Kratom Use by Pets -- Anecdotal Reports by Pet Lovers. The use of the herb kratom in pets has been a subject of much interest, due to the amazing results pet owners have reported and credited to the botanical. Much of the research to determine the safety of kratom has been done on animals, generally on rats and mice, but occasionally on dogs and cats. The good news, though limited, is that — even at absurdly high doses of the pure principle alkaloid, Mitragynine or standardized extracts of the whole plant, all the animals survived. Only at the highest doses of pure Mitragynine was there found to be any damage to the animals’ kidneys and/or livers.
Anecdotal reports by those who care for pets have been very encouraging for dogs with hip dysplasia, other injuries, anxiety, and age-related low energy, etc., as you’ll see below. The comments of several veterinarians and care-givers in pet rescue facilities have been supportive of giving kratom to dogs in small doses. Stormy: I use it for my two chihuahas all the time.
Jaw Dropping Study Shows Cannabis Helps a Whopping 90% of Epileptics Who Try It. For the past two years, we at The Free Thought Project (TFTP) have reported on the rise of medical cannabis to treat epileptic seizures, especially in children. As knowledge is spread and legalization sweeps that nation, many people are coming forward to tell of their wondrous success at stopping seizures with cannabis – where pharmaceutical medications failed. At the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in Dec. 2015, the most talked-about study was one where medical cannabis provided very significant seizure reduction in epileptic children. As studies and real-life success stories piled up, the medical cannabis field advanced to the point where there is now a nasal spray that consistently stops seizures within 20 seconds. TFTP conducted an exclusive interview with the mother of Novaleigh, a 5-year-old girl who suffered from 100 seizures a day along with other debilitating conditions.
The Australian study is telling indeed. Six Non-Cannabis Plants That Are High In Healing Cannabinoids. Even if you live in a place where access to medical marijuana is illegal, you can still reap the benefits of cancer-fighting cannabinoids by utilizing these other medicinal plants. As interest in Cannabis’ numerous medicinal uses continues to grow, research into the effects of Cannabinoids has also expanded in recent years. Cannabinoids – medicinal compounds that interact with specific and plentiful cell receptors – are found in numerous plants, many of which are not even closely related to cannabis. All Cannabinoids directly stimulate what is known as the Endocannabinoid System, a system composed of neuromodulatory lipids and Cannabinoid receptors located throughout the nervous system. These receptors can also be found in several different organs, glands, connective tissues, and even immune cells. The two receptors of the endocannabinoid system are known as CB1 and CB2. 1.
Credit – Diet of Life 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are your thoughts? By Whitney Webb Other interesting article: Comments: Why Is This Powerful Addiction-Fighting Substance Banned in the U.S.? Photo Credit: iordani State legislators, medical marijuana patients, doctors and adult cannabis consumers have been stymied in many ways by the federal listing of cannabis as a schedule 1 controlled substance. However, cannabis is not unique in that regard. For example, another powerful medicine plant, the iboga shrub, is likewise banned from medical use. What makes iboga a special case is that its major medical value has been as an effective treatment for addiction to alcohol and hard drugs. Once again, the Drug War that is supposed to prevent addiction is used instead to withhold treatment from those who most need it. Marijuana reformers know all too well the hypocrisy of the US Drug War. Cannabis to reduce opioid use; ibogaine to treat hard drug addiction Ancient plant eliminates withdrawal symptoms Ibogaine is naturally sourced from a number plants, most famously tabernanthe iboga.
Ibogaine doesn’t cure addiction so much as make it a lot easier to quit. Enzyme In Broccoli Appears to Slow Aging (& Benefits You in Other Powerful Ways) By Dr. Joseph Mercola | Eating plenty of fresh vegetables (ideally organic to avoid pesticides) is a foundational aspect of a healthy diet, and can help lower your risk for many chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes,1 heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.
