ESP8266-Config/ at master · AppStackTH/ESP8266-Config. Compiling Your Own Programs For The ESP8266. When the ESP8266 was first announced to the world, we were shocked that someone was able to make a cheap, accessible UART to WiFi bridge. Until we get some spectrum opened up and better hardware, this is the part you need to build an Internet of Things thing. It didn’t stop there, though. Some extremely clever people figured out the ESP8266 had a reasonably high-power microcontroller on board, a lot of Flash, and a good amount of RAM. It looked like you could just use the ESP8266 as a controller unto itself; with this chip, all you need to do is write some code for the ESP, and you have a complete solution for your Internet connected blinking lights or WiFi enabled toaster. Whatever the hip things the cool kids are doing these days, I guess. But how do you set up your toolchain for the ESP8266?
The tutorial covers setting up the Xtensa toolchain and a patched version of GCC, GDB, and binutils. Getting started with the esp8266 and Arduino. The esp8266 is a relatively new wifi module that plays well with any microcontroller. Until recently, the CC3000-based modules had dominated, but at $35/each, they just haven't been a viable option for a lot of use cases.
In this post, I'll show you the easiest way to get started with the esp8266 and I'll show you how to update firmware as you go. The esp8266 comes in many form-factors, but the 01 is the most common and is available from $5-15 each, and it's the variant I'll be using here. Before getting started, please note that this module expects 3.3v. If you hook it up to 5v, it will go up in smoke. One easy way to get the correct voltage is to grab a cheap LD33V voltage regulator and give yourself a 3.3v rail. esp8266 Hello, World! The first thing I like to do when getting a new toy is make the lights to blink & get some kind of output moving around. If you've already been playing with Arduino, you might have a FTDI cable already. . $ screen /dev/tty.usbserial-A7045L3R 115200 Woohoo! Wiicom - easy way to wi-fi – Products Archive. Electronics. Arduino Maker Projects. Can you move over? The 74HC595 8 bit shift register.
OK, so say you have this crazy cool idea where you need to control a ton of LEDs (I know, I know… LEDs). You looked at the multiplexer article, and that was great, but this idea is so cool, you need individual control of each LED, and turning them on one at a time just won’t do. Well again, we are here to help, and now it’s time to introduce you to the Shift Register. Not just any shift register, the super cheap, incredibly awesome 74HC595 8-bit Shift Register! What does a Shift Register do? Basically a shift register will, in the end, let you expand on the digital outputs you have on your mictrocontroller.
Each one of these 74HC595s can act like 8 more digital outputs, and you can daisy chain them. So you could hook 8 of them up next to each other and have control of 64 outputs. But the way it works is a little confusing to think of at first, and these are helpful enough that it is really worth understanding what the heck is going on under the hood. Hooking it up How we make it work Code. Arduino Multiplexer Shield, 48 I/O from 7 Pins. If you need a lot of inputs and/or outputs, this is your solution! The Mux (Multiplexer) Shield II adds the capacity for up to 48 inputs or outputs on an Arduino. Using three Texas Instruments CD74HC4067 Analog Multiplexers and six SN74HC595 Shift Registers, the Mux Shield II makes it possible to have 48 analog/digital inputs or digital outputs in many combinations, easily handled by the provided Arduino library.
This version improves on the original by moving all of the I/O pins to the end of the board, thus allowing you to add one big connector and hook up a ribbon wire or similar cable solution. This also gets the pins out of the way so that the Mux Shield can be in the middle of a stack, with a shield on top of it, and you can still get to the I/O pins. Note: The shield does not come with any headers installed. Arduino Multiplexer Shield Features Arduino Multiplexer Shield Resources Optional Recommended Products for this Item.
