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CDN Tips Archives - MaxCDN Blog. Iframe-resizer by davidjbradshaw. This library enables the automatic resizing of the height and width of both same and cross domain iFrames to fit their contained content.

Iframe-resizer by davidjbradshaw

It provides a range of features to address the most common issues with using iFrames, these include: Getting started The package contains two minified JavaScript files in the js folder. New Bundling and Minification Support (ASP.NET 4.5 Series) This is the sixth in a series of blog posts I'm doing on ASP.NET 4.5.

New Bundling and Minification Support (ASP.NET 4.5 Series)

The next release of .NET and Visual Studio include a ton of great new features and capabilities. With ASP.NET 4.5 you'll see a bunch of really nice improvements with both Web Forms and MVC - as well as in the core ASP.NET base foundation that both are built upon. Today’s post covers some of the work we are doing to add built-in support for bundling and minification into ASP.NET - which makes it easy to improve the performance of applications. This feature can be used by all ASP.NET applications, including both ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Forms solutions. Basics of Bundling and Minification As more and more people use mobile devices to surf the web, it is becoming increasingly important that the websites and apps we build perform well with them.

Most websites today are made up of multiple JavaScript and CSS files to separate the concerns and keep the code base tight. Simple Example Bundling Minification Custom Rules Summary. Den responsive Bilder-Slider "FlexSlider" nutzen. Bilder-Slider sind sehr beliebt, doch leider sind die bisher üblichen Lösungen meist nicht für responsive Webdesigns geeignet, da sich der Slider nicht automatisch an die unterschiedliche Bildschirmgrößen anpassen kann.

Den responsive Bilder-Slider "FlexSlider" nutzen

How to lose weight (in the browser) 9 Tools, die Webentwicklern die Arbeit erleichtern. Moqups Bevor es ans Entwickeln geht, muss gelayoutet werden.

9 Tools, die Webentwicklern die Arbeit erleichtern

Und wie eigentlich bei allen Dingen, gilt auch hier: eine Stunde mehr Planen bedeutet 10 Stunden weniger Ärger beim Umsetzen. Wir haben euch Moqups schon mal genauer vorgestellt: Das Tool hilft euch dabei, Entwürfe von Websites und Apps zusammenzubauen und sogar klickbare Dummys anzufertigen. Auf der offiziellen Website von Moqups , könnt ihr das Tool ohne Anmeldung ausprobieren. Dabblet Wie testet ihr HTML und CSS-Snippets? Screenfly Heutzutage ist es wichtig, dass Websites responsive sind und auf allen möglichen Geräte-Typen und -Größen gut genutzt werden können.

Colllor Ein paar Farben gefällig? Form builder.


Twitter Bootstrap Themes: 7 Free Themes For Twitter Bootstrap. Like it, love it or hate it – the Twitter Bootstrap craze is in full force.

Twitter Bootstrap Themes: 7 Free Themes For Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a complete kit of HTML, CSS, and Javascript for some of the most common user interface components and interactions. It’s built on HTML5 and LESS and is now fully responsive, supporting a range of resolutions and devices. Many are heralding Twitter Bootstrap as a frontend developer’s dream come true.

It’s a completely open source toolkit, free for anyone to use. If you want to get in on the action while running on WordPress, you’ll be glad to know thatTwitter Bootstrap themes for WordPress are now popping up everywhere. Bootstrap for WordPress This is a basic theme developed developed by @Facens at iubenda. Download Theme BootstrapWP BootstrapWP is a base WordPress theme powered by Bootstrap. Download Theme This theme is from Envex Labs and is a basic starting point for your development projects.

Download Theme. SpritePad - Create and edit css sprites.


Measuring the length of a string in pixels using JavaScript. Aug 22 There are many situations while developing websites when you need to know how long a text string is: not how many characters it has but how long it is in pixels. While this isn't of much importance for regular webdesign it might get useful in certain scenario's like for example when designing Vista Sidebar gadgets. To provide the experience as originally designed, you want to precisely position all elements within the gadget. While it isn't really difficult in case of static text, properly displaying dynamic content within the limited space on a Sidebar gadget might get quite challenging. Having the possibility to determine the visual length of the text string provides you greater flexibility while designing dynamic Sidebar gadgets. The most common scenario I have faced was properly displaying a text string within limited space.

In order to handle the situation described above you will need a few things: a function for measuring the visual length of a text string The Ruler. Technikwürze 169 – HTML5 total » Technikwürze – Web Standards Podcast. In letzter Zeit spielt HTML5 eine immer zentralere Rolle.

Technikwürze 169 – HTML5 total » Technikwürze – Web Standards Podcast

Noch aber steckt die Technologie in der Entwicklung und es ist unklar, ob es je ein „fertiges HTML5“ geben wird. In dieser Sendung werfen wir daher einen sehr genauen Blick auf den aktuellen Stand und klären auf, welche Teile davon schon heute wie eingesetzt werden können. HTML 5 – Grundsätzliches Was bedeutet “HTML5?” (HTML5-Spezifikationen versus diverse Technologien, die unter HTML5 zusammengefasst werden, damit aber nichts zu tun haben wie Geolocation etc) Pro/Contra der Sprachregelung Woher kommt HTML5? Praktischer Nutzen von HTML5 Semantisches HTML5 und die Anwendung header, footer, section, article, aside, nav, etc Outline-Algorithmus IE-Gehacke HTML5 vs.