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Cairn Gorm. Cairn Gorm (Cairngorm) (Gaelic: An Càrn Gorm, meaning Blue or Green Hill) is a mountain in the Scottish Highlands overlooking Strathspey and the town of Aviemore. At 1245 metres (4084 ft) it is the sixth highest mountain in the United Kingdom. It has given its name to the whole range, although these hills are properly known as Am Monadh Ruadh (the Red Hills) rather than the Cairngorms. Cairn Gorm is the most prominent of the Cairngorm mountains in the view from Speyside, but it is not the highest. Much of the north-western slopes of the mountain are downhill skiing developments concentrated in Coire Cas. As well as ski tows, snow fences and bulldozed tracks, this corrie is also now home to a funicular railway. The next corrie south of Coire Cas, Coire an t-Sneachda, is separated from the skiing area by a ridge known as Fiacaill a' Choire Chais.

Walking and climbing[edit] 1971 disaster[edit] Cairngorm Mountain ski resort[edit] History[edit] The funicular controversy[edit] The funicular track. Cairn Gorm (Munro) - Scotland Mountains - Trip Reports - Cairn Gorm, Ben Macdui. Route: Ski Centre - Cairn Gorm - Cairn Lochan - Ben Macdui - Creag an Leth-choin - Ski Centre I had spent the night in Fort William, visiting my friends Annie and Colin. This day, they drove me from Fort William to Carrbridge (near Aviemore), where I would be enjoying the week at Woodland Club Resort. The weather was just unbelievable, and I couldn't wait to get up to the mountains. Even if we came in late, it was still time to have a look around.

The trail to Cairn Gorm runs from the ski-centre, up to the left when facing the funicular railway, and next to a small, white meterological device. I noticed the signs that prohibits access to the summit from the Restaurant. On the way towards Cairn Lochan, I enjoyed the spectacular northern corries. In the saddle between Stob Coire an t-Sneachda and Cairn Lochan, the route towards Ben Macdui breaks out towards SW. I reached Ben Macdui at 16:00PM, less than an hour after leaving Cairn Lochan. CairnGorm Mountain Webcams // Winterhighland Webcams Scottish Ski Club Hut and Ptarmigan Bowl // Winterhighland. Live Weather: At 1050ft (320m) on Wed 9th Sep 2015 Cam Status: 04/9/15: SSC Hut: Online. Back online, new network setup will be installed late summer to improve robustness of the data link.Ptarmigan: Off for Summer.

AWS Status: SSC AWS:Online. Morlich AWS: Online. Visit our other CairnGorm cams: Loch Morlich | Aviemore Estimated Sunrise on CairnGorm Mountain today is at 06.33hrs and Sunset at 19.50hrs. Winterhighland's mid mountain CairnGorm webcams are located near the foot of the White Lady at 2500ft, in the Scottish Ski Club Hut. Older Images: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Mins Past Hour: 00mins |10mins | 20mins |30mins | 40mins | 50mins View up the White Lady.

This Camera looks SSE from the Scottish Ski Club Hut up the White Lady and over towards the M1 Poma. Older Images: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Mins Past Hour: 00mins |10mins | 20mins |30mins | 40mins | 50mins View from the Hut Balcony. Looking SSW across the Lower White Lady. CairnGorm from Inverdruie. Cairn Gorm - Munro. :: realise the vision. Cairngorm geology. Geology and scenery Viewed from the surrounding hills and valleys, the Cairngorms appear as a high, rounded hills incised by deep valleys. The Cairngorm Granite is associated with the largest continuous area of ground above 1000 m in Britain. The surrounding metamorphic rocks tend to be lower in elevation, although individual summits such as An Sgarsoch reach 1000 m OD. The contact between the granite and schists is often marked by a major break of slope, such as south of Beinn Bhrotain and Sgor Mhor but this break of slope also occurs within the granite on the north side of the hills and represents the inner margin of a former regional erosion surface (Linton, 1950).

The granite hills tend to be smooth and rounded, with dome-like summits studded with tors. The schist hills are more craggy, reflecting the fissile nature of these rocks and the plucking action of ice. Southern Cairngorms from Carn Bhac © Gavin Shaw. CAIRNGORM-N.gif (GIF Image, 4225 × 2810 pixels) - Scaled (22%) CAIRNGORM-S.gif (GIF Image, 4225 × 2812 pixels) - Scaled (22%) Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team. Cairngorm Disaster 1971 | Scottish Saltire Branch | Aircrew Association. Sqn Ldr Bill Campbell, AFC, Scottish Saltire Branch, ACA Sunday 21st November 1971 is a date etched in my memory. I had been duty navigator at the Search and Rescue Helicopter Flight at RAF Leuchars since 9am with pilot, FIt Lt John Kennedy, only 6 months into his first flying tour, and winchman, Sgt Norman Pringle. Early in the evening it began to snow, very unusual for this low-lying part of east Fife in November.

Then at 9.3Opm Northern Rescue Co-ordination Centre at RAF Pitreavie Castle rang to say that we might have a job in the morning. A party of eight, including six teenagers, were overdue after a two-day trek In the Cairngorms. There had been a cold northwesterly airstream over Scotland for a week, the usual high- level Grampian roads were already blocked and the roads people were having a difficult time over wide areas of the Highlands trying to keep the major routes open. The three of us set about planning for the day ahead. Top Of Page. Cairngorm Mountain Railway. Further up the track It is owned by the Highlands and Islands Enterprise and operated by Cairngorm Mountain Limited. History[edit] At peak times there can be 150,000–160,000 non-winter sports visitors, combined with a further 50,000–120,000 annual sports visitors during the winter. CML can expect to cater for a maximum of 3,000 visitors per day in a peak winter season.

[citation needed] The railway is 13 kilometres (8 mi) from Aviemore and can be reached travelling along the B970 and C38 roads to Glenmore. The total length of the funicular railway track is 1,970 metres (6,460 ft), during which the route rises by 462 metres (1,516 ft). Depending on wind direction, wind speed trend and weather forecast the trains can operate in winds of 100 to 120 km/h (60 to 75 mph). The funicular railway operates by 'hauling' up one carriage using electric motors to pull the haul rope as the other carriage descends at the same time. See also[edit] List of funicular railways References[edit] Coordinates:

The Cairngorm Reindeer. Cairngorm Automatic Weather Station Homepage. Summit for sale as HIE prepares to part with Cairn Gorm - News. THE environmentally fragile summit of Scotland's Cairn Gorm mountain is to be put up for sale after 34 years of ownership by a Scottish quango. Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has appointed a land management company to assess options for the ownership of the 3,500-acre Cairngorm estate, which includes a ski centre and funicular railway. One option would be for HIE to follow the advice of its past chairman, Dr Jim Hunter, who said in 2002 that the estate could be owned or managed by the community. It is thought unlikely that the estate would be sold to a private owner. Last night there was a cautious welcome to any possibility of community ownership. But one MSP said the new owner must be committed to winter sports and the railway and that Cairn Gorm should not be taken over by conservation bodies, such as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, which opposed the funicular project.

HIE says its policy is to dispose of properties it no longer needs.