Experience maps, user journeys and more… Experience Map is an important design tool to understand our product/service interactions from users’ point of view.
One experience map is basically a visual representation that illustrate users’ flow (within a product or service) their needs, wants, expectations and the overall experience for a particular goal. Besides Experience Maps, different names are used to refer to similar representations, some of them are: Customer Journey, User Journey and some time Blueprint or Service Ecology, although there are some nuances in the latter two, I prefer to include them in the group of the multidimensional maps.
How does misinformation spread online? In the run up to the 2013 Italian elections, a social media post exposing the corruption of parliament went viral.
Italian politicians were quietly certain that, win or lose, they would be financially secure by taking money from the taxpayer. Parliament had quietly passed a special welfare bill specially designed to protect policy-makers by ensuring them an incredible unemployment package should they lose their seat in the upcoming election. The bill, proposed by Senator Cirenga, allocated an amazing €134 billion to political unemployment. The Italian Senate had voted 257 in favour and 165 in abstention.
The post caused considerable and understandable uproar. 10 content marketing mistakes to avoid. Content marketing is time-consuming.
Blog posts take hours to write, great images need to be found or created, and those social networks need to be managed and nurtured. It is often not done or persisted with because there is no apparent quick reward. This Is Your Brain on Decision-making. Wharton marketing professor Michael Platt wants to get inside your head.
Specifically, he wants to know why people make the decisions that they do and what influences those decisions. Platt’s latest research looks at the confluence of factors involved in decision-making — from the primitive parts of the brain that respond to the most basic of needs to the push and pull of external forces and opinions. The more we understand about the mechanisms in the brain that influence decision-making, Platt says in this interview with Knowledge@Wharton, the more we can make better decisions. Platt is also a professor of neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine and a professor of psychology at Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences. An edited transcript of the conversation appears below.
The Science of Choices My research focuses on how the brain makes decisions. Key Takeaways The Influencers. Awwwards - Website Awards - Best Web Design Trends. How Automation Will Change Content and Native Ads. Content marketing and native advertising are each set to see strong gains in the near future, as April 2015 research from PulsePoint and Digiday found that the growth rates for both would outpace other formats in the next two years.
But first, marketers will have to deal with hurdles involving efficiency, measurement and targeting, which the rise of automation technology could help resolve. When the study asked agency and brand professionals in the UK and US about barriers that were preventing them from doing more with content marketing and native advertising, lack of resources and budget to deliver high-quality content efficiently was the biggest issue, cited by 55%. Difficulty measuring and proving return on investment (ROI) was second, at half of respondents. Coming in third was the inability to target and distribute at scale. Top-12-online-resources-for-beginners-learning-code. Learning a new skill can be overwhelming, to say the least.
And with a complex and constantly evolving skill like coding, it can seem impossible to figure out where to begin. Report: Path to online purchasing is nonlinear. Bronto Software's "Consumers Tell All" research asked more than 1,000 shoppers to reveal how they shop, confess what irritates them and disclose what makes them want to make a purchase.
According to the data, consumers are not spontaneously window shopping via online stores or casually browsing product pages, said Jim Davidson, head of research for Bronto Software. Instead, they are utilizing multiple devices to extend their shopping experience and influence purchase decisions, creating a nonlinear path to purchase that today's marketers need to understand and embrace. Not only do modern shoppers take a nonlinear path to making their purchases, it's how they regularly shop. A quarter of the online shoppers surveyed made an online purchase at least once a week; consumers from the 30-39 age group were the most active online shoppers, according to the study, with 37 percent of that age group making a weekly purchase.
Apps vs browser "This data should not be a cause for alarm," he said.
UX. Digital Disruption paper. SEO. Webinars/ Training. Social Media. Content Marketing. EDMs and CRM. Award Competitions. Creative Jobs. I run a human marketing agency and am looking for talented copywriters with a flair for branding, communications, marketing (and, preferably, an understanding of HR / talent acquisition / recruitment) to join our production team.
It is vital that you are a passionate writer and possess a natural flair for the written word. Your strongest asset is your ability to use language as a tool, crafting copy that garners attention and piques readers' interest; your command of the English language i.e. grammar and spelling, are beyond reproach.