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The Most Common Marketing Challenge Small Businesses Face And How To Solve It. After offering marketing and branding services to small businesses and entrepreneurs for over 13 years, I’ve noticed one common challenge they all face — they don’t have a purpose-driven story that’s aligned to their customers’ needs.

The Most Common Marketing Challenge Small Businesses Face And How To Solve It

What exists instead is a story that is patched together, continually changing, that tries to please everyone and doesn’t ultimately honor their original existence. Overall, their story is inconsistent across the brand and usually only focuses on them. This results in their ideal customers struggling to connect with the brand or even establish how the business addresses their needs. So why are so many businesses getting it wrong?

There are probably a number of reasons why companies skip this crucial step to sustainably build their business. One reason could be due to the ever-changing customer landscape which drives different marketing demands and needs. 7 Insanely Creative Business Plan Templates. Starting your own business is so stressful, with so many things to be done, that it's easy to convince yourself that doing the bare minimum for a business plan is enough.

7 Insanely Creative Business Plan Templates

There are a ton of business-plan templates out there, so you could always just dump your own information into one of them and run with it. After all, you just need it to get funding, and then you'll never look at it again. Officehours. Using Pinterest for Business: Secrets from Top Bloggers - Hootsuite Social Media Management. The Social Selling System. Have you ever heard the expression… “The problem with following the herd is you wind up stepping in the “stuff” that got left behind?”

The Social Selling System

10 minute social media audit. Top Three Ways to Optimize Your DMO Site’s Images. Long gone are the days where we are connecting to the Internet through a modem and a phone line.

Top Three Ways to Optimize Your DMO Site’s Images

While the sound of dialing in makes me nostalgic, I'm happy that I can watch video and download images quicker than ever before. Yet, the power of fast connections comes with great responsibility when maintaining your website. Designing Digital Main Street. There are no guidelines for building a digital city on top of an analogue one.

Designing Digital Main Street

There are no building codes, blueprints, or overarching standards to reconcile the inherently Internet-woven world with the patchwork of neighbourhoods making up the fabric of Toronto. There are just islands of businesses bundled together in a sea of people in motion, makeshift “main streets” linked but never really connected. This is the weighty reality that hung over John Kiru’s head as he looked out at a group of entrepreneurs, designers and technologists in the sparsely lit basement of The Drake Hotel. “I don’t need to tell you business has changed,” said the executive director of the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA) with a weighty grin, seemingly addressing not just the small assembly but also the 40,000 businesses divvied up amongst the city’s 80 plus BIAs.

And West Queen West will be the guinea pig when the toolkit is unveiled next year. Digital placemaking Beyond digital. Six Services Every Scaling Small Business Should Outsource - The Bigcommerce Blog. How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell. By Gail Oliver, Online Small Business Consultant If you are not converting more than 1% of your traffic into sales, then you need to write product descriptions that will sell your products.

How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell

When I write product copy for clients (see my services page) my goal is to quickly emphasize the main value of the product (what problem does it solve), make the reader want to buy it (even if they don’t need it), and include a closing line to try and secure the sale. Therefore, I am going to break it down for you sentence by sentence what effective product copy does, using a good example from Maxwell’s Daily Finds of the popular blog, Apartment Therapy. Provendi Rotating Soap Fixture Description. 5 Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Smal... As a small business owner or marketing professional, you likely don’t have the resources of a mega-brand to market your service or product as aggressively or with the same reach.

5 Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Smal...

But that doesn’t mean you can’t still make a strong impact with targeted and creative ideas that will both help you to get your small business in front of a new audience, and retain and engage the customers you already have. We’ve chosen 5 of our favorite small business marketing ideas to help you re-think your size advantage and the potential power of your marketing efforts. Packages. 2015 FEO Conference - program update.

Leverage the Local Food Movement and Culinary Tourism for your Festival or Event Did you know that the FEO Let the Inspiration Flow Conference has additional full-day optional, round table-style training workshops?

2015 FEO Conference - program update

This workshop runs from 9:00am - 5:00pm on Wednesday March 4, 2015. Registration for this workshops is not included in your full registration fee. Fee information is included in the details below. Workshop Details: Food Tourism is the fastest growing segment of tourism - we all love to eat! About The Retail Champion: Mission, Services.

Clare Rayner, The Retail Champion, is a business owner, retail expert, consumer champion, high street campaigner and micro business backer.

About The Retail Champion: Mission, Services

She is also a published author, much sought-after professional speaker and regular contributor to a wide variety of broadcast and print media. She has strong ethics and clear values, caring deeply about quality, reputation, credibility and integrity. Clare's brand portfolio includes The Retail Champion, The Retail Conference, the Support for Independent Retail campaign and its associated events and activities, and the Future High Street Summit. Through her business activities, she has also been involved with bira, Enterprise Rockers, and FSB.

A best-selling author, Clare wrote 'The Retail Champion: 10 Steps to Retail Success', published by Kogan Page in July 2012. About The Retail Champion: Mission, Services. Are small retailers doomed? The future of the high street. Local retailers are under pressure from all sides but their survival depends on how they meet the changing needs of consumers.

Are small retailers doomed? The future of the high street

Three retail experts tell us why independent retailers have to raise their game. Outsourcing for small businesses – Q&A roundup. Ella Gascoigne is the founder of Startup PR Why do everything yourself? GSD NOTEPADS ARE HERE! #GSDgetshitdone - Meg Biram. Do you ever look up at the clock at 5pm and think, what the heck did I do today? Or you come home and your husband asks, what’d you do today?

And it takes you a minute to answer because what is going through your head is — ya, what did I do today? I know the feeling intimately. As an entrepreneur, organizing my time became one of the hardest parts of what I do. After too many days and weeks of not feeling like I accomplished what I could have/should have, I decided that I needed to get serious about creating a method to the madness. I needed ONE place to dump all of my tasks.

10 Steps Towards A Better, More Productive You In 2015. If you don’t have your dreams and goals mapped out, you’ll never achieve them. And while the act of writing them down doesn't guarantee that they’ll happen, it helps you to stay laser focused on the things that matter and prevents you from drifting from year-to-year hoping that things might change. Here are 10 "uncommon sense" principles for the year ahead that I hope inspire you to think about how you’ll grow throughout 2015. 1. Start Strong, Finish Strong Start your new year by designing a meaningful event to kick it off both at home and at work. 2. Scheduled sending and email reminders. Digital marketing notes. Free tools and templates for entrepreneurs.

Information & communication technology - Articles and tools. DIY Everything Archives - East Coast Creative Blog. 10 Tips for Increasing Your Sales at Art and Craft Shows. Communications Agency. Brand Zero 2015.