Spirituality and Parenting, Interview with Nuit, Alchemy of Love Courses. Conscious Parenting Self Development Mindfulness Training. 3 Conscious Parenting Main Secrets. 9 Tips How to Nurture Creative Thinking. Education of the future. In a typical classroom in Finland, students work in small groups. The teacher nurtures independence and active learning, allowing them to develop skills to understand and solve problems. “You may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.” There is a strong emphasis on relaxed schools that nurture creativity, questioning and in-depth subject analysis - Natasa Pantovic (Kahlil Gibran, On Children) We cannot aim to prepare our children for the careers of the future. The education of the future is much more challenging, shifting further away from ‘spelling and formulas’ towards the development of cognitive thinking where children are given tools to develop their own world, when their time comes. Alchemy of love exercises mindfulness circle of life artof4elements. Mindfulness Training and Emotional Intelligence Alchemy of Love Courses. Arts make students smart. When children are physically active and creative, they tend to focus better and work more enthusiastically with the rest of the curriculum. Arts, sport, music and drama are often viewed as fun extra-curricular activities for children but are given less importance compared with core subjects such as English, science, or mathematics.
The arts should be taken seriously as a source of inspiration, as a way of life - Nataša Pantović Nevertheless, numerous studies prove that practising arts, music and sport from an early age improves brain activity, self-confidence, and gives students an overall sense of well-being. Students who consistently practise sport, arts, music, drama, and dance, are usually more creative and innovative and also perform better academically. Physical education programmes can influence the way children view physical fitness when they grow older, how they relate to their body and overall health. Many team sports require children to work together to achieve a common goal. Alchemy of love mindfulness training exercises happy home a4e. Alchemy of love mindfulness exercises get delighted artof4elements. Alchemy of love mindfulness training exercises circle of life a4e. Conscious Parenting [Article]: Children Free Play. Conscious Relationships [Article]: What is Unconditional Love?
Relationships, Spiritual Development, Mindfulness Articles What is Unconditional Love? Unconditional Love and Happiness The essence of this wonderful feeling, this joyful state of being is that openess to Love can and must be trained! To choose Happiness as the way of Life, one needs to train Love... The Soul that choses the path of developing virtues becomes intoxicated with good qualities, and it starts fully and deeply loving and trusting, living within this space of openness, living within the space of Being Love. Unconditional Love vs. Professor Arthur Arun, the New York psychologist, studied the dynamics of what happens when people fall in love and within his experiment he asked complete strangers to spend around half an hour togeter, to share intimate details of their lives with each other, and they were asked to stare into each others eyes for a few minutes, silently. So, what do you think?
For Love to Become Unconditional it needs to become a Conscious Effort Sexual Evolution. Conscious Relationships Articles. Inspiring Articles exploring Love and Relationships Sex and Long Term Relationship Sexual Revolution and its evolution Love and Chemistry of Connection Love and Sexual Health Learn About Love, Moon and the stars, Romantic love, Meaning of love, Love Forever, Love and Happiness, Unconditional Love, Divine Love, Love and sex...
If you would ike to experiment, and experience all of the Self Development Life Coaching Tools and Techniques: we will be happy to help you examine your mind (thinking and feeling), your goals and your dreams in our SELF DEVELOPMENT COURSE. Download our Free Online Self Developement Course If you like it, check our Methodology or View the Detailed Program with transformation tools designed to inspire you. Self Development Course Alchemy of Love Download You can start your journey with us simply downloading the above course materials and working with spiritual exercises that we have created for you. Conscious Parenting and Kids Happiness: - Shattering The Matrix. Nuit is the author of seven mindfulness books: A Guide to Mindful Eating, Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes (Artof4Elements, 2014), Chanting Mantras with Best Chords, Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course (Artof4Elements, 2015), Conscious Parenting (Artof4Elements, 2015), Art of 4 Elements: Discover Alchemy through Poetry (Artof4Elements, 2012), A-Ma Alchemy of Love (Artof4Elements, 2016).
Q. You say that the parenting is the most difficult job in the world. Why? A. The art of parenting is extremely complicated There are many variables that influence our kids growth and development and we as parents wish to understand them all. Q: Your book Conscious Parenting is full of exercises, questionnaires, tips. A: The idea was to create a practical and inspirational guide to mindful living, a type of the self-development course for parents that wish to improve their parenting skills. Q. Q. A. Q. Main Children Development Tips Q. Conscious Parenting [Article]: Schools that Inspire Learning. Conscious Parenting [Article]: Arts Make Students Smart. Conscious Parenting [Article]: Education of the Future.
Conscious Parenting Education of the future “You may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. We cannot aim to prepare our children for the careers of the future. The education of the future is much more challenging, shifting further away from ‘spelling and formulas’ towards the development of cognitive thinking where children are given tools to develop their own world, when their time comes. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Google, to name just a few, all started as small companies made up of a few people with an idea, a talent, and motivation to innovate. Finland is this century’s icon of educational reform success So, what are the lessons we could learn from the Finnish educational model?
Finland only has public schools; Focus on creativity. Conscious Parenting [Article]: Educational Lessons from Finland. Why Conscious Parents or How to Be More Loving Parent? [Article] Conscious Parenting Because the world belongs to our children and we are their soil, their water, their air... If we are full of love, understanding, and wisdom, our children will grow into free and inspired adults. The parenting IS the most difficult job in the world The art of parenting is extremly complicated. As any true and deep life experience, the parenting experience catches us unprepared. The magic Generation Gap we all know about from our parents, and trouble they had with our growth and development, might be the reason for our major parenting troubles.
