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9 Pokemon Bookmark Corner Designs - Pokemon Go DIY. Pokemon mania continues.. and if my kids (aged 6 and 8) are anything to go by, you kids will LOVE them.

9 Pokemon Bookmark Corner Designs - Pokemon Go DIY

My son, is Pokemon Go MAD.. my daughter is indifferent to Pokemon Go, but STILL adores making these Pokemon Bookmark Corners. We have taken 9 of the most popular Pokemon Characters and we have turned them into BOOKMARKS. With step by step guide to help your kids make fabulous bookmarks too!! Easy Pikachu Bookmark Corner - Pokemon Go - Origami. Packaging Templates. Pop up flower.

Paper flower tealight. Battery powered tea lights have been popular for a couple of years now.

Paper flower tealight

They are great party decorations because unlike regular candle tea lights, these are safe. This paper project decorates a tea light with a paper flower design made out of card stock and is easy and fast to make. These flower would look absolutely gorgeous on a buffet table or as a table decoration. All you have to do is cut out flower parts and hot glue them onto the plastic led tea light. Just follow the directions below and soon you will have really cute and easy to make decorative party lights. 1.Download the tea light flower project template here. 2.Cut out 7 petals from light colored card stock. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Origami Resource Center. 3D Paper Owl from mmmcrafts. The gifted Larissa from mmmcrafts is here sharing her amazing talents with an unbelievable 3D paper owl.

3D Paper Owl from mmmcrafts

Larissa writes… Left: art made with this tutorial, Right: art made with alternate colors (see note at the end of the tutorial) Hey, Craft Campers! I’m delighted to participate in this summer kid-craft lineup. This 3D paper owl art project is for you and your crafty older kids, say around 11-ish years and up, who can wield a pair of scissors, handle smallish pieces and follow placement instructions carefully. Moms: You can definitely young this down by cutting out the shapes for younger kids, and skipping the pop dots and folding. Alrighty young crafters, here’s what you will need to make the nighttime owl pictured above: How To Build The World's Best Paper Airplanes.

Diagrammi. Nel progettare questo modello ho pensato ai bambini, quindi a qualcosa di semplice da piegare e nello stesso tempo versatile.


Inizialmente, ho realizzato queste due composizioni, e per questo l’ho chiamato Bialbero di Natale. Poi mi sono reso conto che i moduli possono essere assemblati alternando dimensioni diverse e anche colori diversi, avrei dovuto chiamarlo Multialbero di Natale. Sono molto contento di questo modello, che unisce semplicità, armonia, e versatilità, è come un gioco che può essere smontato e rimontato in modo personale.

Ciascuna composizione è ottenuta da 6 ottagoni di carta per fotocopie, ricavati da sei quadrati coi lati di 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 e 21 cm, dall'alto verso il basso. Eccellente presentazione e sequenza fotografica di Maria Sinayskaya: Video origami. Origami. UNIT ORIGAMI. Video on How to Make a Kusudama With the Carambola Flower by Carmen Sprung. This Kusudama can be considered modular origami, and it is based on a beautiful flower model, folded from a pentagon and originally created by Carmen Sprung (Germany).

Video on How to Make a Kusudama With the Carambola Flower by Carmen Sprung

She calls it “carambola” perhaps because of its resemblance to a cross section of a carambola –also known as star fruit. On her website, Happy Folding, Sara Adams (Germany) presents a video showing how to make a pentagon and how to fold the origami carambola. The folding process, as Sara demonstrates, is both easy and pleasing. The Kusudama structure is that of a dodecahedron and made with twelve pentagonal flowers. It can be used as a holiday decoration or given as given as a handmade Christmas gift. Galaxy de l'origami étoiles. When my 5 yo goddaughter and I meet up, we love to hand each other our little handmade somethings.

Galaxy de l'origami étoiles

She would shower me with sweet girly drawings, scribblings, love notes, masks or a surprise “masterpiece”. Godma would usually make origami iconic symbols. Not long ago I made her a galaxy of stars, one of her favourite shapes. I have complied a list of what I had made to share with you the wonders of star origami. The names of the first 4 stars are given by me as they don’t seem to have formal titles, so I took the liberty to describe them according to what they represent to me, hence they are by no means official. Folding Trees. Kusudama by *Corselia on deviantART. DIY Bunga Kusudama. Pernah dengar nama Bunga Kusudama?

DIY Bunga Kusudama

Saya rasa ramai jugak yang dah tahu pasal bunga ni kan exspecially para B2b lah kan. hehehe...Ok, berbalik pada tajuk, ikutkan perancangan asal, saya nak buat bunga Kusudama ni sebagai hand bouquet saya time nikah sebab dah suka sangat dengan bunga ni lepas tengok gambar hb ni Then, makin berkobar-kobar semangat tu lepas tengok majalah inspirasi Pengantin untuk bulan 7 ni.. Bunga Kusudama ni cuma gunakan kertas jer untuk buat dia. Mula2 tengok memang rasa susah. Tapi lepas belajar dekat Youtube, rupanya mudah je. Ateliers créatifs : BOITE TI' KADOS - Papier / Carton - Posca. Printable Origami. Click the Links to Download!

Printable Origami

Scroll down to find the links to all of the printable origami diagrams on this site, made into convenient pdf's for you! Just click to download, then enjoy! You will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer in order to open the pdf file. 3D-Origami. 3D-Origami. Des p'tits riens. Modèle Origami de Pochette en papier. Minieco tutorials. Mini carnet en origami. Pour bien commencer l'année, un p'tit peu d'origami : ça vous tente ?

Mini carnet en origami

Je me rends compte que cela faisait un petit moment qu'il n'y en avait pas eu sur le blog : erreur réparée. Aujourd'hui, donc, voici la technique qui vous permettra de réaliser un mini carnet à glisser dans votre petit sac à main. Vous pourrez y noter tout ce qui vous passe pas la tête et même vos bonne résolutions pour ne pas les oublier. Le matériel nécessaire : - du papier A4 blanc (le classique) - une paire de ciseaux - un mini massicot (en option) - un pistolet à colle - du joli papier : origami, scrap et même du fabric tape ( enfai t, ce que vous avez sous la main).