Massive ‘ Alien Antenna’ spotted on the surface of the moon. A Ufo Hunter from Finland has reported finding a massive ‘strange antenna-like structure’ on the lunar surface.
Is this the ultimate evidence of ‘alien structures’ on the moon? Could these mysterious structures be the reason why we haven’t returned to the moon recently? The image taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) appears to show an anomalous structure ‘unlike anything previously found’ on the surface of Earth’s natural satellite. ‘Aliens could be exploiting the resources and minerals on the Moon, and they have bases there. There are numerous discoveries that support this theory,’ says Mark Sawalha.
‘I’ve become extremely interested in the subject after discovering many weird structures in official NASA images. The image analyzed by Sawalha and other UFO hunters was captured by the LRO and seems to show an antenna-like structure which rises from the surface casting a shadow on the lunar surface. Whether or not this is an actual ‘alien structure’ is debatable. [mashshare] China Releases Moon Footage of Alien Bases. The Moon Conspiracy Fully Exposed: Reptilian & Grey Enslavers, Moon Bases and the Secret Space Program. In his book Letters from Andromeda , contactee Alex Collier details the conversations he had with te...
In his book Letters from Andromeda, contactee Alex Collier details the conversations he had with telepathic extraterrestrial beings from the Andromeda galaxy. One of them was called Moraney and originated from a star system in a constellation he called Zenetae. An ancient being, Moraney was able to convey valuable information to Collier, and it painted a picture very different to what history teaches us about Earth’s past. The Andromedan also revealed that our present is governed by lies and deceit and the general population knows little to nothing about what is really going on in our Solar System. One of the most interesting of Moraney’s disclosures relates to the origin of mankind and involves the existence of a secret base on the Moon. It was used as a transport ship that carried reptilians, human-reptilian hybrids and the first humans to set foot on Earth. U.S. Defence Physicist Spills The Beans On What’s Really Happening On The Moon.
I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth.
The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined. – John Podesta, Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Counsellor To Barack Obama (taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record, in which Podesta wrote the forward) For more on Podesta and his comments on UFOs, you can read THIS article. For a short list of these “statements” (out of hundreds upon hundreds) that Podesta is referring to, you can check out THIS article. There you will also find a few documents pertaining to UFOs. Dr. According to Brandenburg: (quotes taken from the documentary “Aliens on the Moon.
He’s also been quoted as saying: Black Monks, the Moon CONSPIRACY and the Origin of Mankind – In his book Letters from Andromeda, contactee Alex Collier details the conversations he had with telepathic extraterrestrial beings from the Andromeda galaxy.
One of them was called Moraney and originated from a star system in a constellation he called Zenetae. An ancient being, Moraney was able to convey valuable information to Collier, and it painted a picture very different to what history teaches us about Earth’s past. The Andromedan also revealed that our present is governed by lies and deceit and the general population knows little to nothing about what is really going on in our Solar System.
Untitled. Untitled. Lunar Anomalies & Structures Page 01. Moon Surface Anomalies [Many Pics] So, lets try this again.
Here are a few of the moon surface anomlies I find interesting, these are by no means all of them. The images come from a variety of sources including Apollo and Gemini handheld camers, telescopes, and lunar orbiters. A large portion of the surface anomalies were discovered by Richard Hoagland (former NASA scientist), and can be ordered from NASA in negative form. As to the explination to some of the anomalies from NASA, they range from "Its a rock", to "We don't know.
" Surface Anomalies The Shard and the Cube Tower This image is an overexposed 44x enlargement of Lunar Orbiter frame LO-III-84-M. The Castle This extraordinary object comes from AS10-32-4822, an Apollo hand held Hasselblad photo. This enigmantic object from frame AS10-32-4822 is literally hanging some seven miles above the Lunar surface. Archimedes Platform (contraversial) The 12 Mile Long Bridge It was reported John Glen saw this bridge with his own eyes and reported it to NASA.
Object Moving Up Hill.