Muxing Around With The CD74HC4067. Have you ever found yourself running out of pins to read an array of analog sensors? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, it happens to the best of us, and there is something you can do about it. An analog / digitalmultiplexer like the CD74HC4067 (mux for short) can help multiply the amount of pins you have, and it is insanely easy to connect to your arduino or other microcontroller The CD74HC4067 is a 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer. It is available in a breadboard-ready DIP package, or, if you are as addicted to breakout boards as I am, SparkFun offers a breakout board SSOP version. What it allows you to do is use 4 digital pins, to control the flow of one pin to 16 others. It can actually be used in either direction, and even with serial or other digital interfaces.
For this tutorial we are just going to read the value from 16 pots because buying 16 analog sensors for this would have been overkill. A multiplexer of this sort really just acts as a 16 to one 1 switch. Void loop(){ Esp8266. Field Monitoring Project. Arduino. uControllers. Arduino Mux Shield E000008. XRF documents. Banners Top Search You are here: Home Articles by list XRF documents XRF documents Details Category: Articles Last Updated on Friday, 03 October 2014 15:22 XRF documents Description XRF Manual Technical data XRF Pinout for LLAP Devices XRF data sheet PDF AT Command Reference Build instructions This unit comes ready built Tutorials Configuring the XRF Connecting an XRF to a PC using an FTDI interface Troubleshooting XRFs Using XRF with Arduino Fio Using the XRF as a CC1110 device Firmware updating - HOW TO Updating the XRF firmware XRF Firmware upload with a Raspberry Pi Older versions and bootloader updates XRF1.5 Bootloader3D Upgrade & Firmware Upload XRF v1.5 differences Updating to bootloaderV2.hex Using XRF 1.5 with 5v micros Using XRF1.5 with AXE401 Picaxe board Downloads and Firmware XCM software (XRF config manager) Personalities for the XRF All XRF Firmware Updates Firmware release notes Projects / Blogs Python thermostat control using XRF with generic IO to sense and switch See also: SRF configuration guide < Prev.
Geeetech CD74HC4067 Analog Digital MUX Breakout Board Arduino Compatible. Place bid Review and confirm your bid Bid confirmation d h m s day hour hours FREE postage See item description (Approximately ##1##) (Enter ##1## or more) (Enter more than ##1##) Your max bid: Increase max bid Confirm bid Cancel Change bid Close , you've been outbid. . , you're the highest bidder on this item. . , you're the first bidder. . , you're currently the high bidder, but you're close to getting outbid. , this auction is almost over and you're currently the high bidder. , you're the high bidder, but the reserve price hasn't been met. Please enter your bid again. Please enter a valid number as the bid price. Enter an amount that is equal or greater than the minimum bid required.
Maximum bids can't be lowered once they're submitted. Your bid is greater than or equal to the Buy It Now price. Changing nrf24l01 channel · Issue #2 · kehribar/nrf24L01_plus. Microsoft Word - nRF24L01 Tutorial 0.doc - nrf24l01_tutorial_0.pdf. NRF24L01 2 4G Wireless Serial Module STC15L204 Wireless Development Board. RTL 2832u-R820T SDR as a Spectrum Analyser ? RTL 2832u-R820T SDR as a Spectrum Analyser ? SDR-14 Information. SDR-14 Information What exactly is the SDR-14? The SDR-14 hardware is primarily a signal capturing device. It samples the input data at a fixed 66.67MHz rate with a 14bit A/D converter. This sampled data can be sent directly to the PC or it can be converted to a complex baseband signal and downsampled to lower sample rates before being sent to the PC. For sample rates faster than the USB can support, a memory buffer will store up to 262144 samples at up to 66Msamples/sec and then the SDR-14 will send the buffer at the slower USB rates back to the PC.
