Iggeres HaRamban - printable. Back to Iggers HaRamban in color Iggeres HaRamban - The Ramban's Letter (Written to his elder son, Nachman, with the instruction to read it weekly.)
Hear, my son, the instruction of your father and don't forsake the teaching of your mother (Mishlei 1:8). Get into the habit of always speaking calmly to everyone. This will prevent you from anger, a serious character flaw which causes people to sin. As our Rabbis said (Nedarim 22a):Whoever flares up in anger is subject to the discipline of Gehinnom as it is says in (Koheles 12:10), "Cast out anger from your heart, and [by doing this] remove evil from your flesh. " Through humility you will also come to fear Hashem. C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\NBKSX.PDF - igeresHamussar.pdf. Kowledge - Temperaments. Jonathan's Little Corner : Torah : Maimonides : Knowledge - Temperaments These chapters discuss the following five positive commandments and six negative ones: 1) To make one's ways similar to those of God. 2) To mix with those who know these ways. 3) To love one's fellow. 4) To love converts. 5) Not to hate one's fellow. 6) To rebuke. 7) Not to cause embarrassment to someone else. 8) Not to cause pain to the miserable. 9) Not to act slanderously. 10) Not to take revenge. 11) Not to bear a grudge.
This chapter explains that there are many different temperaments and that the intermediate ways are best, and explains how to achieve them. 1) There are many temperaments, all of which are different and each of which is distinct, and which are possessed by different people. There are people of angry disposition who are always annoyed, and there are those who are even-tempered and are never angry, and if they do get angry, it is only slightly and rarely.
Iggeres HaGra. Back to Iggeres HaGra Iggeres HaGra - The Vilna Gaon's Letter(This letter was sent by the Gaon, R.
Eliyahu of Vilna, zt'l while traveling to the holy land of Eretz Yisrael, to encourage and instruct his family in the ways of Mussar. T his classic letter was written in a manner which would bring fire into the hearts of his family in the ways of fearing and carrying out the word of HASHEM) I ask you to refrain from becoming sad, as you truly promised me, and not to worry (or: as Mother promised me - besides, what is there to worry about?).
It is common for men to leave their wives in order to travel and wander destitute for years to make money,. It is well-known that this world is all emptiness, that every amusement is worthless, and woe is anyone who pursues vanity, which is worthless. Purchase all your needs through a messenger, even if this would cost two or three times as much. I have left behind several Yiddish books on Mussar (morality). Your loving Eliyahu the son of R. Mesillat Yesharim - Contents. About the RaMCHaL [By ARYEH KAPLAN] Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, also known as the RaMCHaL after his initials, is best known for his classical work on piety, Mesilas Yesharim (Path of the Just).
This book is studied in all Yeshivos and is considered the finest such work ever written. Indeed, Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, founder of the Musar movement which stressed the study of such books on piety, said, "All the classical works of Musar demonstrate that man must fear God. The Mesilas Yesharim tells us how. " More and more, however, people are also realizing that Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto was one of the most brilliant thinkers of the past several centuries. If one were to choose one outstanding aspect of the RaM-CHaL's works, it is his systematic approach. One can see this in Luzzatto's three major works. His third major work, Kalach Pis'chey Chochmah (138 Gates of Wisdom) deals with the Kabbalah, and is therefore not as well known as the first two.
ARYEH KAPLAN 10 Sivan, 5734. The Judaism Site. Tomer Devorah: The Palm Tree of Deborah by Moses Cordovero. Path of the Soul #1: Discovering Mussar. This new series explores Mussar, a traditional Jewish spiritual discipline that offers sound guidance to help you cultivate the qualities of your soul.
Rabbi Elya Lopian, a contemporary master, defines Mussar as "Making the heart feel what the intellect understands. " Mussar's teachings and practices help us work a radical inner transformation by showing us how to close the gap between the high ideals we hold in mind and the living truth of how we act in life. That's just what Mussar did for me. I discovered Mussar at a time when I badly needed its guidance. But first, a bit of background. I haven't always taught Mussar. But the routines of university life did not satisfy my soul, and so I made a leap to making films. My film work crashed to an abrupt halt in 1997 when my company hit the skids. I had suddenly been handed a very meaningful curriculum: my mission was to redo my life, from the inside out. Confronting my dark side set off a crisis, though I didn't completely fall apart.