Responsive. Responsive Design. The Complete Flat Website Design Guide. Flat website design is steadily becoming popular replacing the commonly known intricate designs that are dominated by drop shadows, gradients and brushes. Flat websites is the new trend with a rising design style that incorporates flat shapes and icons. A flat design basically revolves around the use of triangles, circles, rectangles and other shapes without the need to use other design elements like gradients, strokes or shadows as seen on Microsoft’s most-recent computer operating system Windows 8.
A flat design is specifically based on two principles- readability and simplicity which guide designers in coming up with flat yet stylish software designs, web layouts, posters and other key applications. Simplicity Flat design refrains from the use of intricacies with the absence of drop shadows, strokes and other design elements.
Readability Flat website design is slowly invading apps, computers and our web pages bringing in 5 common elements that we will soon be familiar with. Typography. Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design. Introduction We're going to walk through how to create an adaptive web experience that's designed mobile-first. This article and demo will go over the following: There is even more up to date responsive guidance on our new Web Fundamentals site. Why we need to create mobile-first, responsive, adaptive experiences How to structure HTML for an adaptive site in order to optimize performance and prioritize flexibility How to write CSS that defines shared styles first, builds up styles for larger screens with media queries, and uses relative units How to write unobtrusive Javascript to conditionally load in content fragments, take advantage of touch events and geolocation What we could do to further enhance our adaptive experience The Need for Adaptivity As the web landscape becomes increasingly complex, it's becoming extremely important to deliver solid web experiences to a growing number of contexts.
However, mobile context is much more than just screen size. View the demo Structure Style Less JS. ¿Qué es Responsive Web Design? Debido a la proliferación de smartphones y tablets en el mercado actual, existe más diversidad que nunca de formatos de pantalla. De acuerdo con el estudio realizado por Comscore, las ventas de smartphone superarán a las de computadoras de escritorio durante este año y la adopción de tablets en Estados Unidos se prevee que experimente un crecimiento del 40% en los próximos 4 años, alcanzando los 75.8 millones en 2016. Este panorama obliga a adaptar los formatos web a estos nuevos dispositivos y la estructura de cada uno de ellos, es indiscutible que necesitamos websites inteligentes que se adapten a todos ellos. Sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta las ventas a través de m-commerce (e-commerce adaptados a móvil), según eMarketer, las ventas a través de smartphones han crecido en un 81% ($25.000 millones en los Estados Unidos).
A partir de todo esto, el término “responsive web design” se escucha frecuentemente, pero ¿qué es exactamente? ¿Cómo funciona el responsive web design? Guía de Responsive Web Design: todo lo que necesita saber sobre Responsive Web Design. Imagen tomada de Marcelo Rincón un cliente y gran conocedor del tema de usabilidad me mostró una nueva tecnología para desarrollar sitios Web que me dejó impactado. Me refiero a la tecnología llamada Responsive Web Design, que algunos llaman en español Diseño Web Adaptable. 1. Qué es el Responsive Web Design El Responsive Web Design permite crear sitios Web que se adaptan al ancho del dispositivo en que se esté navegando, lo que permite tener un único diseño para PC, mobile y tabletas.
Un aspecto muy interesante de esta nueva tecnología es que no solamente cambia el diseño cuando cambia el ancho del dispositivo, sino que también se ajusta el tamaño de las imágenes. He grabado un video para ilustrar lo que acabo de decir: 2. Reducción de costos. 3. En un artículo llamado: Responsive Web Design: 50 Examples and Best Practices muestra excelentes ejemplos de la aplicación de esta tecnología.
Boston Globe Food Sense Deren keskin 4. Para reflexionar: 30 Useful Responsive Web Design Tutorials. So we’ve reached the end of our “Responsive Web Design week”, tonight’s post will be the last of the series. We are going all out to help you hone your skills in manipulating those codes to respond at will when displayed on different devices. And to do this, we are featuring 30 Responsive Web Design Tutorials found online. This list is not meant to be an exhaustive one but it will get you started on understanding the basics of designing an adaptive website that will cater to all sorts of screen sizes.
We’ll start off with introductory tutorials in ‘Breaking the Ice’, something like an RWD: 101 class you should attend to get the hang of the concept before we move on to ‘Start Building’ exercises. Lastly we’ll end with a ‘Do More’ section in which we’ll feature tutorials that play with horizontal layouts, ‘elastic’ videos, drop-down menus and slide-to-top accordion navigations, thumbnails and the sticky issue with tables.
