Herramientas para crear
Vídeo: Edición de un Clip de Vídeo. 1 Edición de un Clip de Vídeo Editar vídeos Si no has trabajado nunca creando vídeos te proponemos utilizar un editor de vídeo como Wevideo [Revisa la Política de Privacidad].
A continuación te dejamos dos vídeos para que puedas empezar a funcionar.
On Flipboard. Video sobre mosaico de fotos. Beautiful and easy to use newsletters. Icograms: créer cartes, plans et scènes en 3D isométrique simplement. Un petit service en ligne très pratique pour créer une scène en 3D iséométrique très simplement, simplement en utilisant des blocs prédéfinis.
Il a l’avantage de fonctionner sans inscription, tout en permettant de sauvegarder son travail en cours si on le souhaite. Tout se trouve sur une seule et même interface. Il suffit dans la colonne de gauche de sélectionner les éléments que l’on souhaite insérer.
Free Online Poster Maker - DesignCap. NeuralStyler: software que convierte en Arte tus vídeos, fotos y GIFs. 6 Great Digital Storytelling Apps to Use with Your Students. Here are some excellent iPad apps to enhance students creativity through digital storytelling.
These are among the best apps teachers have been using with their students to create, narrate, and share stories. Using these apps students will be able to tell their own stories using a variety of multimedia materials that include: images, characters, avatars, photos, audio recordings, video clips and many more. The editing and creation functionalities differ from one app to the other but overall, the process is fairly simple and student friendly: 1- 30hands.
Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience.
Topic (required) Type the topic of your new AnswerGarden.
This can be a question or a topic, such as: "What do you think of my website?
5 typos qui imitent l’écriture manuscrite – Les Outils Tice. Que ce soit pour un affichage pour la classe, pour un travail artistique ou une invitation, on est parfois à la recherche d’une typographie un peu originale.
En voici cinq. Cinq typos qui imitent l’écriture manuscrite. Cinq typos que je trouve particulièrement jolies et qui ont l’avantage d’être gratuites pour une utilisation en classe.
New- Portfoliogen Allows You to Create and Download Your Portfolios in PDF Format. October, 2014Portfoliogen is a great web tool for teachers.
It allows teachers to create their own customized portfolio webpage. This means that you have a user friendly platform designed specifically to host and organize all your materials into one place.
The Best Web Tools for Students to Create Visually Powerful Digital Resumes and Portfolios. April 9, 2014 I am sharing with you some wonderful web tools that you and your students can use to showcase your work and create great digital portfolios. 1- About.me About.me is a great web tool that allows you to create a digital page where you can highlight your achievements and assets and show people and potential job recruiters your strengths and academic accomplishments.
About.me provides you with a variety of templates and backgrounds to customize and use for your resume. You can also include in your resume multimedia materials such as videos, photos, and SoundCloud files. 2- Visualize Visualize.me allows you to create a one page infographic resume based on the data imported from your LinkedIn account.
5 Terrific Web Tools to Create Academic Digital Portfolios. January 5 , 2014 Digital portfolios are great ways for students to showcase their work and keep track of their learning.
There are now a wide variety of web tools that allow users to easily create digital portfolios and share them with others. In a previous post here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning I featured a few of these tools and today I am adding more to this list.
10 tricks for innovative student/teacher presentations. We’ve all seen presentations — from students and from colleagues — that leave a lot to be desired.
There’s the one where the presenter wants to play with all the bells and whistles in the presentation, so we get different transitions, different fonts, different sound effects.
Flip Anim. PhotoMania: Free Online Photo Effects, Filters & Fun Photos. 10 mejores aplicaciones web para crear imágenes con citas o textos. Cada vez que miro mi feed en Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Intagram y Pinterest me encuentro con muchas imágenes hermosas que incluyen un texto o cita.
Es normal compartir este tipo de imágenes, gustan mucho y consiguen gran difusión, y tu puedes crearlas fácilmente con cualquiera de las 10 mejores aplicaciones web para crear imágenes con citas. Todas las herramientas online incluidas en esta selección son completamente gratuitas, algunas pueden requerir registro y otras no, fáciles de utilizar y con un potencial enorme para crear las imágenes más bonitas.
CoSketch. Limnu: Une solution de tableau blanc collaboratif simple et gratuite. Ce genre de service n’est pas nouveau et celui-ci n’est pas révolutionnaire mais il s’avère très pratique car ne nécessitant pas d’inscription des collaborateurs et malgré son fonctionnement web, très pratique sur tablette.
Vous pouvez bien entendu vous inscrire si vous souhaitez conserver vos tableaux.
Lino - Sticky and Photo Sharing for you. Comic strip it: une excellente application pour réaliser des bandes dessinées sur Android. Comicize: une bonne application de création de bandes dessinées sur Android. Théâtre : (dossiers pédagogiques, ressources, exemples, exercices, outils numériques…)
Les dossiers pédagogiques "Théâtres" et "Arts du cirque" « Pièce (dé)montée » Initiés en 2003 par le Canopé de l’académie de Paris avec le soutien de l’Inspection Générale Lettres-Théâtre, ces dossiers sont le fruit d’une étroite collaboration entre les équipes artistiques et les enseignants de différentes académies. Ils permettent une approche vivante et concrète des œuvres avant et après la représentation, dans la perspective d’une « École du spectateur » qui redonne toute sa place au processus de création scénique.
