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The One Cure We Already Have: Interview with Reiki Master and Vegan, Lailah Morid - Superior Magnetics Blog. We’ve all heard about it. Well maybe not exactly as how others did, but I’m sure you’ve noticed the trend too. Different people call it in a myriad of names or advocacies: Saving the Planet, the Inconvenient Truth, Going Eco-Friendly, Revolutionary All-natural Diets, Organic Foods, Veganism, Alternative Medicine. As gimmicky as they all sound—whatever or however the message reached you—it did for a very important reason and you’re about to find out why. Sadly, there is no real peace anymore. Frankly speaking, it’s a little unnerving to realize that from time to time that I simply don’t have anyone I know that is free from stress or illness. This brings us back to the seemingly futile causes we’ve all heard about: the call to change our lifestyles, the recycling initiatives, the growing number of alternative remedies, and holistic healing methods.

If I can masterfully plan my whole life span, I want to live a long and healthy one because I enjoy being in the here and now. Do the math. Go Alternative: Superior Magnetics’ Top 5 Holistic Apps for Better Healing - Superior Magnetics Blog. Holistic healing is an approach that focuses on improving one’s life through various methods uncommon to daily living. The main difference of holistic healing to the traditional or western medicine is that physical health is not the only focus. While it is true that our pains and discomforts are often the signals of an underlying health issue, the physical aspect is just a part of the whole wellness of an individual. Alternative medicine, on the other hand, addresses the mind and spirit of the person—paving the way to a more resolute alleviation from all kinds of pains.

Even so, the experience of a physical discomfort prompts a person’s pursuit of holistic healing, thus, listening to our body is the first part towards better health. Holistic medicine practitioners believe that the whole person comprises of interdependent parts, and if one part is not functioning properly, all the other parts go along with it. There are tons of holistic therapies available depending on your ailment. Herbal Wonders for Holistic Health: Kami McBride’s Story - Superior Magnetics Blog. Hi there! Welcome to the Nature Squad segment, where we feature inspiring stories of natural healing bloggers. Kami McBride, an herbalist and a mom, fell in love with nature at the age of eight when she had her first herb walk at a nature camp. “My Grandfather was an ecologist and the first Parks and Recreation Director in Solano County, California. In fact, he started the very nature camp that I experienced that first herb walk.” In 1967 Kami’s grandfather observed that children were not spending enough time outside, so he created a summer camp that allowed children to immerse themselves in nature, while he simultaneously worked to preserve natural spaces.

The Natural Path is the Way to Go! Besides being the woman behind, a go-to website for knowledge on herbal remedies you can make at home, Kami is also an author of The Herbal Kitchen. “Natural remedies are not new. Of course, adopting the habit of using herbal remedies for illnesses isn’t an overnight process. Ease Your Mind: Therapy Apps for a Better Life - Superior Magnetics Blog. You are not alone. According to a study conducted by American Psychological Association (APA), 47% of Americans are suffering from stress. This stress can not only lead to physical diseases, it can also affect your mental health. Good thing technology is getting much better at helping people find ways to ease their nerves. Therapy apps are evidence of the natural combination of medicine and modern technology. Solace is now available at your fingertips, promising less stress and ease on your budget.

People who suffer from mood disorders often have a hard time expressing their feelings. DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach Developed by Marsha M. SuperBetter Achieve your health goals with this super fun app. Headspace Headspace is one of the most well-known therapy apps on the market today. GPS for the Soul Created by Huffington Post founder, Arianna Huffington, GPS for the Soul uses a sensor to monitor your heart and breathing rates.

References: Optimism app can help patient with mood disorders. Break Free from Pain: Natural Topical Remedies for Body Pain - Superior Magnetics Blog. No one, not even the healthiest and fittest athletes, is immune from body pain. Strenuous physical activity, aging, or injury can inflict pain on anyone. In fact, one in four Americans aged 20 and above say they have suffered from body pain that lasted for at least a day, according to a study by the American Academy of Pain Medicine. Pain can be costly, taking its toll on your finances, your career, your social life, and even your overall disposition. Pain can restrict bonding with spouses and children, with patients having to visit doctors and therapy centers instead of spending time with their families.