But first… Responsive website Navigation Responsive Resume Fluid Grids. Genbetadev - Responsive Design: introducción. Curso Práctico de HTML5, CSS3 y Responsive Web Design. HTML Responsive Web. Tutorial: Transforma tu web en Responsive Design. Miércoles, 30 d enero d 2013. Internet no para de evolucionar en todos los sentidos, incluso en su tecnología. Hay cosas que se van poniendo de moda y luego, poco a poco, se van dejando de lado, otras en cambio llegan con suficiente fuerza como para que todos sepamos que marcan el "camino a seguir".
El "Responsive Design" o en español "Diseño adaptativo", es una de estas últimas. Un sistema basado en los estándares web actuales que permite que nuestras webs se adapten a la pantalla del usuario que está viéndolas. El Responsive Design se ha puesto muy de moda con el auge de la navegación movil, pero va mucho más allá, se trata de webs con diseños inteligentes (smart que dirían los ingleses) que facilitan la usabilidad de las webs en funcion de quien las observa. Por qué es complejo desarrollar webs en responsive design Básicamente por dos motivos: En definitiva, necesitamos más tiempo para que la mayoría puedan permitirse trabajar con diseños adaptativos. Entonces... 1. 2. 3.
Se acabó! A. Genbetadev. 16 really useful responsive web design tutorials | RWD. Responsive web design is still massively popular form of web design, but it can be daunting if you have limited or no experience. Thankfully, we've rounded up these really useful tutorials to help you from day one. From dealing with typography and video, through imagery and layout to the technicalities of using JavaScript on your responsive sites, you'll be a pro before you know it. And once you've done your learning, you can check out these RWD problems and how to solve them... 01. Responsive web design: what it is and how to use it In the field of web design and development, we're quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices, writes Kayla Knight. 02. These days, 'one size fits all' is quickly becoming a dated concept. 03.
Chris Coyier explains the very basics of what 'responsive web design' has come to mean, with examples, related resources, relevant people, tips and tricks, and more. Event promotion 04. 05. 06. 07. 16 really useful responsive web design tutorials | RWD | Page 2. 08. Build a responsive site in a week: images and video: part 3 In the third part of this series, Paul Robert Lloyd looks at incorporating images and video into responsive layouts, and describes some of the problems in this area that still need solving. 09. Build a responsive site in a week: media queries: part 4 In the penultimate part of this responsive design series, Paul Robert Lloyd explains how media queries work, and describes a device-agnostic approach to breakpoints. 10. Build a responsive site in a week: going further: part 5 In the final part of this responsive web design series, Paul Robert Lloyd explains how there is more to a responsive design than just flexible layouts, images and media queries. 11.
Josh Broton presents tips and tricks for creating advanced layouts for responsive web design, including the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module. Event promotion 12. The Responsive Grid System isn't a framework or a boilerplate. 13. 14. 15. Build a responsive site in a week: designing responsively (part 1) | CSS3. Knowledge needed: Intermediate CSS and HTML Requires: Text editor, modern browser, graphics software Project Time: 1 hour (5 hours total) Support file It seems everyone is talking about responsive web design these days, and with good reason; as the number of web-enabled devices continues to grow – each with differing capabilities and features – it’s no longer sensible to build fixed-width websites. Truth is, it never was. Yet until now it was considered best practice to design experiences that made a number of assumptions, be they around screen resolution, bandwidth or input method. If you’ve ever designed a 960px-wide website, only to view it on a friend’s small screen netbook (and yes, I’m writing from painful experience here), you’ll understand why this wasn’t a particularly clever approach.
Now, with smartphones and tablets thrown into the mix, it’s clear that our traditional methods are no longer fit for purpose. 01. 02. 03. 04. One more thing before we get started. 05. Build a responsive site in a week: typography and grids (part 2) For many years there was a debate among web professionals: fixed or fluid layouts? In many ways that debate has morphed into one where responsive layouts (with fluid underpinnings) are matched up against adaptive layouts (in which fixed layouts replace one another as the viewport changes).
