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The Sodexo Group works towards improving the quality of daily life for employees, partners, and customers across the world. Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services India is a 100% digital Employee Motivation & Benefits Services provider and partner to 11,000+ companies across the public and private sector. Our Employee Benefit Solutions are customized to meet specific needs of organizations and help them develop their best-motivated workforce.   Sodexo BRS India offers a range of employee benefit solutions. The meal benefit offerings include the Meal Pass card and Cafeteria Pass card. The company’s Gifting & Recognition offerings include the Premium Pass Celebrations card for festivals & special occasions and Premium Pass Rewards card for ongoing rewards and recognition programs. In 2019, Sodexo launched the Sodexo Multi-Benefit Pass that helps organizations deliver multiple employee benefits on a single card. Today, Sodexo reaches out to millions of consumers everyday across 1,700+ cities nationally.

Sodexo Premium Pass Celebrations – Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Sodexo Premium Pass Celebrations – Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Sodexo Meal Pass. Employee benefits sodexo premium rewards pass. Types of Short term business loans. Tax savings for employees. Make your employees happy with a flexible and simple Sodexo Premium pass celebration. Is Lunch in The Workplace Taking a Break? - Sodexo. It is always 12.30 pm somewhere in the world; every second, lunch breaks at work are starting in some part of the planet.

Is Lunch in The Workplace Taking a Break? - Sodexo

But over the last decade, they have become increasingly shorter, been skipped, or spent in front of a screen. This is true today more than ever, in the work from the age where employees are hooked to their screens from morning to evening without taking the necessary breaks. It is indisputable that the time devoted to the famous lunch break is evaporating as the years go by, all around the world. Lasting 35 minutes on average globally, its length varies from country to country: in Greece, it is allocated 19 paltry minutes, while Japan still enjoys a generous 45 minutes. At a time when the boundaries between our professional and personal lives seem increasingly blurred, and when eating habits are central to our concerns, how can this important break be rehabilitated, and how can employees take ownership of it once again?

Lunch Break, an Opportunity for a Breather. Could The Lunch Break be The Way Towards Better BondingaAnd Better Teamwork? - Sodexo. Technology has transformed the relationship of employees with their workplace.

Could The Lunch Break be The Way Towards Better BondingaAnd Better Teamwork? - Sodexo

If they have a decent Wi-Fi connection, they can set up office in a café, their living room or a train carriage. Today this is a reality, and we are living the “work from anywhere” life. Open space, flex office, work from home, etc all aim at providing greater flexibility, but perhaps at the expense of social interaction. The key priority of companies is to bring teams together, but how can social bonding take place in an increasingly fragmented professional environment? What if redesigning lunch breaks was the answer? Digitizing Employee Learning and Development - Sodexo. Over the past few decades, the perception of the employee has changed from being just a simple human resource to that of a resourceful individual who needs to be trained continuously for the benefit of the organization (and society).

Digitizing Employee Learning and Development - Sodexo

This took place due to an increasingly competitive business landscape, rising complexity, and the digital revolution. Meanwhile, rapidly involving corporate landscape and shorter shelf life for knowledge have placed a premium on learning and development. The shift to a digital, knowledge-based economy means that employees need to be skilled, should have the ability to be exceptional leaders, and should continuously upgrade their knowledge. Earlier organizations relied heavily on computer-based training (CBT) courses, but this method was slow and unreliable, which created an unpleasant experience for employees.

With time, by testing the various modes of learning, organizations realized that learning should be collaborative, social, and interactive. Sodexo - India's No. 1 Benefits and Rewards Services. Workplace Meals: Personalisation for Better Management - Sodexo. Employees have long been victims of corporate globalization and as a result, standardization of working conditions.

Workplace Meals: Personalisation for Better Management - Sodexo

But now, with flex offices, new work from home practices, and new types of jobs, personalization is gaining ground. Soon, there will be as many ways of working as there are employees. The ball is therefore in the employers’ court, and they are making every effort to adapt their organizational cultures to reinvent employee experience, especially where meals are concerned.

