The Wolfram Physics Project: Finding the Fundamental Theory of Physics. The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Image and Video Library. Xaonon: Hawking Radiation Calculator. Black holes were so named because they were once thought to give off no radiation whatsoever, but Stephen Hawking showed that this is not the case.
Black holes do produce radiation, with an intensity inversely proportional to the square of their mass. Since most black holes are thought to form from collapsed stars and are very massive, they give off very little radiation. However, a smaller hole (on the order of only a few billion tons) would radiate a great deal more, making it an excellent power source for an advanced civilization. The series of input forms below (Javascript source) calculates various useful characteristics of a black hole and its emissions. The initial mass is set to a billion metric tons, the mass of a standard industrial neuble from The Collapsium. Quantum formulation of the Einstein equivalence principle. Www.forbes.
Home. Ilnuovosaggiatore.sif. 1 Introduzione La radiazione elettromagnetica trasporta essenzialmente quattro tipi distinti di informazione: direzione, tempo, energia e polarizzazione.
Le prime tre proprietà della luce sono familiari a tutti noi, e le corrispondenti tecniche osservative (imaging, timing e spettroscopia) sono ormai strumenti di routine per lo studio degli oggetti celesti a tutte le lunghezze d’onda. Gli sviluppi che queste tre branche dell’astronomia X hanno vissuto, sulla scorta dei progressi tecnologici dell’ultimo mezzo secolo, sono niente meno che spettacolari ed è sufficiente, e.g., uno sguardo anche distratto ad una delle ormai celebri immagini di Chandra (come quella mostrata in fig. 1) per avere un’idea del grado di sensibilità e del livello di dettaglio raggiunti.
Ilnuovosaggiatore.sif. 1 Smart Windows Elettrocromiche Le smart windows consentono di progettare una “membrana adattiva”, in dialogo con l’ambiente circostante, puntando a massimizzare il comfort termico e visivo.
Ilnuovosaggiatore.sif. 1 I materiali del futuro L’ottimizzazione nella sintesi dei materiali è senza dubbio alla base della realizzazione di tecnologie innovative in grado di affrontare le grandi sfide della società contemporanea.
Soffermandosi sulla storia della fisica dei semiconduttori, si capisce che i maggiori successi sono stati spesso compiuti grazie alla disponibilità di materiali di elevata qualità cristallina. Un esempio calzante è la microelettronica, che non sarebbe esistita senza il silicio (Si) ultra puro. Ilnuovosaggiatore.sif. 1 Introduction A sudden blast of votes on an electronic voting machine, an unexpected dive on a transoceanic flight, beams of stainless steel becoming brittle and decreasing their density.
This is what can happen when high-energy neutrons interact with electronic chips or with atoms in the lattice of solid materials. Interaction of neutrons with atomic nuclei is intimately connected to the fact that, unlike the interaction of charged particles such as protons or ions with nuclei, neutrons do not have to overcome the Coulomb repulsion to penetrate into the nucleus, and have therefore a high penetration into materials. When high-energy neutrons collide with an electronic device, or with a metal, they interact directly with the nuclei, producing charged secondary particles, such as protons or alpha particles, that can in turn interact with the electrons in the material, giving rise to ionisation.
As early as 1942, in Fermi’s reports on the operation of the uranium-graphite reactor, E.P. Home SxT. c2e4c760b556f22e65b0b6a15594f5ff699f. Open Source Physics. Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos. Weirdconverter.com. Giocando con la Gravità. Il problema della brachistocrona consiste nel trovare la particolare traiettoria che un corpo, soggetto alla sola forza peso, deve compiere nel passare da un punto ad un punto posto ad una quota più bassa, che sia tale da minimizzare il tempo di percorrenza.
Suprathreshold stochastic resonance. Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance (SSR) is a variant of stochastic resonance (SR) that occurs for a specific set of conditions that are somewhat different from those of stochastic resonance.
Like stochastic resonance, suprathreshold stochastic resonance describes the observation of noise enhanced behaviour in signal processing systems. Einstein for Everyone. Title page, Preface and Table of Contents for Einstein for Everyone Introduction: the Questions Special Relativity Special Relativity: the Principles.
Worksheets on Electrical Engineering & Electronics - All About Circuits. The Physics Hypertextbook. Physics. Richard Feynman is a hero of mine.
If you like physics, you should get to know his work. You can find a list of Feynman resources here. A note on how I teach mechanics The kinematic equations are commonly presented and used in the mechanics portion of introductory physics courses. They fully describe the motion of moving and/or accelerating objects. The problem I have with introducing them too early is that they lead to a rote approach to problem solving that in the end won't serve you well in your study of physics. Instead, I strongly suggest that you solve every problem as if you were "re-inventing the wheel" every time.
Think about problems in the simplest terms: What is happening physically? You'll find that in no time, as you repeat similar kinds of problems and as you notice patterns, that you'll start to take shortcuts. All of the problems solved in problem sets and examples in this section are solved using this approach. Schoolphysics. HyperPhysics. FisiKa. Lezioni di Fisica. Light and Matter: open-source physics textbooks. The Physics Classroom.