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Plasma Screens on Pinterest. 8 Real-Life Examples of Engaging Pinterest Contests. Running contests in social media can get pretty sticky.

8 Real-Life Examples of Engaging Pinterest Contests

Each social network has its own contest-related rules to comply with, and let's just say many of them aren't exactly easy going. If you've ever tried to host one on Facebook, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But when it comes to contests, Pinterest is a rule hater's dream network. In fact, it wasn't until Pinterest launched business accounts recently that the social network even had a set of official rules or guidelines for running contests, and it's definitely one of the more flexible social networks in this respect. According to its "Logos, Trademarks and Marketing Guidelines" found via, in addition to making sure your contest adheres to Pinterest's general Terms of Service and any legal requirements, the following are your official Pinterest do's and don'ts governing contests: A lot less strict than Facebook's official contest guidelines, eh?

1) Country Living Why This Works 2) General Electric. Libraryh3lp: Promoting Your Library through Pinterest. If you are a librarian and haven't yet heard of Pinterest, it's definitely worth a look, especially if your library is into leveraging social media to promote library services.

libraryh3lp: Promoting Your Library through Pinterest

Pinterest is a social networking site that lets users create groupings (pinboards) of images (pins) they find on the web or upload. Users can then interact with other people's pins and pinboards by "like"ing pins or by following pinboards. If you have already heard of Pinterest, it is probably because the site is making big news lately on the Interwebs. According to comScore, Pinterest was the fastest growing independent site to hit 10 million monthly unique visits in the U.S. Another report claims that Pinterest drives more referral traffic to online retailers than Google+, YouTube, Reddit and LinkedIn combined. By default, each pin is linked back to the website from whence it came.

Libraries are already jumping on the Pinterest band wagon. University Presses & Libraries Turn to Pinterest to Promote Books. I’ll admit it: I’m not a big Pinterest user.

University Presses & Libraries Turn to Pinterest to Promote Books

Until very recently I thought the social networking site was a bit twee—too much about cute clothes and crafts, not enough about ideas. Turns out the web’s 15th largest site has a lot more to offer. Open Culture has its own embryonic Pinterest page. But, more importantly, university presses are making widespread use of Pinterest to promote new book titles. Likewise, academic libraries are using their Pinterest pages to promote events and help fund major capital improvements.

Big retailers haven’t figured out how to make real money off of Pinterest yet, though one theory holds that the site’s highly visual nature puts people in the mood to click and buy. Alice Northover has created a Tumblr that catalogues a few of the best university presses that have Pinterest pages. The University of Mississippi has a robust presence that features an extensive collection of Faulkner criticism and appreciation.

But wait. Alice, Books, Etc., University Presses on Pinterest. 20 Ways Libraries Are Using Pinterest Right Now. The 10 Rights Of A Reader 3.97K Views 0 Likes What are your rights as a reader? First off, you have the right NOT to read. You also have the right to read out loud and the right to skip parts of the book. That's according to a fabulous book by Daniel Pennac. My 10 Favorite Learnist Boards Of The Year 2.66K Views 0 Likes I wanted to take a moment and share my favorite Learnist boards from the past year. An In-Depth Report On Social Media’s Role In Education 2.40K Views 0 Likes Students, teachers, and parents have all gotten onto the social media train.

Edudemic Is Giving Away 30 Free Citelighter Pro Accounts! 576 Views 0 Likes We think Citelighter is a great tool for both students and teachers, and what better way to try it out than for free? Blog Series. Library Pinterest Examples.

Library Pinterest pages

Media, Film and Cultural Studies. What Students Need to Know about Pinterest. Have you heard of the website called Pinterest?

What Students Need to Know about Pinterest

It seems that this social media website has all of a sudden become an overnight hit, despite the fact it has been around for nearly two years. Some have called this website one of the top ten social networks. Because of its rise in popularity over the past few months, I decided to take a closer look and determine the possibility of it being utilized by students and educators in higher education. As it turns out, some schools are using it and there is an education category listed within the website; however, there is a copyright issue that students should consider before creating their first pinboard. Pinterest Basics Pinterest began as a creative idea in 2009, and by 2010 a prototype was developed. In the article Is Pinterest the next Facebook? Pinterest is free for registered users; however, recent news reports have brought to light the practice by Pinterest of monetizing the website content.