De nombreux documents iconographiques, des entretiens, des pistes de travail, des rebonds vers d’autres champs artistiques ou domaines de savoirs proposent un parcours d’interrogations et d’activités pratiques avec les élèves. Vu de la pièce "Tartuffe" au Théâtre du Beauvaisis à Beauvais. UNE LARGE DIFFUSION Tous les dossiers sont en accès libre et téléchargeables, ce qui permet également aux professeurs de français à l’étranger de les utiliser.
3 Handy Resources of Clip Arts to Use for End of School Year Activities. April 30 , 2016 Upon the request of some of our readers here in EdTech and mLearning, we went ahead and curated for you these three excellent resources that provide clip arts to use in end of school year activities.
As a teacher, you can use these websites to search for and find printable clip arts to use for a variety of activities and projects related to end of school year. These include visuals, cheat sheets, images, and many more.
8 Great Android Apps to Unleash Kids Creativity. September 1, 2015 Below is a collection of some excellent Android apps to unleash kids creativity and expand their imaginative powers.
These apps are all featured in Google Play’s top free and paid creativity apps. They range from drawing apps to game editors where kids can build their own games and explore 3D simulations. 1- SketchBook - draw and paint ‘Autodesk SketchBook is an intuitive painting and drawing application designed for people of all skill levels, who love to draw.
An Awesome Tool for Creating Cartoon Style Stories with Students. April 4, 2016 StoryTop is an excellent web tool students can use for digital storytelling projects.
It is easy to use, free, does not require any software download, and login is not required in order to save or share stories. StoryTop provides a number of key elements for creating stories including: pre-made backgrounds, pictures of people and things, anime, text, speech bubbles and many more. With a simple drag and drop, students pick clip arts they want to use in their stories, type in their data and share their creations using a generated code. To use StoryTop, head over to this page and click on the drop-down menu on the left side of the page. Choose a category from the list: for instance to add text, click on 'text', drag and drop a dialogue box, and type in your text.
4 of The Best Apps for Creating Educational Comics in Class. March 31, 2016 Technology provides us with endless possibilities to create immersive learning experiences for our students. Comic creation is one solid example of a digital activity to engage students in creative meaning-making activities. There are now numerous apps that are designed specifically to help learners express themselves through comics.
6 Great Android Drawing Apps for Students. November 27, 2015 A few months ago we reviewed five of the best iPad drawings apps for both kids and adulats and today we are curating another list of similar apps to use on Android. Whether doodling, painting, drawing or sketching, these apps will definitely unleash kids creativity and inspire the imaginative muse inside them.
We invite you to try them out and share with us your feedback. Enjoy 1- How to draw Graffitis ‘Draw Graffiti is an app that teaches you how to draw graffitis step by step. 2- Learn to draw. Moovly. Créer des vidéos et des présentations animées. Moovly est un outil de montage en ligne qui permet de créer de manière relativement simple des vidéos et des présentations animées. Moovly est un outil formidable qui permet de donner à vos leçons, tutoriels et autres présentations en ligne un aspect ludique et professionnel incomparable.
Use These Chrome Apps to Unleash Students Creativity.
March 26, 2016 Chrome web store is packed full of all kinds of educational apps and extensions some of which are also integrated with Google Drive. For those of you looking for a handy resource of Chrome apps to use with students in class, check out this comprehensive chart. In today’s post we are sharing with you a collection of some practical Chrome extensions to unleash learners creativity. Using these resources, students will be able to engage in a number of creative literacy activities that will allow them to multimodally communicate their thoughts, share their ideas and develop new learning skills.1-Collaborative Brainstorming. Class Tech Integrate : Graphic Design Tools for ALL Students. Students are constantly bombarded with graphics in their daily lives. Social media, web page adds, video game consoles, and the environmental print around them all use graphic design tools to give our students information. So the question quickly becomes, how can our students create graphic representations of the information we want them to report and present?
While there have been tools like Microsoft Paint and Adobe Photoshop out there for years, they haven't always been "student friendly.
" The thought of a student quickly using those tools to make a short presentation or exit ticket was hardly an option.
Some of The Best Android Apps for Creating eBooks with Students. March 8, 2016 After writing about iPad apps for creating story books, we received a couple of requests for featuring a similar list for Android users. Below are some of the apps we recommend for using with students to create ebooks and story books.
Carrd - Simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything. StripGenerator. Un atelier de création de bandes dessinées.
Tagul. Créer des nuages de mots interactifs. 4 Web Tools To Create Newspapers and Flyers for Your Class. ProDraw: 11 herramientas web gratis para editar imágenes. PhotoPeach. The Best Ways To Make Comic Strips Online. Tutorial PowToon 1ª parte. Storyboard That - The Internet's Best Storyboard Creator.
MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages. Apps Android : Créer parcours (consignes,aides,vidéos,photos,images,sons,textes…)
De l’image animée à la production audiovisuelle (ressources, outils, jeux…)
Créer applications, jeux, animations… en Html5, pluridisciplinaires, multi-supports. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator. Sketchnoters - A Showcase of Sketchnotes. PicMonkey: Free Online Photo Editing. Créer des infographies en ligne : Dossier pratique.
12 herramientas gratuitas para crear el contenido creativo visual perfecto. Profile Publisher. Scratch 2.0 for android/IOS (40 sub special!)
Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share. Animaciones. Create A Graph. The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper. Comic. Cathédrale Santa Maria del Fiore - Europe - Architecture - Créations en papier - Canon Creative Park. Sketchpad: dibuja y crea imágenes con esta utilidad web. Top Ten Online Classroom Tools Visited on ReadWriteThink.org in 2015.
Comic Creator.