The Amazing Story of the Clairvoyants Who Observed Atoms. Brendan D. Murphy, GuestWaking Times In few, if any, science textbooks or records of Nobel laureates will you find the name of a bona fide and publicly acknowledged occultist or clairvoyant. This, however, is not because such individuals never contributed anything to the history of science.
On the contrary, it is due to a profound hubris and acute myopia within the institution of Science that talented metaphysical pioneers have not been credited with scientific discoveries and insights that were ahead of their time. Annie Besant (left) and C.W. Occult Chemistry: Leadbeater and Besant From 1895 to 1933, Annie Besant (1847-1933) and Charles Leadbeater (1854-1934), two of the best known theosophists and metaphysicians of the 20th century, conducted clairvoyant investigations into all of the then known elements and certain compounds in order to observe the so-called “fundamental building blocks” that composed them, as well as their general structure. The Ultimate Physical Atom (UPA) Dr. The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements.
Stanford Report, August 23, 2010 When researchers found an unusual linkage between solar flares and the inner life of radioactive elements on Earth, it touched off a scientific detective investigation that could end up protecting the lives of space-walking astronauts and maybe rewriting some of the assumptions of physics. By Dan Stober L.A. Cicero Peter Sturrock, professor emeritus of applied physics It's a mystery that presented itself unexpectedly: The radioactive decay of some elements sitting quietly in laboratories on Earth seemed to be influenced by activities inside the sun, 93 million miles away.
Is this possible? Researchers from Stanford and Purdue University believe it is. There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun. The story begins, in a sense, in classrooms around the world, where students are taught that the rate of decay of a specific radioactive material is a constant. Random numbers. Purdue-Stanford team finds radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation. WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Radioactive decay rates, thought to be unique physical constants and counted on in such fields as medicine and anthropology, may be more variable than once thought. A team of scientists from Purdue and Stanford universities has found that the decay of radioactive isotopes fluctuates in synch with the rotation of the sun's core.
The fluctuations appear to be very small but could lead to predictive tools for solar flares and may have an impact on medical radiation treatments. This adds to evidence of swings in decay rates in response to solar activity and the distance between the Earth and the sun that Purdue researchers Ephraim Fischbach, a professor of physics, and Jere Jenkins, a nuclear engineer, have been gathering for the last four years.
In general, the fluctuations that Jenkins and Fischbach have found are around a tenth of a percent from what is expected, as they've examined available published data and taken some measurements themselves. P.A. Sturrock, J.B. Is the Sun Emitting a Mystery Particle? When probing the deepest reaches of the Cosmos or magnifying our understanding of the quantum world, a whole host of mysteries present themselves. This is to be expected when pushing our knowledge of the Universe to the limit. But what if a well-known — and apparently constant — characteristic of matter starts behaving mysteriously?
This is exactly what has been noticed in recent years; the decay rates of radioactive elements are changing. This is especially mysterious as we are talking about elements with “constant” decay rates — these values aren’t supposed to change. This is the conclusion that researchers from Stanford and Purdue University have arrived at, but the only explanation they have is even weirder than the phenomenon itself: The sun might be emitting a previously unknown particle that is meddling with the decay rates of matter. Many fields of science depend on measuring constant decay rates. Did the sun somehow communicate with the manganese-54 sample?
Chart of the Nuclides 2010. Introduction to Atomic Reactions. The three most common types of radioactive decay which are naturally occurring, are alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. They were found when it was discovered that they responded differently in an electrical field. As can be seen in the graphic, to the left or above, this experiment is very simple.
We have a radioactive sample that emits all three types of radiation. The sample is surrounded by a lead block except for a hole that leads to the experiment. A lead plate with a hole serves as a focuser to let only a small beam through. When the beta rays go through a charged field they bend toward the (+) positive charged plate. Alpha rays bend toward the (-) negative charged plate, so alpha rays are (+) positively charged. In addition to charge, alpha, beta and gamma radiation differ in the degree that they go through matter. A simple sheet of paper, clothing, or even skin will stop alpha rays. Gamma rays have the greatest penetrative abilities. Alpha Radiation Beta Radiation Gamma Radiation. Toi20.pdf.