100 Brilliant Color Combinations: And How to Apply Them to Your Designs. Color makes a design come alive.
It can attract attention, set a mood, and even influence our emotions and perceptions. But sometimes it can be hard to know where to start when choosing a color palette for your design project. So we’ve done the hard work for you— giving you 100 color combinations inspired by nature, food & drink, travel, and everyday items. How I Photograph the Milky Way from Light-Polluted Skies of Singapore. Just came back from my Mount Bromo trip and I finally found time to complete this tutorial, after I wrote my first article for SLR Lounge last week, before I have to fly again soon.
I will update this tutorial along the way but meanwhile, I hope this will get you started. A recent study suggests that Singapore was ranked as second safest out of 99 countries and this may also imply that the heavy light pollution here could have helped maintain the city’s low crime rate. So, light pollution will continue to be an ever-growing problem in major cities that threaten human sleep patterns, animal migrations, natural habitats, heritage of appreciation for our night sky and more.
Of course, I am not implying that we should compromise on safety in order for us to admire heavens, but there are smarter ways to light up a city by pointing down the street lights and using very focused LEDs. . [ SEE ALSO: Rising Milky Way galaxy above Marina Bay Sands Singapore ] Basic knowledge of the Milky Way galaxy. Create a Double Exposure Effect in Adobe Photoshop. Jenny Le | December 21, 2015 | Photo Effects In is tutorial I’ll show you how to create a double exposure effect using several stock images, masking and layer modes.
Final Image Tutorial Details Program : Photoshop CS3+Estimated Completion Time : 15 minutesDifficulty : Beginner. Создаем mockup-файл для логотипа на текстуре в Photoshop. Сегодняшний урок вдвойне полезен.
Из него вы узнаете как разместить объект на текстуре таким образом, чтобы он смотрелся реалистично, а также как создать mockup-файл, который вы сможете использовать вновь и вновь. Для выполнения урока вам понадобится Adobe Photoshop, классная текстура (которую вы тоже найдете в этом урок) и логотип, или любой другой графический символ, который вы хотите разместить на текстуре. В этом уроке вы узнаете как реалистично поместить логотип на текстурную поверхность. Танцы для всех с DanceDB - Видео уроки, популярные танцоры, статьи, музыка и фото. CreativeLive: Free Live Online Classes - Learn. Be Inspired. 50 Portrait Retouching Tutorials To Take Your Photoshop Skills To A New Level.
Email Is it something that often happens to you?
You just sit and keep on looking through your photos on the computer screen trying to take a closer look at your full-size pictures. And then it occurs to you that they didn’t really suck that much during the actual shoot? Of course, what you see during the shoot with your eyes and what you get after the photo session is not the same thing. But do not let your despair take possession of you! Photoshop is capable of making slightly imperfect photo into an awesome shot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Needle Lace Skeleton Leaves. Skeleton leaves are a scrapbooking/paper art supply that are very beautiful but also incredibly fragile. I wanted to make something that was pretty in the same way, but wasn’t going to crumble if I used on an apparel or accessory item. This needle lace skeleton leaves method is the perfect way to create the look in a way that would hold up to a lot. They’re delicate and airy but surprisingly durable. 101 Illustrator Tips & Tricks. 7 Simple Photography Hacks. How To Create a Realistic Money Effect in Photoshop. The classic illustration style used on money is something I’ve always wanted to figure out how to replicate in Photoshop.
There’s plenty of Photoshop tutorials that show how to create a basic halftone line effect, but they never quite capture that authentic engraved look with plenty of shading and tone. After lots of trial and error I finally managed to figure it out, so here’s an in depth tutorial on how to create a realistic money illustration effect in Photoshop (with some help from Illustrator!). The effect we’ll be creating in today’s tutorial is this vintage engraved or etched illustration style that builds up the tonal areas of an image with lots of tiny lines. Unlike the basic halftone line effect used in other tutorials, this method actually uses curved and wavy lines that vary in weight to produce an accurate replica of this classic illustration technique.
Enter 4mm in the Size option and apply 11 ridges in the settings. How to Paint a Furry Cartoon Character in Photoshop. Tips on Making Temari Balls. Simple and inexpensive materials are easy to find and fun to combine.