The SDR-14 does not do any other signal processing except for the complex baseband conversion and downsampling. The SDR-14 has 2 inputs. What is unique about the SDR-14? The SDR-14 is unique in that it can sample and buffer data at a high sample rates before sending it back to the PC. Typical Panadapers have fairly high bandwidth resolutions on the order of 2Khz or so. What kinds of things can I do with an SDR-14? Where can I buy one? No. Yes. ACS712 Current Sensor- 30A [SEL71230A] - $3.98 : Elecrow bazaar, Make your making more easy. Solar Powered Circuit Waters Your Plants. If you want your plants to stay healthy, you need to make sure they stay watered. [Dimbit] decided to build his own solar powered circuit to help automatically keep his plants healthy. Like many things, there is more than one way to skin this cat. [Dimbit] had seen other similar projects before, but he wanted to make his smarter than the average watering project.
He also wanted it to use very little energy. [Dimbit] first tackled the power supply. He suspected he wouldn’t need much more than 5V for his project. Next [Dimbit] needed an electronically controllable water valve. One day, when [Dimbit] ran out of laundry detergent, he noticed that the detergent bottle cap had a perfect hole that should be sealable with a steel ball bearing. The actual circuit runs on a Microchip PIC microcontroller. ACS712 - dakumas. Holo daviklis Skaičiavimo metodikos šaltiniai: For my microcontroller projects I used ACS712 – the model that has Optimized Accuracy Range is 5 A and Sensitivity is 185 mV/A This means voltages will increate 185mV per 1 Amp.
The output voltage when there is no load (Zero Current Output Voltage) is Vcc (Supply Volatage of ACS712) x 0.5. My first calculus is [1] Zero Current Output Voltage = 3.3 x 0.5 = 1.65 The next calculus is for calculating output voltage [2] Vout = ( 0.185 x Current) + 1.6 Vout: output voltage of ACS712 Sensitivity: 185mV/A (0.185 in calculus [2]) Zero Current Output Voltage: 1.65V (calculus [1]) Current: Current usage by electrical devices. From calculus 2, we can find current usage as [3] Current = (Vout – Zero Current Output Voltage) / Sensitivity Current = (Vout – 1.65) / 0.185 Once we have calculus 3, we can calculate electrical power as [4] Power = V(rms) x I(rms) = 311.08 Watt.
Accurately Measuring Electrical Conductivity. [Ryan] designed a PCB that lets you easily take readings from a commercial electrical conductivity probe over I2C. Conductivity measurements are great for measuring the salinity of a solution, which is useful for applications like hydroponics. While the probes themselves are a bit pricey (on the order of $50 from eBay), they are very accurate and last a long time. Commercial conductivity probes contain platinum electrodes to prevent corrosion. The electrodes are excited with an AC signal, which prevents polarization of the solution and avoids chemical reactions at the electrodes.
The voltage across the two electrodes is measured while the electrodes are being excited, which is proportional to the conductivity of the solution [Ryan]’s board generates +/-5v and uses a Wien bridge oscillator to generate a sine wave which excites the outermost electrodes. RFToy Makes Wireless Projects Easier. [Ray] has created RFToy, a simple gadget to aid in setting up wireless systems with a variety of common radio modules. RFToy is an open source microcontroller board running on an ATmega328. While RFToy is Arduino code compatible, [Ray] chose to ditch the familiar Arduino shield layout for one that makes it easier to install RF modules, and is more handheld friendly. [RFToy] includes headers for the popular nRF24L01 2.4 GHz transceiver, as well as 433/315 transmitters and receivers found in many low-cost wireless electronic devices. The 128×64 pixel OLED screen and 3 button interface make it easy to set up simple user interfaces for testing new designs.
[Ray] hasn’t broken any new ground here. Check out [Ray's] demo video after the break. Low Current Sensor Breakout - ACS712 - SEN-08883. Description: This current sensor gives precise current measurement for both AC and DC signals. These are good sensors for metering and measuring overall power consumption of systems. The ACS712 current sensor measures up to 5A of DC or AC current. We added an opamp gain stage for more sensitive current measurements. By adjusting the gain (from 4.27 to 47) you can measure very small currents. The ACS712 Low Current Sensor Breakout outputs an analog voltage that varies linearly with sensed current. The bandwidth on the ACS712 Low Current Sensor Breakout has been set to 34Hz to reduce noise when using at high gains. Documents: ACS712 Current Sensor Read | Electrodragon Blog.
