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Ahavat Am Israel - Love for the Jewish Nation. Weekly Tanya Lesson: Chap. 16, Class 2 - Judaism - Arutz Sheva. Va'etchanan: Prolonging Echad - Judaism - Arutz Sheva. Judaism’s ultimate prayer is the Shema, our declaration of God’s unity.

Va'etchanan: Prolonging Echad - Judaism - Arutz Sheva

Jewish Thought : Destiny Foundation : Rabbi Wein : Jewish Destiny. Seizing Destiny - Judaism - Arutz Sheva. At the end of last week's Torah portion we hear of Hashem's instructions after the failure of some of the Israelites with the Midianite women and we then hear of Moses's directions; Hashem said to Moses, "Take all the leaders of the people and place them before Hashem, facing the sun, and then the flaring anger of Hashem will be removed from Israel.Moses said to the judges of Israel, "Each of you shall kill the men who became attached to Baal Peor.( Numbers 25:4-5) Yet when faced with the arrogant and public display of that sinning we see an Israelite people and their leadership stunned into sad silence.

Seizing Destiny - Judaism - Arutz Sheva

Who should be Fighting Evil - Judaism - Arutz Sheva. For previous article on this subject, click here.

Who should be Fighting Evil - Judaism - Arutz Sheva

Some have suggested, as does the Soncino commentary, that God is speaking the opposite when he asks this of Job, using a rhetorical question. Soncino has a sub-title; “Job Ironically Invited to Rule the World.” Surely the Malbim has it exactly right. My proof is Moses. Judaism. Shmittah For Women. Listen to Liturgy - Listen to a selection of prayers, Grace after Meals, Shabbat hymns, and more - Prayer. Learn Hebrew Prayers: Front Page. Adon Olam Reading Practice - Jewish Prayers. Shavuot, the Sequel to Pesach.

In Parshat Emor the holiday of Shavuot is presented as an extension of Pesach.

Shavuot, the Sequel to Pesach

Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign up! Sefer HaChinuch, Mitzva 306 explains how the two holidays are linked: The Spirituality of the Shmita (Sabbatical) year goes beyond the food that we eat. Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook (1865-1935), First Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael describes the spirituality of the Shmita year in his work Shabbat HaAretz (The Sabbath of the Land): Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign up!

The Spirituality of the Shmita (Sabbatical) year goes beyond the food that we eat

Torah Lights on Emor in the Diaspora, Behar in Israel - Judaism - Arutz Sheva. Emor: And I shall be sanctified in the midst of the children of Israel” (Leviticus 22:32).

Torah Lights on Emor in the Diaspora, Behar in Israel - Judaism - Arutz Sheva

The portion of Emor opens with a strange commandment to the kohanim-priests of Israel: “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Say to the priests children of Aaron, and tell them: “Do not defile yourselves by contact with the dead of the nation.”‘” (Leviticus 21:1). The Bible then lists the exceptions to this rule. A Kohen may defile himself only for the burial of his wife, his mother, his father, his son, his daughter, his brother and his unmarried sister. Judaism is not chiefly concerned with death and the hereafter; rather, it is principally engaged with life in the here-and-now.

Lessons from Sinai. God in Trial. New York - Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski on Haiti Earthquake. Dr.

New York - Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski on Haiti Earthquake

Abraham J. Twerski New York - The recent tragedy in Haiti has elicited a number of comments. People question why G-d permits such catastrophes to happen. Baron, Salo W. [] Rabbi Tully Bryks. By Rabbi Tully Bryks The basic answer to this question is that, without the aid of prophets, we can no longer know why any particular tragedy or suffering occurs.

Rabbi Tully Bryks

That being said, we do know of several possibilities. When something bad happens, we can try to apply some of the various possibilities and speculate as to which option applies to a particular case. From a Jewish perspective, we believe that G-d is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good and completely and totally loves us. While it would be easier to explain suffering by ignoring any one of these definitions (if G-d were not all-powerful, blame it on nature or the Devil; if G-d were not all-knowing, blame it on ignorance), it is quite comforting to know that suffering is not just “bad luck,” “random” or “coincidence.”

Unveiled - by Arnold Eisen - Tablet Magazine – Jewish News and Politics, Jewish Arts and Culture, Jewish Life and Religion. The 30 marriage contracts now being exhibited at the Jewish Museum, on loan from the library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, where I am chancellor, repeatedly take me back to the signing of my own ketubah nearly 30 years ago.

