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The Halloween Gambit. Secret Way to Win Chess: The Kopec System (Anti-Sicilian) Anatoly Karpov Vs Garry Kasparov - Rapid Match 2009: Valencia, Spain - Gary Chess Grandmaster.

Black - Defense

White. Chess Traps - Budapest Trap. Chess Traps - Old Benoni Trap. Caro Kann Defense (Explosive Traps) Chess Traps: Bobby Fischer Trap. Chess Openings- Halloween Gambit. Caro Kann Defense (Explosive Traps) Chess Openings: Latvian Gambit. Chess Openings: London System. The Ideas behind the English Opening. I don't like doing so many sessions on Openings, because we all play different ones, but while Rex was asking me about the English it occurred to me that I have played more English Opening games than any other over the last 15-20 years, but I have never tried to teach anybody about it.

The Ideas behind the English Opening

So I sat down and tried to put together this session. I immediately realised why it wasn't such a natural thing to do, because the damn thing is so diffuse and complex. [I wouldn't dream of doing a session which I had narrowed down to "1.d4", even less so if there were vast transpositional possibilities.] Anyhow, here's tuppence-worth: A1. The fundamental hypermodern insight is that White can afford to delay occupation of the centre, since if Black tries to take advantage of the delay by trying to sieze the centre then White's counterattack will be swift and effective.

Korchnoi - Mecking, Augusta (Match), 1974: 4. d4 e6 5. A2. EG: Reti,R - Rabinovich,I [A28] Moscow-Wch, 1925 A3. Korchnoi-Szabo, 1963 8... Beginner Chess Openings - The Stonewall Attack - Classic Attack and Sac (Part 1) Mastering Chess Openings. Chess Opening Theory. In chess, unlike tennis, it is not possible to win by serving an ace.

Chess Opening Theory

—Irving Chernev, chess writer The opening of a game of chess is a battle between two equally matched armies. There is no method that will secure one player a decisive advantage independent from what his opponent does. If there were, no one would play chess. Winning a game of chess depends on one's opponent making inaccurate moves. Take the opening position shown in the diagram. Carry on this process over several centuries, bearing in mind that most chess positions contain a few potential moves that are just as good as one another (and some that are not as good but that might just throw an opponent off guard), and you will end up with enough opening theory to fill several encyclopedias. Using this wikibook To use this Wikibook you will need to be familiar with the rules of chess and the algebraic system of chess notation. When contributing to this Wikibook, please follow the conventions for organization.

Statistics. Openings for Beginners: The English Opening! - Chess Videos. Available languages: Schach - Deutsch Шахматы - Русский Шахи - Українська Chess - English Ajedrez - Español Échecs - Français Scacchi - Italiano Sakk - Magyar Schaken - Nederlands Szachy - Polski Help us finish translating: My language is not listed We are working hard to make available in over 70 languages.

Openings for Beginners: The English Opening! - Chess Videos

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