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HIDDEN OBJECT GAMES - Free Online Hidden Object Games. Find the Munch Scream Game | Art History Games at Artsology | Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893. We have Edvard Munch's famous 1893 painting The Scream at right, and we've extracted his Screamer and placed him in the scene of destruction below in four different places. Can you find all four Screamers? Click when you think you've got one. I SPY | Welcome to the Official Web Site. HIDDEN OBJECT GAMES - Free Online Hidden Object Games. Gardner’s Deer Forrest. Find All 28 Animals Game | Animal Face In The Style of Arcimboldo. We've looked at the paintings of Guiseppe Arcimboldo, an Italian artist who lived in the 1500's, several times here at Artsology.

We've looked at Arcimboldo's Unusual Portraits, we've seen how Arcimboldo makes us ask: which way is up?? , and we've even made Our Own Arcimboldo Food Face. We find his art very fascinating and fun to view, as he makes portraits of people using everything from flowers, sticks, books, and even sea animals (see painting at right, or scroll down for a huge version). Below is an Arcimboldo-inspired portrait (by an unknown artist) which presents you with a fun challenge: how many animals can you find depicted in this face? We'll tell you the answer: there are 28 animals, and we'll even give you a list ... but the question is, can you find them all? All right, we know it wasn't really fair to show you that tiny Arcimboldo picture above and expect you to get much out of it.