Pain can also cripple careers and waste work opportunities. People suffering from pain often take leaves from work or let their work suffer, perhaps leading to dismissal. Pain has to be managed and treated to avoid such consequences. A popular alternative to costly therapies and surgeries is the use of natural-based products that give immediate and lasting relief from pain. Noxicare. Superior Magnetics | Copper Bracelets for Your Grandparents. THERE HAS been an increase in the population of senior citizens in the past years.

The growing improvements in the quality of living, as well as the advancements in medical technology, have allowed the elderly population (that is, individuals aged 65 and above) to balloon in the past decade. With this change in the population dynamics, a lot of societal concerns are redirected and focused on the ailments that come with aging, and one of them being arthritis. Fortunately, there have been various kinds of remedy available for this, and a few come in a form of accessories claiming to have pain-relieving properties. These pieces of wearable treatment help to lessen body pains including those caused by arthritis. Copper bracelets are one of these accessories with the so-called pain-relieving property. The copper ions present in the bracelet are believed to enter the bloodstream over time and are transported to areas of the body suffering from severe pain.

Follow me! Superior Magnetics | The Contradicting Effects Copper Bracelets Provide. LIKE MOST other minerals and elements discovered, copper is undoubtedly essential to our health, and hence, our lives. This kind of mineral assists the iron to be used properly by the body. It supports and maintains the nerve function, iron utilization, enzyme systems, energy production, and skin pigmentation. Aside from providing these benefits to our health, people also believe in the ability of copper to work wonders for the body. This time, in a form of a wearable remedy. In fact, thousands of years ago, the wearing of a copper bracelet as a remedy for body ailments has been popular. Aside from this, there are claims saying, copper also helps in regrowing joint cartilage, as well as helps cure body ailments and relieves pain.

On the contrary, a study in 2013 dismissed the copper’s positive claims. Nonetheless, consumers will be the judge here. Follow me! Superior Magnetics | Magnetic Bracelet: How To Treat Poor Circulation? The theory that links magnets to a lot of health benefits can be traced back to the time magnetism was discovered. During the past decade, there seems to have been an increase in the number of products that support this old belief – products that claim to cure arthritis, improve healing, or provide extra energy by wearing a magnet over the affected area. These magnets are usually very weak and come with a field that hardly reaches the skin, which means reaching down to the affected area or joints is far less likely. Given the fact that health conditions such as high blood pressure, phlebitis, arteriosclerosis, Reynaud’s Disease, and varicose veins are associated with circulatory system health, the possible warning should not be ignored.

Among the many causes will include lack of exercise, cholesterol plaque on artery walls, or even hereditary. An imbalance in one’s system can lead to these problems. Now, the body’s circulation can be improved with the use of a magnetic ankle bracelet. Magnetic Necklace Therapy: How To Fight Stress? Studies suggest that when a magnetic necklace touches the skin, the capillary walls become relaxed. This allows increased oxygenation and increased blood flow, including the elimination of pain-producing prostaglandins. Hypothetically, these actions ease muscle spasms and pain. The effect of muscle relaxant provides relaxation on the skeletal muscle as well as a decrease in the muscle tone.

A magnetic therapy called Biomag low-frequency pulse speeds up the removal of acidic metabolites that brings pain in the muscles and areas with chronic inflammation. This lowers the pain and eases the painful muscle contractions. The magnetic therapy that a person receives when wearing a magnetic necklace has also shown to slow down the nerve conduction in lower extremities that cause muscle relaxation. Meantime, magnetism refers to the changes in the gravitational pull to the North Pole or the unseen attraction of two people for each other. Here are some ideas that can help: Self-Massage Meditate. Superior Magnetics | The Masculine-type of Bracelet to Give a Man.