Let us consider the implications of personalized workplace meals, a key element in the future of companies and employees. ‘Everybody is Somebody’ It might sound merely like the chorus of a pop song, but this adage has never been truer. Sodexo - India's No. 1 Benefits and Rewards Services. Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Updating your KYC with Sodexo – Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. The Reserve Bank of India has made it mandatory for all Issuers of Prepaid Payment Instruments such as digital wallets and e-wallets, to be compliant with the ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)’ Directives or Guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India.

Updating your KYC with Sodexo – Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India

RBI Guidelines under the Payment and Settlement System Act have now mandated Providers / Issuers of Prepaid Instruments and electronic wallets to verify the identity of all the customers. Effect of new KYC guidelines on Sodexo account/pass holders: Sodexo account holders who have already completed their KYC requirements will not have any problems and can continue to use the account seamlessly as before. Those who are yet to do so need to immediately update at least the minimum details or KYC requirements for them to continue to receive any new credit by their employer.

Sodexo Premium Pass Rewards – Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Cardholder Login - Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Skip to content Are you a client, consumer or merchant of Sodexo?

Cardholder Login - Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India

Sodexo Clients. Sodexo Benefits India — How celebrating workplace milestones will help... Sodexo Benefits India — The New Normal: Corporate Employee Gifting Goes... Meal Card for Employees. Sodexo - India's No. 1 Benefits and Rewards Services. Sodexo Meal Pass – India's No. 1 Meal Card. 10 Simple Ways to Master Employee Engagement - Sodexo. Business leaders face several challenges each day; engaging employees at work is one of them.

10 Simple Ways to Master Employee Engagement - Sodexo

According to the Sodexo Global Study - Employee Engagement Masterclass: Three Lessons That Will Transform Your Workplace, 2018, 85% of employees do not feel that they’re engaged at work. Research after research indicates a direct link between employee engagement and company business gains. In fact, according to Gallup's featured insights, highly engaged business units result in a 21% higher profitability. By focusing on operational processes to bring employee engagement to the center of attention, business leaders with the help of HR can adopt innovative ways to engage employees and deliver a superior employee experience In a workplace of any size and nature, employee engagement plays a pivotal role in enhancing the organizational culture.

Foster Transparent Communication. Sodexo Meal Pass. Sodexo Meal Pass – India's No. 1 Meal Card. Sodexo Premium Pass Rewards – Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Recalibrating Employee Experience in the Post Covid World. Registration. Sodexo Cafeteria Pass – Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services India. Sodexo Insights and Updates for HRM Related Blog. Updating your KYC with Sodexo As per the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India, it is mandatory for all users of prepaid instruments to submit full KYC details within 2 years of card issuance.

Sodexo Insights and Updates for HRM Related Blog

We request you to complete your KYC at the earliest to continue receiving credits on your card. Here are the advantages of completing Full KYC: Your card balance limit is increased from ₹10,000/- to ₹100,000/-You can use and receive load on cards as long as balance does not exceed ₹100,000/- You can check your KYC status at If it shows Minimum Details, you will need to go through this 2 minutes process to complete KYC. Here are the steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. *Officially Valid Documents include Aadhaar, Driving License, Passport and Voter ID. MSME & SME Business Loans – Sodexo Benefits India. Employee Retention: Keep Your Valuable Employees!

Trends For Employee Benefits In 2020. Today, people expect more from the products and services they buy, more from the environments where they live, play and work—and more from those who design and deliver these experiences.

Trends For Employee Benefits In 2020

Therefore, To build a differentiated workplace experience, organizations can unlock lasting human impact and differentiate themselves by designing the workplace experience around employees and constructing it from the ground up. Having said this, an experiential workplace enabling a people-focused environment with a focus on employee health and wellness, performance, flexibility among a lot of other things - the new decade will usher in exciting employee experience trends that will shape the future of work. Benefits that promote financial wellness The purchasing power of employees has significantly decreased due to various reasons such as inflation, health care costs, student loan, flexible spending, among many others. Regardless of the reason, salaries just aren’t keeping up with inflation.

