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Political options tested in a virtual wind tunnel. A team of researchers from ETH Zurich, the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed an evidence-based model of violence in Jerusalem. The model explores alternative scenarios for the future of Jerusalem, in particular, their implications for the spatial distribution of violence in the city. Jerusalem is characterized by a continued level of territorial conflict.

Rarely does a day go by without media reports of violent clashes between Orthodox Jews, secular Israelis, Palestinians and the Israeli police and security forces. Ethnic, religious and ideological tensions determine the social life of the city, and efforts to find a political solution to the city’s future status have thus far failed. The Logic of Violence in Jerusalem Ravi Bhavnani from IHEID initially conceived the project. The empirical data for the simulation was furnished and coded by the Israeli project team. Lack of female sources in NY Times front-page stories highlights need for change.

Editor’s note: This research was conducted by University of Nevada, Las Vegas, students Alexi Layton and Rochelle Richards under the guidance of Prof.

Lack of female sources in NY Times front-page stories highlights need for change

Alicia Shepard. The New York Times is one of the world’s leading news organizations. But there’s room for improvement — especially when it comes to diversity. In an analysis of 352 front-page stories from the Times in January and February 2013, we found that Times reporters quoted 3.4 times as many male sources as female sources. Sources were identified as either male, female or unknown. What should I read next. Only 4% of Languages Are Used Online. In 2011, this author lived in the Middle East and learned that his Egyptian friends often texted, emailed, and Facebook chatted using latin characters.

Only 4% of Languages Are Used Online

They wrote in Arabic, but they didn’t use Arabic letters. Instead they transliterated Arabic words into the same alphabet that English uses. Many shops already wrote their signs in English. Did this portend a decline of the use of the Arabic script? New research suggests that the digital future of Arabic is secure. Endangered Languages. Digital Language Death. Use a Plagiarism Checker to Get References for a Research Paper. Index Translationum - Bibliographie mondiale de la traduction. La base de données contient une information bibliographique cumulative sur les livres traduits et publiés depuis 1979 dans une centaine d'États membres de l'UNESCO, soit plus de 2.000.000 notices dans toutes les disciplines : littérature, sciences sociales et humaines, sciences exactes et naturelles, art, histoire, etc.

Index Translationum - Bibliographie mondiale de la traduction

Une mise à jour est effectuée régulièrement. Recherche dans la base de données Les notices antérieures à 1979 peuvent être consultées sur la version imprimée, disponible auprès des bibliothèques dépositaires et de la Bibliothèque de l' UNESCO à Paris. En publiant ce répertoire, l'UNESCO met à la disposition du public un outil de travail unique au monde, élaboré grâce à une coopération internationale continue. Chaque année, les bibliothèques nationales de la plupart des États membres de l'UNESCO font parvenir au Secrétariat l'information bibliographique sur les titres traduits, et ce dans tous les domaines de la connaissance. Comment s’assurer de la crédibilité d’une source web.

La veille sur le web n’est pas exempt de la nécessaire qualification des sources inhérente à l’intelligence économique : qui est l’auteur d’un message, quelle véracité des informations diffusées, etc.

Comment s’assurer de la crédibilité d’une source web

Certains critères sont donc nécessaires à mettre en place. Mais au-delà, il apparait que, sur le web, plus qu’une question de crédibilité il convient de s’interroger sur la popularité ou « l’expertise » prêtées à un auteur. Voire à sa réputation… Dans un ancien billet intitulé Qualification des sources 2.0 je proposais des outils pour identifier certains critères : pour définir l’identité « réelle » de l’auteur d’une source (ou son hébergeur –Whois), ses liens communautaires, etc.

Social TV Analytics: Bluefin Labs. How Twitter has helped the emergence of a new journalism. Twitter’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) is due to take place on Wednesday.

How Twitter has helped the emergence of a new journalism

The company values itself at US$12 billion and expects to raise up to US$1.3 billion in sales. But let’s forget about the money and think about Twitter’s impact in its relatively short lifetime of seven years. On average there are now 500m tweets a day. You don’t even have to tweet to be on Twitter. Some 40% of users simply use Twitter as a “curated news feed of updates that reflect their passions”. “News feed” is important because Twitter has clearly changed the way news is gathered, disseminated and consumed. Cc-wiki-dump. It has been a year and a half since we launched Data Explorer.


In the past few months Tim Stone (on a community grant) and I have pushed a major round of changes. Thanks Tim! Tweet recalling Yom Kippur war, 40 years on, jolts oil traders. NEW YORK Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:05pm IST NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil traders razor-focused on signs of escalating violence in the Middle East were jolted on Thursday by a Twitter posting from the Israeli military that, at first glance, suggested they had just bombed Syrian airports.

Tweet recalling Yom Kippur war, 40 years on, jolts oil traders

Oil prices jumped $1 as the talk raced through oil markets, which frequently react quickly to rumors of geopolitical events and where traders have increasingly turned to the Internet and social media for advance warning of escalating risks, from the Arab Spring to the Iranian nuclear standoff. World's Most Influential Thinkers Revealed. Who are the most influential thinkers on the planet?

World's Most Influential Thinkers Revealed

That’s a question that you might imagine ought to be straightforward to determine, given the recent advances in the study of social networks and how information flows around the globe. And yet, while this network approach has been widely used to rank websites, successful sports stars, business leaders and so on, there has been little work on influential thinkers. “The most important thought leaders and trends shaping our society have not been subjected so far to any truly systematic analysis,” say Karin Frick at the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in Switzerland and a couple of pals. XOWA Main Page. Artist Temperaments.

Jimmy Chen It is not just an artist’s work, but their personalities — inadvertent, performative, implied, affected, whatever — by which an overall narrative, or “personal brand,” of the artist is measured, which invariably informs how the art is perceived.

Artist Temperaments