A million dollars question is: how do we still work on self development increasing Love, Understanding, Wisdom even though the art of parenting is so complicated? Art of Parenting or Conscious Parenting It is possible to get the art of parenting RIGHT Our children need our Love, need our support and need our sanity within this amazing matrix of choices we live in. Generation Gap Analysis Download Spirituality and Parenting Video.
Conscious Parenting [Article] 7 Main Children Development Tips. Children Development Weblog Tips and Articles. Helping Children Learn Inspired Children grow into Inspired Adults The science of child development is also the most amazing art - the art of parenting. One of the biggest problems of education today is that the ‘factory model’ of teaching: the top-down approach and the rewards-and-punishments approach, limit students’ ability to contribute with their imagination and creativity. 7 Main Children Development Tips Respecting the potential that is hidden within each child, we respect its potential to become a King of its Trade, or a Saviour of the World to come. 7 Main Children Development Tips How to be a More Loving Parent It is easy for parents to lose themselves in PARENTING RESPONSIBILITIES, in day to day tasks, within PARENTING RULES, within PARENTING ROLES.
Conscious Parenting Gold Alchemy of Love Conscious Parenting Gold Self Development Course - Edit Conscious Parenting Course Conscious Parenting Personal Development Training Read more Conscious Parenting Course Read more Read more 1. Conscious Mind [Article]: Conscious and Subconscious Mind Powers. Mind Powers Conscious and Subconscious Mind Mindfulness Articles, Conscious Mind Conscious and Subconscious Mind Powers What is the Nature of Mind? We think of: consciousness, awareness, cognitive thinking, reasoning, perception; but also of: intuition, subconscious gibberish, or unconscious strata that influences our lives and the way of behaviour.
The state of mind, our positive or negative attitude towards the world, is closely related to our experiences of happiness or suffering. Conscious and Subconscious Mind Powers in Buddhism Buddhist literature discusses in details the various levels of mind and consciousness. According to Buddhist, any act is closely linked to the state of mind. Explaining the relationship of mind and divine consciousness, some Buddhist thinkers analysed the mind’s ability to observe itself and called it: ‘self-consciousness’ or ‘self-awareness’.
Mind Powers and Collective Unconsciousness The spiritual development means - becoming more conscious. Mind Powers and Yoga. Conscious Parenting Review Booklikes. Mindful Living for Parents is an Alchemy of Love Course. Firstly we ask ourselves the question Who am I? The very first step is learning about habits, surroundings, the way of life. The program works with the full range of parenting transformation tools that examine the body, emotions, thoughts, relationships, surroundings, goals and dreams. All throughout the course we look into the development of our strengths as parents, parenting virtues, positive attitudes towards kids, and the way to develop our kids talents, creativity, etc.
Is it Self discipline, and strengthening of the willpower that we need to tap into your highest potential? We ask ourselves the questions: Are there habits that suffocate our development ? We work with our Core Beliefs as parents The course examines the negative beliefs that might disturb us. We answer the very important question: What do we really want to live as parents? Do we live our dream life? Create freedom in the learning environment. Allow your child to cook, wash dishes, and take care of plants and animals. These activities are extremely interesting for children because they can act as grown-ups. A child has a deep longing to discover that the world is based on truth. Respect that longing. In our attempt to help children grow into inspired adults, we wish them to carry the youthfulness of their souls and the wonders of childhood into their old age.
Rudolf Steiner once said: “The need for imagination, a sense of truth and a feeling of responsibility – these are the three forces which are the very nerve of education.” By exploring, experiencing and imitating the world of grown-ups through free play, children are given a chance to unconsciously learn and emotionally mature through their own games. Too much of today’s learning is structured: children are directed, instructed and carefully followed at all times, so they do not have a chance to experience learning through unobstructed observation. Play with your child. Conscious Parenting: Kids Happiness ShatteringMatrix Interview with Nuit.
Conscious Parenting: My Adoption Journey [Article] Conscious Parenting: My Adoption Journey Adoption as a Divine Inspiration Conscious Parenting, Spiritual Development, Alchemy of Love My Adoption Journey Adoption as a Divine Ispiration A thought to adopt came to me as a Divine Inspiration during a spiritual concert.
In the midst of my meditation while contemplating celestial sounds (floating in between the 6th and 7th chakra ;) ) vibrating no thoughts, just energies of an enlightened nature; a clear, undisturbed Knowledge formed giving me an instruction rather than a message that now IS the time to adopt and I ought to take an action. 9 Months of Spiritual Pregnancy Thanks to the Heavenly provision from this moment on, it took me (believe it or not) exactly 9 months of a most amazing spiritual pregnancy-journey to hold my babies in my hands.
Adopting as a Single Parent These days I wrote: Facing Obsticles An Orphanage in Ethiopia I've never seen so much poverty, so much elegance, so much beauty. Is this the Rule? Love is Universal Post Scriptum. Conscious Parenting [Article]: Children Free Play. Conscious Parenting [Article]: How to Help Children Learn. Every Seven Years You Change | Body & Mind. Most cells in your body is renewed over a period of time. Does your personality change, too? 0-7 Years – 7-14 Years – 14-21 Years – 21-28 Years – 28-35 Years – 35-42 Years - 42-49 Years – 49-56 Years – 56-63 Years – 63-70 Years – 70-77 Years – 77-84 Years ARE you the same person now that you were fifteen years ago? In fact, are you the same person you were just seven years ago? Most of us have heard the old saying that every cell in the body is changed over a period of seven years; but recent investigation has uncovered facts of far more significance to us as human beings.
This concerns the emotional, physical and mental changes that seem to occur in approximate seven-year intervals. Of course there are no fixed boundaries and so one may achieve these levels of maturity at any period of our life. so what follows are simply the general changes you may find. One of the great paradoxes of our lives are that we constantly go through such enormous such massive changes every day. 0-7 years.