Exclusive Offers Across Brands & Categories. Ways to Keep Your Millennial Employees Happy and Satisfied by Osheen Kharbanda. According to a report on Organisation development and learning partner, Amdocs, India, studies show that by 2020, Millennial or Gen Y are expected to be 50% of the workforce, and by 2025, this projected number is forecasted to reach 75%.

Ways to Keep Your Millennial Employees Happy and Satisfied by Osheen Kharbanda

As workplace demographics continue to shift constituting more of millennial force, organisational practices have to shift as well. Gen Y is a job-hopping generation, with only 29% engaged at work. This brings a big challenge for business leaders to keep their millennials employees happy and satisfied as their satisfaction is directly linked to their engagement demonstrated at workplaces. Here are a few ways to keep millennial employees happy and satisfied: Benefits Of Frequent Recognition For Your Workplace : Sodexo.

Exclusive Offers Across Brands & Categories. Exclusive Offers Across Brands & Categories. Exclusive Offers Across Brands & Categories. How Positive Impact of Employee Motivation Benefits Your Business? by Diksha Sharma. Employee motivation is a crucial aspect of any workplace as it is directly linked to the performance of the department and the company. Every outcome of an organisation right from sales and revenue to productivity and efficiency to talent retention and innovation, starts with the employees. Therefore, motivating the employees should be a regular practice for a positive workplace environment. Several reasons make up for the importance of employee motivation, mainly because it allows the management and employers to meet the company's goals.

Without a dedicated workforce in a motivated workplace, organisations can land in a very challenging position. Corporate Gifts For Employees That Will Fit The Entire Team And Organisation. Employees are the biggest asset of an organization; therefore, it is beneficial to ensure that the workforce is happy and fulfilled. Corporate gifts serve as an amusing and respectful way to engage with employees, clients, and dealers. Whether it is an employee, business partner, or client, selecting the gift from their perspective is beneficial to enhance the value of the professional relationship. Therefore, choosing the best corporate gifts for employees that fit the entire team can be quite challenging.

Gift-giving lends a personal touch to the professional sphere of business and can be very refreshing. Everything You Need To Know About The Sodexo Gift Card. Posted by dikshasharma on October 10th, 2019 In recent times, organisations are looking to expand their interpersonal relationships and improve productivity in all ways possible. In this scenario, there is no better way to do that than impressive corporate gifts that resonate well with employees’ expectations. Nothing beats a personal touch while gifting clients, employees or dealers. Corporate gifts are a great technique to show the employees and clients that the employer appreciates them thoughtfully and genuinely for their honest efforts. It makes all the difference personally and professionally as well.

Why Companies Should Digitize Their Employee Benefits. As times are changing, companies are witnessing a radical shift with digital transformation. Digitization offers increased accessibility to information and serves as a helping hand to modify overall operational processes. Well, digitization is also taking centre stage for so many organizations with regards to employee benefits program. Employee benefits add to the feel-good factor that helps in keeping the workforce loyal, productive and engaged. According to a survey, 79% of employees look for additional benefits than just a hike in their salary.

The non-financial compensation in the form of employee benefits varies from company to company. Learn how to boost employee's morale with rewards and recognition. Quality Life 12th September 2019 #corporategifts#digitalgiftcard#sodexopremiumpass Low employee morale has adverse effects on the ability to attract and retain the best talent in an organization. In this case, it is crucial to determine the aspects of the workplace that are creating dissatisfaction with the job role and further find a solution for it. In recent times, it is observed that raising workforce’s salaries isn’t the only or the best approach to improve employee morale. How to make your employees happy in the upcoming holiday's season.