A Styrofoam® ball forms the core, a layer of batting is applied and trimmed to the ball, thin yarn is randomly wrapped over, then sewing thread is randomly wrapped on the outside of the ball. Space and Planet Photoshop Tutorials To Create Amazing Space Scenes. There a lot of space tutorials out there some are better than others, I have managed to try and select a few of what I think can allow you to get great effects that look like they belong and don’t look completely Photoshopped.
I tried to be as varied as possible so there are tutorials for creating planets, stars, nebulas and atmospheric type gasses. The great thing is that they lay down the building blocks to experiment and create you own stunning universe. Gas bursts and Atmosphere This tutorial shows you how to create some great gas explosions coming from the planets atmosphere with some pretty simple tools, yet looks stunning Realistic Star fields Create realistic star fields, the trick with this one is to be totally random and keep building up your layers the end result will speak for it self, with an image that looks like its evolving.
Simple Star fields Create simple yet affective star fields in 8 easy steps. Realistic Galaxy Realistic Space Nebula. They were all in love with life, drinking from a fountain... 21 Text Effect Tutorials That You Will Love. Text effects are used to turn your standard typography into a stunning and memorable text.
Usage of different text effects is common in different design solutions from banners to movie titles. Graphite Pencil Drawing Tutorial: Female Eye by Faith Te. About Faith Graphite Pencil, Charcoal Pencil and Pastels Artist Hello!
My name is Faith Te. 30 Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Vintage and Retro Style. 498 shares 10 Places to Get Photoshop Actions Delivering high quality images is something every designer should worry about, especially with images being such an important part of a design. To help you with this task, we’ve rounded up ten places where you can get some really useful Photoshop actions to enhance your images.
We have some premium resources and also some free,… Read More shares 20 Excellent Examples of Photo Manipulation. Adobe Photoshop CS6: Collection of Useful Tutorials. InShare0 As all of you know, this spring Adobe released Photoshop CS6. It was launched with a lot of new features. The main accents are focused on enhanced performance, some of the tools for creative design and a redesigned interface. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Layers.
You might be surprised what you don't know about Photoshop's Layers Panel. In this tutorial, we will share 10 incredibly useful layer editing and management techniques that most Photoshop users probably aren't aware of. These tips cover several features including Fill Opacity, Multi-level Masking and Smart Objects, Adjustment Layers, Keyboard Shortcuts, Advanced Blending options, Layers panel options, and so much more. Let's get started! 1. Fill Opacity Fill Opacity can reduce the opacity of the content of a layer without reducing the visibility of its layer styles. 2. John Robinson Landscape Photographer. Landscape Photography Tips for the Beginner 1.) Scout – Visit your chosen location and give yourself time to walk the surrounding area. When you find a suitable location, work each shot by taking various images until you find the strongest composition, you may find this easier when you get home to view all images on your larger monitor.
Having found a strong composition, revisit the same location in different lighting, such as sunrise, sunset, etc. 2.) 10 exceedingly useful Flash tutorials. When used well, Flash adds an element of entertainment and interaction that can make your site more enjoyable and intuitive to use, as well as helping to create a strong visual identity. But used badly, it will send your visitors running away. Fortunately, our colleagues over on .net magazine and Computer Arts magazine know how to get the very best from Flash without wasting time and effort. Here are 10 Flash guides from .net and Computer Arts that we reckon will improve a wide range of sites - whether it's a home page hobby or a corporate project.
The full tutorials, along with all the support files, are available from the links below. 1. 2. 3. 3 Photo Effects for Wedding Photographers. Produce a portrait inspired by Billy and Hells. This is a simple workflow loosely inspired by the film-processing techniques of Berlin-based photographers Billy and Hells. Create a Photo-Realistic Fried Egg Using Digital Painting Techniques. Sketching tutorial 1 - basic sketching techniques. Illustrator tutorial: create a seamless folk pattern 50 Portrait Retouching Tutorials To Take Your Photoshop Skills To A New Level. Fresh Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials. Photography Tutorials & Training Courses. Turn Old Black and White Photos To Colored Tutorial. Turn old photos and black and white photos to colored.
Digital printing tips. Digital printing is a great way to produce low-quantity, fast turnaround color printing. In the past, digital meant extremely low quality, but these days some of the digital presses can reach near offset quality if you know a few tricks. Adobe Illustrator Stroke - tutorial.