The adaptive approach has some merit, but the chosen set of fixed layouts often reflect specific device characteristics – typically those representative of Apple’s current product lineup! But between these values, designs can look odd or simply fail to make the most of the available display area. In order to fully embrace the universal, unpredictable nature of the web, far more sensible to design layouts that can flex to fit any given display. If you were on the fluid side of those earlier debates, then much of today’s tutorial will be old news to you. Mobile first Yesterday I talked about progressive enhancement: building a baseline experience before enhancing it for more capable devices. Layout. Build a responsive site in a week: images and video (part 3) Knowledge needed: Intermediate CSS and HTML Requires: Text editor, modern browser, graphics software Project time: 1 hour (5 hours total) Download source files Yesterday I described how we can craft fluid layouts, and suggested that to do this, we need to move away from pixels and instead embrace proportional units like ems and percentages.
This is all well and good when dealing with passages of text; if a column becomes too narrow then text can easily wrap on to a new line. But media assets like images and video have prescribed dimensions set in pixels. We can scale these down of course, but that means downloading larger files than necessary, and bandwidth can be expensive. High definition (or Retina) displays pose another challenge. Today, I’ll look at these issues and provide insight into how we might tackle them. Scaling images within a fluid layout Yesterday we created a fluid layout for our thumbnail pattern. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to fix this. Responsive images Ratio ga ga. Build a responsive site in a week: media queries (part 4) | netmag. Knowledge needed: Intermediate CSS and HTML Requires: Text editor, modern browser, graphics software Project Time: 1 hour (5 hours total) Support file A relatively new part of the CSS specification, media queries are undoubtedly the most exciting aspect of responsive web design and an area ripe for further experimentation.
Having accepted the need for adaptive layouts, some have seen media queries as a means to retrofit adaptive layouts on to existing fixed-width sites. Among those who have embraced responsive layouts, many have done so from the perspective of the desktop, hiding content and features as the viewport narrows. Throughout this tutorial, we’ve taken an alternative, mobile first, approach. Now, as we look to include media queries, we can think about adding features as screen real estate increases, safe in the knowledge that the markup and design underpinning our site provides a respectable baseline. 01. We’ll start with our homepage. (target / context) * 100 = result 02. 03. Build a responsive site in a week: going further (part 5) Knowledge needed: Intermediate CSS and HTML Requires: Text editor, modern browser, graphics software Project time: 1 hour (5 hours total) Although responsive web design can help us craft compelling adaptive experiences, it’s no silver bullet; this approach won’t automatically deliver websites that can cater for every conceivable device and use case – but it’s a start.
This is especially true given that most responsive sites only adapt based on the width of the browser (and then infer device and context based on this value). Hopefully this will change once we’re able to test for capabilities like connection speed and input method. It’s early days and we’re still figuring this stuff out. I’ll conclude this series by looking at how we can improve the responsiveness of our sites by testing across a wide range of devices and through continuous design iteration based on usage. Testing Throughout this tutorial I have suggested adjusting the browser window to see how well a design responds. Build a basic responsive site with CSS | netmag. Knowledge needed: Basic CSS and HTML Requires: Text editor Project Time: 1-2 hours Everyone’s talking about responsive web design. But does everyone understand what it’s for? I’m not sure. Many web designers and developers seem to me to have misunderstood the problem it’s trying to solve.
Put simply, it’s not about making sites for mobile devices, it’s about adapting layouts to viewport sizes. In this tutorial I’ll look at the principles behind responsive web design in detail, so we’re sure to understand the concepts correctly. Responsive web design has mainly become a hot topic because more and more people are using mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads, and BlackBerrys to access the internet. So it’s becoming increasingly important to understand that a website should not be specifically about either the desktop or the mobile device, but about building in such a way that its layout adapts to varying viewport sizes. Frustrating? User frustration The walkthrough <! Main navigation switch.
CSS: Responsive Navigation Menu. Previously I wrote a tutorial on how to make a mobile navigation for responsive design, now I've discovered a new technique to produce a responsive menu without having to use Javascript. It uses clean and semantic HTML5 markup. The menu can be aligned left, center or right. Unlike the previous tutorial where it is clicked to toggle, this menu toggles on hover which is more user friendly. It also has an indicator to show the active/current menu item. View Demo Responsive Menu The Purpose The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how turn a regular list menu into a dropdown menu on smaller display. This trick is more useful on navigation with a lot of links like the screenshot below. Nav HTML Markup Here is the markup for the navigation. <nav class="nav"><ul><li class="current"><a href="#">Portfolio</a></li><li><a href="#">Illustration</a></li><li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li><li><a href="#">Print Media</a></li><li><a href="#">Graphic Design</a></li></ul></nav> Center and Right Alignment.