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The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn. Celtic Mythology, Irish Hero Tale. [Cu chulainn, Cuchulain]
Michael Fassbender follows his Celtic heart to play Cuchulain. Irish film fans tend to get rightly annoyed when Michael Fassbender, who's surely among the world's hottest actors right now, is referred to as a Brit.
Journalists tend to get confused by all those Bifas and Baftas, not to mention a couple of London Film Critics' Circle awards for "British actor of the year" (the body says this particular gong is handed to both British and Irish actors). But if the German-born, Irish-raised Fassbender's heritage was ever a matter of ignorance, the news that he's eyeing a role as Celtic hero Cuchulain should bring it smartly to public attention. Cuchulain (or Cú Chulainn in some spellings) is often compared to the Anglo-Saxon hero Beowulf, though his story emerged as literature at least 100 years earlier than the famous Geat warrior myth and is about a time long before that, the Iron Age era when battling Irish clans fought for control.
Cuchulain of Muirthemne Index. Sacred Texts Legends and Sagas Celtic Buy this Book at Amazon.com Contents Start Reading Page Index Text [Zipped]
Irishmythology.com: The Leading Irish Mythology Site on the Net. Legacies - Myths and Legends - Northern Ireland - Cuchulain - The Hound of Ulster - Article Page 1. The Red Dragon: The National Magazine of Wales. National Museum Wales. Edmund Tudor. Castles of England and Wales: Chapter 17. IT seems a far cry from Carnarvon to Constantinople, from the castle of Krak des Chevaliers, in the County of Tripoli, to Harlech, on the cliffs of Wales.
Yet it is to the Orient that one must go for the inspiration of the concentric type of fortress, which is seen at its best in the castles built by Edward I to subdue the Welsh. For Constantinople faithfully preserved the traditions of the Roman Empire. The Crusaders brought back to Europe from the East much that the West had forgotten during five centuries; and as the Byzantine Empire was not a dead limb of corruption (pace Gibbon), they brought back these military ideas improved and refined by a people which had fought continually to reconquer its lost territories.
Liturgical Year : Prayers : Litany of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales - Catholic Culture. Paolo Molinari, S.J.
In the Consistory of May 18th, 1970 the Holy Father announced the forthcoming canonization of 40 new saints, the 40 blessed Martyrs of England and Wales.
After asking—in accordance with one of the most ancient forms of the exercise of collegiality—the opinion of the Cardinals, Patriarchs, Archbishops, Bishops and Abbots Nullius present, and receiving their unanimous answer in favour of the Canonization, Paul VI said: "We greatly rejoice that unanimously you have asked that these blessed Martyrs of England and Wales be canonized; this is also our desire. It is our intention to enroll them among the saints and to declare them worthy of the honours that the Church attributes to those holy persons who have obtained their heavenly reward.
Pembroke Story. Pembroke Castle.
Above: the Outer Gate & Barbican at Pembroke Castle King 1978; King & Cheshire 1982 he unsurpassed strength of this mighty Norman Castle, sited on a high ridge between two tidal inlets, gave it the distinction of never haven fallen to the Welsh.
The strategic position, on a major routeway, was chosen early in the first Norman incursions into south-west Wales, when the castle was founded by Roger of Montgomery in 1093, and it stood firm against Welsh counter-attacks in subsequent years. Below: Northeast view showing Great Gatehouse (L), Northgate Tower, St. Ann's Bastion, Hall Block (R) Pembroke's strategic importance soon increased, as it was from here that the Normans embarked upon their Irish campaigns.
Castle History. Pembroke Castle has a long and fascinating history, for it was around 1093 that Arnulf de Montgomery built the small inner bailey standing at the end of the promontory.
Only a few years later the castle withstood a long siege by the Welsh, although its defenders were near starvation. The late 12th century keep is both an outstanding feature and architectural novelty, for it has a massive cylindrical tower with an unusual stone dome. A Tumultuous Past Views from the top are tremendous and the castle's natural defensive position on a rocky promontory overlooking Milford Haven is immediately apparent.
TimeRef - Medieval and Middle Ages History Timelines - Maps of Medieval History. The History of the Great Sessions in Wales, 1542-1830 – Livres sur Google Play. All things Green Man & Jack-in-the-Green. Extracts from old books on the Monikie, Scotland Website.
CLICK HERE FOR A 'BIT OF BACH' WHILE YOU READ (7½ minutes) Extracts from the following . . 'ANGUS OR FORFARSHIRE' Volumes 1 - 5, (c.1882) by A.
J. WARDEN, F.S.A. 'MEMORIALS OF ANGUS AND THE MEARNS' Volumes 1 & 2, (c.1885) by ANDREW JERVISE F.S.A. 'HISTORY AND TRADITIONS OF THE LANDS OF THE LINDSAYS' (c. 1853), by ANDREW JERVISE F.S.A. 'FORFARSHIRE ILLUSTRATED : GENTLEMEN'S SEATS, ANTIQUITIES, and SCENERY IN FORFARSHIRE' (1843), by GERSHOM CUMMING. Welsh presenter Angharad Mair digs up her DNA roots in the Eastern Mediterranean. Veteran television presenter Angharad Mair is the first Welsh celebrity to discover the truth about her ancestral roots as part of a ground-breaking DNA survey examining the country’s genetic make-up.
The Carmarthen-born star was given the results live on last night’s edition of the primetime S4C magazine show Heno, during which it was revealed her ancient forbears were more likely to have hailed from somewhere a lot more exotic than West Wales.