Unveiled - by Arnold Eisen - Tablet Magazine – Jewish News and Politics, Jewish Arts and Culture, Jewish Life and Religion

It remains the most beautiful work of art that my wife and I have on our walls, and the details of the day remain remarkably vivid. It was a picture-perfect August morning, the sky over northern New Jersey a California shade of blue and the air unusually fresh. My friend Jonathan had finished building the chuppah with at least a half-hour to spare. My best man, Neal, had located the ketubah, which I had managed to misplace. Three little nieces in lovely pink dresses had been to the bathroom and back for what seemed the umpteenth time. Hazzan. Shaliah tzibbur: the role of the hazzan[edit] The person leading the congregation in public prayers is called the shaliach tzibbur (Hebrew for "emissary of the congregation"), a ħazzān or cantor.


Jewish law restricts the role to adult Jews.[2] See also: Cantor in Reform Judaism. In theory, any lay person can be a sheliach tzibbur; most synagogue-attending Jews will serve in this role every now and again. In practice, those with the best voice and the most knowledge of the prayers serve much more often. Ashkenazic hazzanim (Hebrew plural of hazzan) are known to repeat words during prayer;[3][4] Yemenite sh'luchei tzibbur, on the other hand, will never repeat words.

There are many rules relating to how a cantor should lead services, but the idea of a cantor as a paid professional does not exist in classical rabbinic sources. ḤAZZAN. Communal official. The word is probably borrowed from the Assyrian "ḥazanu," "ḥazannu" (overseer, director; see Delitzsch, "Assyrisches Handwörterbuch," p. 272a; connected with the Hebrew , meaning "vision"). The Book of Doctrines and Opinions: From last Year – “Masekhet Purim”, a humorous parody of the Talmud, is believed to have first been written in the first half of the 14th century by Kalonymus ben Kalonymus. It later developed into several different versions. Here is the Kol Bo L’Purim with the Kiddish, hagadah, selichot, teshuvot, akdamot, and more. Download it- It is only 31 pages, bring it with you on Purim. The Mystery of the Earth: Mysticism and Hasidism in the Thought of Martin Buber - Israel Koren. Sin, Impurity, and Zuhama - Gate of Reincarnations: Chapter Twenty-Three, Section 2 - Gate of Reincarnations.

...the snake came upon Eve and imparted zuhama [spiritual dirt] to her. This was the case for Adam as well, and all his descendants after him until the days of Moshiach, since they [their souls] were included in Adam at the time of the sin. Thus all people die "because of the bite of the snake," since all were affected by the zuhama. Nevertheless, not all souls are equal, because every soul was blemished according to its proximity to the sin. Some limbs were more directly involved in the sin than others, and so were damaged more. SOUL. Biblical and Apocryphal Views. The Mosaic account of the creation of man speaks of a spirit or breath with which he was endowed by his Creator (Gen. ii. 7); but this spirit was conceived of as inseparably connected, if not wholly identified, with the life-blood (ib. ix. 4; Lev. xvii. 11).

Only through the contact of the Jews with Persian and Greek thought did the idea of a disembodied soul, having its own individuality, take root in Judaism and find its expression in the later Biblical books, as, for instance, in the following passages: "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord" (Prov. xx. 27); "There is a spirit in man" (Job xxxii. 8); "The spirit shall return unto God who gave it" (Eccl. xii. 7). The soul is called in Biblical literature "ruaḥ," "nefesh," and "neshamah. " What Are the Seven Types of Souls? - Questions & Answers. Question: I've heard it said that the seven branches of the Menorah (candelabra) in the Holy Temple represent the seven types of souls. Can you please tell me the unique characteristics of these different souls? Answer: Man was created "in the image of G‑d" (Genesis 1:26). Among the many meanings inherent in this statement is that our souls' composition is the likeness G‑d's divine attributes.

There are seven middot (divine emotive attributes) -- Kindness, Severity, Harmony, Perseverance, Humility, Foundation, and Royalty. Jewish Soul in a Non-Jewish Body? - Questions & Answers. Question Sometimes I feel like I am a Jewish soul born into a non-Jewish body. The Uniqueness of the Jewish Soul. What!? You Mean Women Can Actually Study Talmud? - Was the Holocaust Only Against Jews? In recent decades, attention has rightly been drawn to the large number of non-Jewish victims of Nazi Germany. Besides the estimated 6 million Jewish lives, between 5 and 12 million other people were killed prior to and during the war years.