WHAT PRESENT SHOULD I give him? For most women, this is the first question they ask their friends, family members or even shop attendants whenever trying to pick a present for someone in the opposite sex. Indeed, getting a man a present is quite challenging and tricky, especially for most women. So, most likely, this is the reason why you came to this page in the first place. You are probably browsing through the web for gift ideas. Welcome to the right place! Bracelets have been one of the most well-known accessories worn.

So now, the question is, what kind of bracelet should you give him? There is no rule in gift-giving, but if you are finally convinced to give a bracelet, then find one with a “masculine” touch in it. Metal, in general, represents hardness, toughness, strength, and power. All these characteristics give off that essence of masculinity. Follow me! The Public’s Perception of Beauty Between Beauty Queens & Female. ASIDE FROM the inner charm a person possesses, beauty is defined by physical features, and that is, a pretty face with perfect vital statistics. This is what most people’s connotation about beauty queens. On the other hand, the beautiful female athletes are defined by the common people through physical fitness and healthy lifestyle, hence, a sublime kind of grace. Beauty queens are sophisticated, not just in how they look but how they adhere to the discipline on diet, the food and vitamins they consume that help maintain their goddess-like figure.

Similarly, sportswomen also stick to a more active and natural way of maintaining healthy and fit bodies, that is, through exercises and sports practices. In terms of accessories, the public sees beauty queens being attracted and suitable to the glamorous types, or those that spark — gold, platinum, or diamond, while sportswomen associate themselves with the simpler ones or those they prefer to call “sports charms.” Follow me! Superior Magnetics | What Professionals Say About Magnetic Necklace. VARIOUS RESEARCHES were conducted on the benefits of certain kinds of magnets to our health. These studies are openly available to those who are interested to know about the effectivity of wearable magnets in relieving body pains.

To dig deeper on this, let’s begin with this question in mind: Does wearing magnetic ankle bracelets, for instance, really benefits the wearer? To answer this, it is vital to present various studies that deal with the matter. According to many researchers, a lot of people believe the effectiveness of these wearable magnets. The magnetic necklace is produced, so to be near the heart to help the body in the proper circulation of blood, similar to what the folk healers tend to believe.According to an article by Dr. However, even in the absence of proofs, magnetic apparatuses are still on high demand and extremely popular all over the world. Follow me! Superior Magnetics | The Advantages of Getting Copper Bracelets. IF YOU have passed by various local jewelry shops and seen the accessories on display, you may have already noticed some metallic bracelets with the beautiful reddish brown color (or matte-gold in shade). Chances are, what you have seen are the copper bracelets.

Many failed to notice these beautiful but inexpensive pieces of jewelry. While copper is not as valuable as gold and platinum, there are actually a couple of advantages about trying them on. The following points might even change your mind. But first, what is a copper bracelet? As a metal, it also makes the accessory quite durable, making the wearer worry-free from its sudden breakage. Purchasing a copper bracelet would only take you a click of the finger as the internet already provides us with limitless access and hence, utmost convenience via online shopping. Follow me! Superior Magnetics | 4 Benefits One Can Get from Being Generous. GIVING PRESENTS is a simple gesture, yet not all are inclined to the act of gift-giving. There are those who take pleasure in giving gifts, while there are those who also found the practice a waste of time and money. But whichever category you fall in, that’s entirely up to your family orientation and background.

However, it is not our sole intention to criticize anyone who dislikes giving gifts, but rather, in this article, let us talk about the advantages of gift-giving, and what benefits can a generous person get from the act. A sense of fulfillment The act of giving evokes in the giver an inner sense of fulfillment. Knowing that you have made others happy with your simple present (regardless of the item given — be it a bag, wallet or magnetic necklace) makes all the efforts of preparing the present all worth it, and hence, leaving you feeling very contented, satisfied and fulfilled. 2. Giving creates a happy relationship between the giver and the receiver. 3. 4. Follow me! Superior Magnetics | Never at a Losing End with Magnetic Bracelets.

