring “the expressions ‘singing open,’ ‘covered,’ ‘dark,’ ‘nasal,’ ‘in the head,’ or ‘in the neck,’ ‘forward’ or ‘back.’”
But more than a mere technical guide to vocal skill, Lehmann’s treatise is really a guide to thinking musically and a dimensional meditation on the general art of learning. » What Makes a Sci-Fi Film Great? The Nerd Machine. From The Stars At Night. The Art of Yoshitaka Amano. Some thoughts and musings about making things for the web. The thoughts room. Jean philippe kalonji on Behance. Steven Soderbergh : la leçon de cinéma ! - News films Interviews. A l'occasion de la sortie du réjouissant "Piégée", le réalisateur revient pour AlloCiné sur sa méthode et son parcours, avec précision et sans langue de bois. Slicing Time. Le vidéaste Jan Brockmann a pu réaliser avec Saubere Filme cette vidéo « Slicing Time ». Capturant des clichés et des images de surf de nuit sur l’Eisbach à Munich, cette création simple et réussie est à découvrir en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.
Dans le studio de Vitalic - Musiques. The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello. WALKING DEAD, BURTON & DREDD - Wow!: Ain't it cool with Harry Knowles. Green School Bali. Sympathy for the Devil : rencontre avec William Friedkin. Ana Somnia - lights out! Dynamic Interview Archive.
グラスハープ ハリーポッター HarryPotter. John Goldsmith. NPR’s Lovely Birthday Present to Philip Glass. Lately, when I hear the term “flashmob,” I immediately call to mind the image of a bunch of weirdo theater majors doing the “Thriller” dance or wearing stupid zombie outfits or not wearing pants or whatever else. Leave it to NPR to class up the whole neologism—with a tribute to Philip Glass, no less. The Man Who Turns the Ruins of New York Into Music. From the scraps of buildings that used to hold the people of New York, Rick Kelly makes music. From his shop, Carmine Street Guitars, Kelly has made a name for himself, crafting handmade guitars from the ruins of New York landmarks. And he’s attracted many famous musicians. For Lou Reed, he crafted a custom guitar from the Chelsea Hotel. For Bob Dylan, the Chumley’s speakeasy. Sometimes he picks the scraps himself, other times, his customers bring them to him. 06/08 > BE Etats-Unis 293 > Le design thinking et la Design School de Stanford : effet de mode ou révolution ?
Home Page. City of Illusion par Bonseok Koo. Time traveling Robert Moog. Making of Østersøen (2) Keith Haring. Gpapers - Gnome-based Scientific Paper Organizer. Invisible Creature: FAQ.
Danse. Théatre. BD. Series. Music. Cinema. Creativity. Graphique. Litterature. Comedy. Photography. Activist Arts. Sculpture.