Holocaust FAQs. 7 Lessons from the Holocaust. Whenever I write on the Holocaust – the Shoah – I do so with a certain degree of humility, and not without a deep sense of pain. For I am reminded of what my parents taught me while still a young boy — the profundity and pain of which I realized only years later — that there are things in Jewish history that are too terrible to be believed, but not too terrible to have happened; that Oswiencim, Majdanek, Dachau, Treblinka — these are beyond vocabulary.

Born in Auschwitz. Honor thy mother. That's the motto Angela Polgar has tried to live by all her life – a life that began in a death camp. Why The Jews? Understanding the cause of Antisemitism. Eclipsed: Poland's Secret Jews. Tusia Dabrowska grew up in Warsaw unaware that she was Jewish, a fact she suspected and then confirmed in her teens. For the past 15 years she splits her time between Wasrsaw and Brooklyn.

My grandmother, an agile woman in her mid-sixties, leaned over a pale, pink-tiled bathtub and reached behind the washing machine next to it. The Secret Diary. Amanda Kantor was born in 1978, and raised on a farm in Washington State, 200 miles south of Seattle. Amanda's mother Nancy was of German extraction, while her father Kevin was pure-bred Irish and proud of it. The Fateful Holocaust Secret. Tom Gale never knew what hit him. Greater than Angels: Interview with Pearl Benisch. Assume Good Intent. The Power of the Pencil. DOVBEAR: October 2008. Untitled. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook on the Weekly Torah Portion, Jewish Holidays and Psalms (Tehillim)

Rav Kook on Shemini: Immersion in Water. Charity is Never an Option. Antisemitism. Jewish Review of Books » Leon’s Roar. Unavailable in your country. Mordecai M. Kaplan and Process Theology: Metaphysical and Pragmatic Perspectives. MK Dr. Ruth Calderon's JTS Commencement Address 2014. Keshet » Queerly Created. The Great Jewish Exodus. Experience Necessary - A Rabbi Whose God Is a Loving and Long-Suffering Mother.

Judaism as a civilization : toward a reconstruction of American-Jewish life : Kaplan, Mordecai Menahem. Women of Valor. Reconstructionist Judaism in the United States. Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Jewish Lights: Seven Beggars & Other Kabbalistic Tales of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. "Jewish Pink Elephant" by Rich Dweck: "Acceptance and Inclusion Can Only Bring Gay Jews Closer" by Rich Dweck. "Jewish Pink Elephant" by Rich Dweck: "New York’s New Firebrand Rabbi" For Sharon Kleinbaum—friend of Christine Quinn, partner to Randi Weingarten—the personal is political.

Jewish Lights: Hasidic Wisdom / Rebbe Nachman. When Madness Comes Home: Living in the Shadow of a Loved One's Serious Mental Illness. Mordecai Kaplan and Mysticism. Three pioneering Jewish women doctors. Jewish Women’s Conference allows women to let down their hair. Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood. Reconstructionist Judaism in the United States. Reconstructionist Judaism: The Fourth Denomination. Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Keshet » Queerly Created. -NJOP. Rabbi Robert Scheinberg's page: What happened to Haman's descendants? Ellen Kushner: The Golden Dreydl « Sleeping Hedgehog. Home. Ask Aviva: Against Anger. Orthodox Union Statement with Regard to the Upcoming Address to the U.S. Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu - OU Advocacy Center.

The Jewish tradition, sexuality, and procreation - Lewis D. Solomon. An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie. On Mystical Transformation of the Righteous Into Light in Judaism*  »  Brill Online. Book Review: Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel by Susan Kahn - Cameron Freeman. Duke University Press. Jewish History - Audio Classes. Why the Reedcutter Didn't Die - Tales from the Past. The Benoni: Perfection is for Everyone - Jewish History. The Physical World According to Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi - Jewish History. The Talmud of 'Arrested Development' Podcasts. Why Israel Lobby Is Biggest Casualty of Feud Over Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech. Israel and Amalek. Dr Yaakov Wise – The Conversation. Theconversation. Argumentum Ex Silentio Argument From Silence. Article « The Existential Necessity Of Zionism After Paris A Commentary Editorial « Commentary Magazine. Martin Kramer on the Middle East.

I'm No Virgin When It Comes to Non-Jewish Women. American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Postethnic Society - Shaul Magid - Google Libros. Sign In. Audio.