Engaging Millennials with Your Internal Employee Communications. By 2020, 40% of the workforce will be millennials and how well you, as an organization communicates with them can become your competitive advantage.
Whether you’re in an HR role such as Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, Learning and Development or Internal Communications, employer branding needs to be top of mind as you develop your communication plan and messages. Start by understanding the opportunity and challenge. Millennials may be the most high-performing generation we’ve ever seen in the workplace. They are quick to embrace new trends and technology, have a great ability to multitask and are comfortable working in teams. That’s all good news. How Employer Branding fits in. Recommended for YouWebcast: The 5 Experiments You Need to Find Product-Market Fit. Immediate and authentic: What millennials want from internal communication (#CommChat recap) Scan any business publication and chances are you’ll see an article or two on how to connect with millennial consumers or how millennials are shaking up workplace culture.
Does this generation also have particular expectations for employee communications, and if so, what are they? In our most recent #CommChat, communicators shared how they think millennials are influencing internal communications. For a complete recap of the discussion, visit our Storify page. Join us tomorrow for a discussion on what to do if your brand gets associated with a potentially damaging trending topic. Follow hashtag #CommChat on Twitter starting at 9 a.m. The communication need. What millennials expect from employee communication—and how you can deliver it - Communication World. Jeff Corbin Millennials are representing more and more of today’s workforce and with them comes new expectations of technology and communication in the workplace.
However, are our employee communications shifting along with them? According to Jeff Corbin, CEO of KCSA and APPrise Mobile, the answer is no. In the latest episode of CW Live, Natasha Nicholson talks with Corbin about the results of the 2015 Mobile Trends in the Workplace study and what they reveal about employee engagement and communication today. A significant trend that the results show, Corbin shares, is the impact millennials are starting to have on employee communication.
“Current legacy systems (intranets, SharePoint systems) don’t work well in the mobile environment. Even email isn’t as effective as it once was due to problems of overload: The survey shows that though 89 percent of companies still rely on internal email, 30 percent of respondents ignore emails from their employers. The answer? Tuesday-tip-how-to-improve-employee-communication.
Is your business struggling with communication issues between different age groups at work?
While the problem of intergenerational communication is nothing new (remember the “Generation Gap” of the 60s?) , it’s more pronounced than ever because there are so many different generations in the work force today. As older workers put off retirement due to the past recession, your business may have Millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers all on the same team. Technology is widening the generation gap in business. When younger workers who grew up with smartphones meet up with Baby Boomers hanging on to their flip phones, sparks can fly. The Millennial Advantage. By now you may have heard the statistic that young entrepreneurs 30 years old and younger, also known as Gen Y or Millennials, will make up 75% of the global workforce by 2025.
How can you prepare your business for the rise of the Millennial generation? You can start by learning about how they view the world because their perception will undoubtedly shape the businesses they lead and the workplaces they create. The 5th Annual Hiscox DNA of an Entrepreneur Survey gives new insight into the behavior of Millennials. According to the survey, they are the most optimistic about the year ahead for their business. Four Facts You Need to Know About Millennials.
How To Think Like Generation Why. Why would you want to learn to think like a Millennial?
Managing Millennials: Why Gen Y Will Be Running the Country by 2020 [INFOGRAPHIC] In just eight short years, 46% of the U.S. workforce will be comprised of millennials.
Whether you're frightened or excited by the prospect, the fact remains that young adults born between 1976 and 2001 will be running this country. UNC's Kenan-Flagler Business School and the YEC have teamed up to compile research and create this infographic, which details the who, how and why of managing millennials. SEE ALSO: How Gen Y Women Fare in Today’s Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC] Aside from their preference for engaging work environments, millennials value jobs that encourage social media activity. Connect and engage with gen Y. Susan D.
Cranston | June 18, 2012 Workplaces today are filled with a generational jumble of four different age groups: veterans, baby boomers, generation X and generation Y. Will Gen Y Deliver Body Blow to Fortune 500? Woven within the opinions you may have generated about GenY to date, where does their definition of “progress” sit?
If considering this question is not among those you’ve pondered of late, there are several factors linked to what progress means to Gen Y that bear direct impact on innovation, and your ability to create innovators in your organization. Can ‘Definition of Progress’ for Gen Y Drive Innovation? Earlier this year I read a provocative article recapping the findings of a 2012 study by Millennial Branding (Gen Y Traits in the Workplace Unveiled) conducted on Facebook, which addressed a question many of us have heard before: Will the Fortune 500 exist 10 years from now?
According to the learned folks who ran the study, they projected 40% of the companies now listed on this esteemed roster would not be around by 2025. Unlike past warnings of the financial death of the Fortune 500, the Millennial Branding forecast relates to its demographic death. 1. 2. 3. Image credit: nowsourcing. To Bring Out The Best In Millennials, Put On Your Coaching Hat. In the last five years, a growing number of studies and surveys have highlighted the importance of innovation for the economic health of companies and countries.
Perhaps the most significant survey related to innovation was conducted in 2011 by GE, which interviewed a thousand senior business executives in twelve countries. Cloud environment can help retain distracted Gen Ys. Retaining Generation Y (Gen Y) employees is an increasingly big human resource (HR) challenge due to these workers' short attention span, but organizations that run internal cloud-based platforms can engage and sustain their interest and retain young talent longer.
Aaron Au, co-founder and CTO of cloud-based HR software maker SuccessFactors, described this short attention span as a "psychological problem" that is typical of Gen Y employees because these workers, since young, have been exposed to a wide array of rapidly-developing technologies. Communicating with Gen Y. Gen Y more likely than older workers to rely on family and friends for benefits information.