The ACS712 sensor read the current value and convert it into a relevant voltage value, The value that links the two measurements is sensitivity (you can find it on the datasheet) which – for 5A model – has a typical value of 185mV/A. The sensor can measure positive and negative currents (range -5A…5A), and power supply is 5V for the sensor, and the middle sensing voltage is 2.5V when no current.
We are offering 5A and 20A version in our store. It’s DC and AC current sensing support! The value reading for this is also simple, use arduino default function AnalogRead() will be enough, however, that function outputs a value between 0 (0V in input) and 1023 (5V in input) that is 0,0049V for each increment. In our testing case, we use 9V battery to supply one arduino, and the ACS712 sensor connecting to the Vin port of this arduino (let is call it arduino A), and another arduino (B) will receive the value of the current sensor. void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {
Direct Sampling Mode. The rtl-sdr software defined radio can be told to run in a mode called “direct sampling mode”, which with a small hardware mod allows the dongle to tune to the HF frequencies where ham radio and many other interesting signals are found. This means that no upconverter circuit is required. However, the difficulty with direct sampling is that a hardware modification to the dongle is required.
Also, the performance can not be expected to be as good as an upconverter. The direct sampling mode was originally discovered and discussed in this Google groups thread. Examples YouTube user Superphish was able to receive HF AM broadcast radio, and a decode a HF weather fax signal at 5.8MHz using the direct sampling mod. HF AM Radio with RTL SDR (RTL2832) in Direct Sampling Mode with SDR Sharp HF Weatherfax with RTL SDR (RTL2832) in Direct Sampling Mode, SDR Sharp and FLDIGI YouTube user 907h9879070g9790 was able to use the direct sampling mod to receive and decode a RTTY signal at 147KHz.
Hardware Mod. RTL SDR FT-857 panadapter with HDSDR. RTL 2832u-R820T SDR as a Spectrum Analyser ? RTL SDR As A Spectrum Analyzer | Hackaday. nRF24L01. Super Probe. 100led, Photo-detector Barcode Scanner. Automatic Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit Using IC 555 | Homemade Circuit Designs Just for You. Home_auto. Open Hardware. Current - Current.pdf. How to measure dc current with a microcontroller? A new multi-function power supply unit for my Embedded Lab. MegunoLink | A development and user interface tool for your embedded projects.
How to access serial and parallel ports by using Visual Basic .NET. The Internet of Things Chip Gets a New Spectrum. Analog input reading using 741 op amp with pic. Hacklet 19 – Ham Radio. AVR CDC. Indie. Dinheiro_rapido. Virtual wire Attiny. Projetos. Basic eletronics. nRF24L01. 10 DOF IMU Sensor | Inertial Measurement Unit. Why CDC Serial Device installation fails on Windows Vista and 7 ? DuinoMite/mchpcdc.inf at master · OLIMEX/DuinoMite.
PIC18F4550 Microcontroller Datasheet & PinOut. J. Mike Rollins: 18F_hardware. Flowchart. Serial Port Data Logging.
ARDUINO. Serial Adapter RS232/TTL 3-5,5V. RS232 to TTL-5V Converter Mini Board. GPIO. Voltage. RS485 to 8 Digitally Outputs controller, BUS ID:01. DC Opto-Isolated Input Board. Tv RCA PIC. Multiplexing. Multiplexer Breakout. Analogue/Digital Multiplexer Breakout Board. Analogue/Digital Multiplexer Breakout Board. Analog/Digital MUX Breakout - BOB-09056. 32 channel multiplexer. Mux Shield II - DEV-11723.
Critical Velocity - MonsterMux 32 Channel Analog Multiplexer Shield Kit for Arduino P/N: MMUX32. Signal-to-noise ratio - MATLAB snr. PCB. Vertical Etching Tank for DIY PCB etching. ESP8266 Distance Testing.