Besides being rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, vegetables also contain antioxidants and disease-fighting compounds you won’t find in other foods, especially not processed foods. Some phytochemicals (plant chemicals) help reduce inflammation and eliminate carcinogens, while others regulate cell reproduction, apoptosis (programmed cell death) and DNA maintenance. Certain plant compounds also have potent anti-aging effects. Broccoli, for example, which is probably best known for its anti-cancer activity, also contains an enzyme researchers believe may slow age-related decline in health by restoring your metabolism to more youthful levels.2,3,4 Broccoli Enzyme May Slow Aging “We are losing the enzyme NMN.
Healthy News and Information. A marijuana chemical known as cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) helps fractures heal faster and even make the bones stronger than they were before, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University and published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. CBD has no psychotropic effects. “We found that CBD alone makes bones stronger during healing, enhancing the maturation of the collagenous matrix, which provides the basis for new mineralization of bone tissue,” researcher Yankel Gabet said. “After being treated with CBD, the healed bone will be harder to break in the future.” The researchers inflicted mild femoral fractures on rats, then injected some of them with CBD, and others with CBD plus tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the ingredient that causes the marijuana high).
They then evaluated the healing of the rats, comparing them with rats who had not received any marijuana chemicals. The list of benefits to medical marijuana continues to grow. Share: Boost Your Chi (Energy) Using These 3 Sacred Herbs. By Aaron Weis, founder of Cultivating chi with herbs has been practiced for thousands of years. Whether you want to boost your bodily energy, development yourself spiritually or simply give yourself more will that fortifies all your practices, these three little known sacred herbs can help you along the way.
Before we go into these rare herbs let’s talk about chi. According to many traditional Chinese cultures, “Chi or Qi” literally translates to “breath”, “air”, or “gas”, and is considered “material energy”, “life force”, or “energy flow”. Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and many martial arts across the globe. Hindu philosophies contain a similar idea that is promoted in Yoga and Ayurveda.
In Sanskrit, Prana is the word for “life force” or “vitality”. You probably already know what I’m about to say… Yes, there are literally herbs you can take to cultivate this life force energy in your body, mind and spirit. 6 Plants Other than Cannabis That are High in Healing Cannabinoids. This Amazing 'Elixir of Life' Herb Keeps Your Skin Soft, Lungs Happy and Heart Open. By Aaron Weis | Dream Catcher Botanicals The taoist flying herb, also known as wild asparagus root, is used both spiritually and physically. It has long been revered by Tibetan Monks as an elixir of life and a potent herbal tonic for the skin, lungs and heart. Dried Wild Asparagus Root Keep in mind that wild asparagus root isn’t just your run of the mill asparagus that you grow in your vegetable garden or buy at your local grocery store.
It’s actually a wild type of asparagus. This special plant has been grown for its medicinal qualities in China for over 2000 years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it’s called “Tian Men Dong” which translates as lush winter aerial plant and is sometimes called Heavenly Spirit Root. Here are my Top 3 Health Benefits for Wild Asparagus Root: #3- Mental Happiness Taoists claim that by consuming Wild Asparagus Root a person gains the ability to fly. . #2- The Skin #1- The Lungs Dream Well, Stay Awesome, Live Better! Plantain, a common driveway weed, is one of nature's most powerful medicines. 5 Books That Will Decrease Your Dependency On Big Pharma. By Anna Hunt Just because many of us don’t support the practices of big pharmaceutical companies, doesn’t mean that we don’t get sick. At one point or another, everyone turns to medicine to alleviate symptoms of an illness. With these five amazing books, you will be able to create your own herbal medicine cabinet and decrease your dependency on big pharma. 1.
The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook: A Home Manual by James Green Making your own herbal preparations isn’t as complicated as many of us think, and The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook makes at-home herbal medicine making easy enough for anyone. This book offers step-by-step instructions on how to prepare your own concoctions and explains why certain steps are necessary if you want to create the ideal herbal medicinal mixture. This book is perfect for families with younger children, as it has a full chapter dedicated to herb jellos, something you probably didn’t even know was possible!
