Facts about Cyclopoida. Copepods. Traditionally the systematic of the cyclopoid copepods, especially at generic level, has established on the structure and armature of the fifth leg (Kiefer 1927; Rylov 1948; Yeatman 1959; Dussart 1969; Monchenko 1974); particularly the structure of this leg is considered as the base character for the present systematic arrangement of the family Cyclopidae.
However, some authors (Lindberg 1954; Kiefer 1978; Morton 1985; Petkovski 1986) and recently Reid (1993) suggested that this appendage should be considered a somewhat conservative morphological character among the cyclopid copepods, as well as it could have a poor taxonomic value as generic discriminant: the fact is that this feature by itself greatly confuses the issue of definition of some genera which remain still vague and controversial (Reid 1994; Fiers et al. 1996). Family Cyclopidae Rafinesque, 1815 Genus Acanthocyclops Kiefer 1927. Cyclopoida. Cyclopoida. Cyclopoids are distinguished from other copepods by having first antennae shorter than the length of the head and thorax, and uniramous second antennae.
The main joint lies between the fourth and fifth segments of the body.[2] References[edit] Jump up ^ J. K.