WE ALL have many different ways of treating illnesses. Some would resort to seeking medical professional advice while others would settle to a more unusual form of treatment. By the word “unusual,” we mean the kind of treatment unrecognized and non-credited by the general scientific community, and one of these kinds of remedy includes the use of magnetic bracelets. If you go online, you’d see endless articles about the benefits of magnetic bracelets and their amazing remedy in reducing body pains due to its magnetic property.

On the other hand, skeptics have also published as much articles disproving these claims saying these so-called medicinal benefits are plainly placebo effect and that the “scientific studies” used to support their claims are either inconsistent or downright unreliable. Firstly, we know that magnetic bracelets are both physically and financially harmless to anyone who wears it. Aside from that, magnetic bracelets also offer some sort of style. Follow me! Stainless Steel Magnetic Bracelet - Teardrops SG | Superior Magnetics. Stainless Steel Magnetic Bracelet - Two Hearts SG | Superior Magnetics. Stainless Steel Magnetic Bracelet - Wimbledon S | Superior Magnetics. Stainless Steel Magnetic Bracelet.

Neodymium Barrel Magnet Bracelet | Superior Magnetics. Magnetic Hematite Bracelet –| Superior Magnetics. Magnetic Bracelet Pearlized Hematite & Sodalite Hematite Magnetic Bracelet - Bracelet Pearlized Hematite Rose Quartz | Superior Magnetics. Neodymium Gun Metal Radial Magnetic Bracelet. Magnetic Bracelet - Centerline S Double 5200 Gauss. Stainless Steel Magnetic Bracelet - Centerline SG Double | Superior Magnetics. Magnetic Bracelet with Hematite & Sodalite Hematite Magnetic Bracelet - Sodalite Tourmaline | Superior Magnetics. Hematite Magnetic Bracelet - Twist Round | Superior Magnetics. Hematite Magnetic Bracelet - Twist Round Double | Superior Magnetics. Hematite Magnetic Bracelet - Twist Round Silver Finding | Superior Magnetics. Magnetic Bracelet with Hematite & Unakite

Magnetic Bracelet with Fluorite and Pearlized Hematite. Magnetic Bracelet Double Hematite, MossQuartz & SnowflakeObsidian. Magnetic Bracelet Double with Pearlized & Black Hematite. Magnetic Bracelet with Pearlized & Black Hematite. Magnetic Bracelet with Pearlized Hematite Magnetic Bracelet with Pearlized & Black Twist Hematite. Hematite Magnetic Bracelet - Pearlized Hematite Amethyst | Superior Magnetics. Hematite Magnetic Bracelet - Bracelet Pearlized Hematite Rose Quartz | Superior Magnetics. Neodymium Gun Metal Radial Magnetic Bracelet. Magnetic Bracelet - Centerline S Double 5200 Gauss. Stainless Steel Magnetic Bracelet - Centerline SG Double | Superior Magnetics.

Arthritis, Weather, & Its Many Treatment Options. How Magnets Help Heal Depression? What Magnetic Bracelets Do To Human Body? Popular Magnetic Bracelet Sports Enthusiasts Will Love. Cure Pain in Style with A Magnetic Ankle Bracelet. The Wonders of A Titanium Magnetic Bracelet. Piezoelectric Stimulator: The Kind Of Shock That Heals. 5 Best Magnetic Bracelet for Arthritis Pain Relief. Mens Copper Magnetic Bracelet: A Healthy Trend. Copper Bracelets’ Benefits Inside & Out. The Magnetic Ankle Bracelet Therapy. When Being Fashionable with Magnetic Bracelet Becomes Health Beneficial. Why Magnetic Necklaces? Why Magnetic Necklaces? Magnetic Jewelry Therapy 101: Types and Pricing.