2. 3. Its Leaves Contain All Essential Amino Acids and its Seeds Purify Water. John Summerly, Prevent DiseaseWaking Times Moringa oleifera has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value and medicinal benefits. Different parts of Moringa contain a profile of important minerals and are a good source of protein, vitamins, amino acids and various phenolics. It possesses anti-tumor, anti-epileptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, antispasmodic, anti-hypertensive, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and is being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system of medicine.
Moringa is an important food source in many parts of the world. It can be grown cheaply and easily, and the leaves retain lots of vitamins and minerals when dried. It is used in India and Africa in feeding programs to fight malnutrition. Moringa leaf is best known as an excellent source of nutrition and natural energy booster. Nutrient Profile It also contain the powerful antioxidant Quercetin to help lower blood pressure. Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, So What Is The Alternative? By Sayer Ji A recent Reuters’ article opened with the following stunning sentence: “Long-term high-dose use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is ‘equally hazardous’ in terms of heart attack risk as use of the drug Vioxx, which was withdrawn due to its potential dangers, researchers said.” The 2004 Vioxx recall, as you may remember, was spurred by the nearly 30,000 excess cases of heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths caused by the drug between 1999-2003.
Despite the fact that scientific research had accumulated as early as 2000 linking Vioxx to increased heart attacks and strokes, the drug’s manufacturer Merck, and the FDA, remained silent as the death toll steadily increased. The Reuters report focused on new research published in Lancet indicating the risk of heart attack increases as much as a third and the risk of heart failure doubles among heavier users of NSAID drugs. INFLAMED: Our Default Bodily State Why are so many folks taking NSAID drugs like ibuprofen anyway? "Super tea" has 10 times more antioxidants than regular green tea. He Claims To Have ‘Found The Cure For All Diseases,’ And Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It! Vegetable Extract Treats Autism Better Than Drugs. Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoWaking Times The CDC says there is no treatment for autism, but this vegetable extract significantly improved the condition in a recent clinical trial.
Presently, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is considered a condition with no known conventional treatment. According to the CDC: “There are no medications that can cure ASD or treat the core symptoms.”[1] With a prevalence rate in the U.S. estimated to be 1 in every 68 children,[2] a growing number of families are actively searching for safe, affordable and effective interventions.
Thankfully, and despite the failings of pharmaceutical-based medicine, there are natural interventions that have been studied and appear to hold great promise. For instance, we have indexed research from the National Library of Medicine on over 30 natural substances that may play a role in improving the condition.
Broccoli Extract Does The “Impossible”: Improves Autism Spectrum Disorder The dosing schedule was determined by body weight: One Herb: ‘Triple Action’ Against Skin Cancer, Photo-Aging and Liver Detox. By Christina Sarich | Need something besides toxic sunscreen to protect against skin cancer? How about the herb, milk thistle? Milk thistle is already well-known for its ability to help the liver detoxify itself, but evidently it has several important effects on our skin, too.
Milk thistle protects against photo-aging, or UV damage, and effectively blocks both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) induced skin carcinogens. It’s a compound called silibinin in milk thistle that does all the hard work to protect you from cancer. “When you have a cell affected by UV radiation, you either want to repair it or kill it so that it cannot go on to cause cancer. Agarwal goes on to explain: “When you take human skin cells – keratinocytes – and treat them with silibinin, nothing happens.
The study abstract reads: So not only does milk thistle protect you once your skin is damaged, it helps to make sure that your skin doesn’t become cancerous in the first place. New Study: Can Turmeric Help With Alzheimer's Disease? | The Smart Living Network. I visited India for the first time in 2006, and one of my fondest memories from that trip was walking into an open-air community market. I was overwhelmed. The sights and smells were a feast for the senses. Commerce bustled off blankets on the ground and carts packed with various fruits and vegetables. The spices were incredible in their color and fragrance. The Ayurvedic Tradition For over 3000 years, traditional medicine has been a strong force in the health and wellness of India.