Welsh Genetics - DNA of the Celtic people of Wales. Welsh Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries The Welsh are a proud remnant of many of the early inhabitants of the British Isles with a Celtic language quite unlike English. 19% of the people of Wales can speak Welsh, according to the 2011 census.
Welsh is known for sometimes doubling the first letter of a word, as in ffordd (road) and llwyd (grey). Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at the University of Oxford and founder of Oxford Ancestors, showed that people from North Wales and Mid-Wales are more genetically interlinked with each other than either are with people from South Wales. Sykes also found conclusive evidence that H is the dominant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup in Wales.
Llyfr Taliesin: The Book of Taliesin.
Celtic Studies Resources. Who is Taliesin?
First, the easy answer: Taliesin was an early medieval Welsh poet. Or maybe not—there seems to have been more than one famous poet named Taliesin in early Welsh literature. First you have to determine which Taliesin? Scholars, beginning with Ifor Williams, have usually postulated that there are essentially “two Taliesins.”
Taliesin - Taliesin Poems - Poem Hunter. Taliesin - Taliesin Poems - Poem Hunter. Taliesin. Celtic Mythology - Ancinet-Mythology.com. Unlike the well-established religions of Greece, Rome and Egypt, Celtic myth is more localized, with no universal pantheon. References have been found to over 400 Celtic gods and goddesses, many of whom were only recognized by small cults. At one time, the Celts were spread throughout Europe as far as Asia minor (modern Turkey). The Celts even occupied Rome for a time, before the rise of the Roman Empire, and although they were eventually brought into the Roman Empire, the Celtic people maintained their own religious practices even after the spread of Christianity.
During the Roman era, Celtic-speaking people inhabited Gaul, a vast area of Europe where France, Belgium, Switzerland and some surrounding areas are now located.
Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology. <editorial date="2007"> This document is readable by you today, almost 14 years after I wrote it and more than 12 years after I put it on the web, because of open formats. In this specific case, the format is HTML 2. Can we say the same thing about word processing documents, spread sheets and other office documents? No, at least not yet.
Animal Symbolism in Celtic Mythology. <editorial date="2007"> This document is readable by you today, almost 14 years after I wrote it and more than 12 years after I put it on the web, because of open formats. In this specific case, the format is HTML 2. Can we say the same thing about word processing documents, spread sheets and other office documents?
No, at least not yet. An open format for office documents, based on XML, has been worked out by a consortium of companies, universities and agencies.
Myths and Legends - frames. Welsh Folktales. BBC Wales - History - Themes - The Dream of Rhonabwy. BBC Wales - Arts - Early Welsh literature - Taliesin. John Matthews, Taliesin: The Last Celtic Shaman. John Matthews, Taliesin: The Last Celtic Shaman (Inner Traditions, 2002) John Matthews, like his wife Caitlin, is prominent in Neo-Pagan circles, and they have separately and together written an enormous number of books regarding Celtic, Arthurian, and spiritual subjects. You can find reviews of John Matthews' The Quest for the Green Man at Green Man Review, as well as his The Summer Solstice. The Matthews also offer a variety of services from their Hallowquest Web site. In The Last Celtic Shaman, a new edition of a book previously published in 1991, John Matthews, with assistance from Caitlin, is ostensibly presenting an in depth exploration of the early Welsh poet Taliesin, placing the poet and his work in the context of shamanism.
This is trickier than it might seem, since there are two Taliesins, so to speak. There are two central Welsh texts for Taliesin studies, whether historical or legendary. Is that an accurate description? [Lisa Spangenberg]
Taliesin Texts. The Britons of Strathclyde. St. Alban. The Celts.
The Celts arrived in Britain during a large migration of people from Europe westwards during the early Iron Age.
Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Winnoc - Wikisource, the free online library. Abbot or Prior or Wormhoult, died 716 or 717.
Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Winwallus - Wikisource, the free online library. Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/St. Winefride - Wikisource, the free online library. Born at Holywell, Wales, about 600; died at Gwytherin, Wales, 3 Nov., 660.
Robert Mannyng. Robert Mannyng (or Robert de Brunne) (c. 1275 – c. 1338) was an English chronicler and Gilbertine monk.
Mannyng's Chronicle. Mannyng's Chronicle is a chronicle written in Middle English by Robert Mannyng in about 1338.
EMLS 9.1 (May, 2003]: 5.1-24 "The Legend of the Bischop of St Androis Lyfe"
Tam Lin. The story has been adapted into various stories, songs and films. Synopsis[edit]
Amazon. TITUS-Ogamica: List. Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien Ogam-Inschriften: Einzelne Inschriften Ogam Inscriptions: Single inscriptions 2nd edition: May 1997.
Celtic Digital Initiative. Herbert_BecomingAnExile.pdf. Anglo-Irish poems of the Middle Ages. Caerleon Net Video Clips. Saint Cadocs Church Caerleon by Eija Kennerley from Gwent Local History. List of Published Texts at CELT. The Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius. The Vortigern Studies Sitemap. Internet History Sourcebooks. FIACC: Hymn on the Life of St. Patrick. Saintpatrickdc.org. Unavailable in your country. November (Samhain) 24th. Saints and Stones: Cloyne. Internet History Sourcebooks Project. History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum) by Nennius Translated by J. A. Giles. Internet History Sourcebooks. Unavailable in your country. Cross. GO BRITANNIA! Wales: Sacred Places - Bangor. Celtic and Old English Saints - 11 September. Manx National Heritage. The Grail: From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol - Roger Sherman Loomis.