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5 Annoying Things That All INTJs Can Understand. The INTJ personality is one of the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs types.

5 Annoying Things That All INTJs Can Understand

That makes it easy for us to feel like no one gets us, or understands the challenges we face. But in most cases, other INTJs have had startlingly similar experiences — and many of us share the same frustrations. Here are five annoying experiences that you’ve likely had if you’re an INTJ. (What’s your personality type? Take a free personality assessment.) 1. INTJs spend a good part of our early life being asked what’s wrong, and a good part of our adult life faking smiles so we’re not asked what’s wrong. This can happen for a number of reasons: We view emotions as private, and we generally contain our feelings, even positive ones.We don’t see any practical use for acting super-hyper-chipper-cheerful.The things that give us the most pleasure are purpose-driven activities, like research or designing something; other people don’t view these as “fun.”We are more likely to be fascinated than happy. 2. 3. 4. 6 Things INTJs Wish You Knew About Them (But They Probably Won't Say)

If you someone with the INTJ personality in your life, there’s a lot that they probably wish you knew.

6 Things INTJs Wish You Knew About Them (But They Probably Won't Say)

But there are also things we might not tell you—especially about our emotional side. As INTJs, we don’t like to show emotions (in fact, just writing this article was like pulling teeth). But that doesn’t mean our emotions never affect us. Here are six things that INTJs wish you knew—but we’ll probably never tell you. These things may not apply to every INTJ in equal measure, but I believe this list is generally true. 5 Confessions of a Female INTJ. “This is Sophia.

5 Confessions of a Female INTJ

I want you to be nice to her.” And with that, the teacher walked off, leaving me sitting awkwardly with a group of girls who already knew my name and didn’t need to be told. After a moment of unsettling silence, the girls went back to their discussion about some computer game, and I, against my teacher’s orders, slyly opened my book beneath the cafeteria table and dived back into the story. I’d always struggled to engage with other girls my age, instead preferring the company of my books and my own thoughts. This is a common experience for many young introverts. My teachers treated my desire to be alone as a problem to be solved, but it wasn’t just that I wanted to be alone. Mystery Solved: My INTJ Personality For as long as I can remember, I’ve exhibited, shall we say, “masculine” qualities. Why did I feel so different from the other girls?

Turns out, it was my INTJ personality. The INTJ personality type is rare, making up only 2-4 percent of the population. What It's Like Being an INTJ Woman. All introverts feel like outcasts at times.

What It's Like Being an INTJ Woman

But there may be no one who feels more like an outsider than women of the INTJ personality type. While INTJ men can generally fit in with other men, many INTJ women don’t fit in with other women — or sometimes with anyone at all. I can’t pretend to be able to fix that, at least not alone. As an INTJ man, I’m no spokesperson for the women of my personality type. But I can see that my female INTJ friends and colleagues really struggle to be understood, so I decided to recruit expert help in the form of career coach Penelope Trunk. Trunk is an ENTJ personality, the INTJ’s extroverted twin. (What’s your personality type? Legality of recording by civilians. The legality of recording by civilians refers to laws regarding the recording of other persons and property by means of still photography, videography, and audio recording in various locations.

Legality of recording by civilians

In many places, it is common for the recording of public property, persons within the public domain, and of private property visible or audible from the public domain to be legal. However, laws have been passed restricting such activity in order to protect the privacy of others. To make matters even more complicated, the laws governing still photography may be vastly different from the laws governing any type of motion picture photography. In the United States, anti-photography laws have been passed following the September 11, 2001 attacks and the increased popularity of camera phones. There might be local laws and policies governing the specific landmark or property in which one seeks to photograph. Exceptions[edit] High-profile locations[edit] Voyeurism[edit] Public display[edit] See also[edit]


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