In the current scenario, it's more vital than ever for organizations to retain happy and efficient employees. When the workforce is engaged and loyal in a company, the profits are higher in any business. Make your employees happy with a flexible and simple digital employee gifting solution. Go Digital with Employee Gifting With Sodexo Premium Pass : Sodexo Benefits India. Automation in Employee Benefits for Greater Employee Experience. The non-financial compensation in the form of employee benefits varies from company to company. Workplace flexibility and rewarding benefits like Gift Cards, travel and fuel allowance, meal cards work well with employee's expectations. The workforce is the heart of every organisation, and their cooperation cannot be replaced with anything when it comes to running the organisations with ease. How Digitisation Of Workplace Processes Help Companies Optimise Resources - sodexoindia.

How fuel allowance is the most important one for employees? Sodexobenefitsindia.puzl. 4 Summertime Tips to Boost Employee Motivation. Sodexo Multi-Benefit Pass Card for Merchant Partners - Sodexo. Sodexo Multi-Benefit Pass Card for Corporate Clients - Sodexo. Sodexo Multi-Benefit Card for Users - Sodexo. Sodexo Multi-Benefit Card for Users - Sodexo. Sodexo Meal Pass, Cafeteria Card, Celebrations and Premium Pass. The Benefits of Cafeteria Plan for Employees. Today, we all look for solutions that benefit us.

Call it shopping or dining at restaurants, we look for the best deals that help us save big. 5 Best Ways to Save Tax for Salaried Employees in India. The government has devised multiple ways for salaried employees to save taxes. Most Advanced Meal Benefit Solution for Employees. Be it living away from their family, or being responsible for the food utilities, it has always been a challenging task to strike the perfect balance between savings and expenditure. Even more, a challenge in hand when the person is a food enthusiast! Sodexo Meal Card: How it Works and Helps in Tax Saving. Top 5 Benefits You Should Know About the Sodexo Meal Card. Want more engagement at work? A little nudge should do it.

Gender Equality and Pay Mind the Gap - Sodexo Blog. Gender Equality and Pay Mind the Gap Click here to download this article. It may be a century or more since women won the right to vote, but there is still no victory in sight when it comes to equal pay in the workplace. Surprise your staff with digital gift cards this new year. Sodexo Employee Benefits and Rewards. Meal Pass FAQ - Sodexo. CASUAL DINING MADE SIMPLE WITH SODEXO DIGITAL MEAL CARD. India is a country that offers a variety of cuisines and flavors. Food enthusiasts travel places to relish this authentic taste. While a lot of people enjoy doing this and are equipped with the resources, there are some who miss out gaining such experiences. The concept of food chains in India caters to such people or to people looking for the casual dining experience.

A Guide to Corporate Gifting for Businesses. Sodexo Merchant Network in india. Role of Rewards & Recognition in Employee Motivation - Sodexo Blog. 5 Ways to Inspire Your Employees to Love Their Work. Corporate Gift Cards Ideas. Employee Recognition: Where One Size Doesn’t Fit All - Sodexo Insights and Updates for HRM Related Blog. Get Sodexo Gift Pass, Gift Card & Gift Vouchers in India. Gift cards: A Way to Really Engage your Employees - Sodexo Blog. Companies that care: The rise of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Profound Career Management Plan – Sodexo Benefits India. How to Create the Perfect Career Management Plan - Sodexo Blog. Profound Career Management Plan – Sodexo Benefits India. 4 Ways to Better Engage Front Line Employees - Sodexo Benefits India Blog. 4 Ways to Better Engage Front Line Employees - Sodexo Benefits India Blog. Sodexo Celebrations Pass, E Gift Voucher & Diwali Gift Card. Sodexo Restaurants Cafeteria Card in India.

Let your employees save tax and enjoy convenience of using Sodexo Meal Card. Employee Reward and Recognition Systems. We wish you a Merry Christmas! Digital, Instant & Easy! Give your Employees the best way to enjoy delicious meals with #SodexoMealCard: E Gift Voucher, Buy E Gift Cards Online in India. Meal Coupons and Vouchers in India. Sodexo Restaurants Cafeteria Card in India. Food Cards Online In India. In.benefits-rewards.sodexo.