Turmeric Turmeric is a shrub that is related to ginger. Ayurvedic Uses for Turmeric Traditional uses for turmeric within Ayurvedic practice include uses as a: Digestive aid Enhancer of liver function Anti-arthritic Cancer therapy Menstrual regulator Eczema treatment Remedies are mostly prepared from the powder and taken as capsules or prepared in teas or liquid extracts. Turmeric and Alzheimer's More Studies on Tumerone Risks of Side-Effects with Turmeric What Does This Mean For Me?
Sources: 1. 2. 3. Dr. 1 Comment or. How a bee sting saved my life: poison as medicine. © Victoria Jenkins Ellie Lobel was ready to die. Then she was attacked by bees. Christie Wilcox hears how venom can be a saviour. “I moved to California to die.” Ellie Lobel was 27 when she was bitten by a tick and contracted Lyme disease. Caused by corkscrew-shaped bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, which enter the body through the bite of a tick, Lyme disease is diagnosed in around 300,000 people every year in the United States.
But back in the spring of 1996, Ellie didn’t know to look for the characteristic bull’s-eye rash when she was bitten – she thought it was just a weird spider bite. Her first doctor told her it was just a virus, and it would run its course. “I just kept doing this treatment and that treatment,” says Ellie. After fifteen years, she gave up. “Nothing was working any more, and nobody had any answers for me,” she says. So she packed up everything and moved to California to die. Less than a week after moving, Ellie was attacked by a swarm of Africanised bees. 7 Legal Herbs That Can Alter Your Consciousness and Super-Charge your Dreams. Ailments Display Page | GreenMedInfo | Natural Medicine | Alternative. Substances Display Page | GreenMedInfo.
Amazing 1930's Pharmacist Map of 'Herbal Cures' Released to Public. Chinese herb eradicates cancer in 40 days, says new researchChinese herb eradicates cancer in 40 days, says new research. 10 Weeds That Heal: And They’re Right In Your Backyard | Survival. Five surprising herbs that can damage your liver. 5 Of The Most Underrated Medicinal Plants. Borax -- The Inexpensive Detox, Arthritis, Osteoporosis And Mycoplasma Cure. Borax — The Inexpensive Detox, Arthritis, Osteoporosis And Mycoplasma Cure | Health.
20 Health Benefits of Thyme Oil. Iboga: At the Crossroads of the Jungle and the Laboratory. Top 5 Natural Antihistamines. Pineapple Compound Bromelain Trumps Colonoscopy for Colon Health. Warnings and Precautions About Black Seeds. Healthy News and Information. Plantain, a common driveway weed, is one of nature's most powerful medicines. 21 Natural Alternatives to the Flu Shot. 5 Eastern Herbs that Treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Forbidden Fruits: Whatever Medicinal Foods The F.D.A. Forbids - NewsSum. Spice Up Your Memory: Just One Gram of Turmeric a Day Could Boost Memory. This Fungus Is Known As “The Mushroom Of Immortality” & “The King Of All Herbs” A Future Ebola Solution? Scientists Discover First ‘Virological Penicillin’ in Chinese Herb.
Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola? Episode 6: Antiviral herbal medicines vs. Ebola and other viral pandemics - Cannabis Takes on Alzheimer’s and Dementia Successfully: Story and Studies. Convinced of the Cure. 12 Negative Aspects of Consuming Cannabis. Cilantro and Chlorella can Remove 80% of Heavy Metals from the Body within 42 Days. The Health Benefits of Una de Gato- Why Cat’s Claw is Helpful for Natural Herb for Smokers, Autoimmune Diseases. 15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmonary Damage.
Man Uses Cannabis Oil to Successfully Treat Another Incurable Disease – COPD | Health.