Native Plant Landscaping. Nurserys and Gardenz. Native plant resources for the Pacific Northwest. The following resources are provided by the Water and Land Resources Division of King County, Washington as an aid to learning about northwest native plants.
It is updated periodically. If you have any questions, or know of a resource that you think should be included in the list, please contact Greg Rabourn at 206-296-6519. Native plant guide This interactive guide features a native plant selector, images of native plants, sample landscape plans, and printable plant lists.
Edible Native Plants. INVASIVE PLANTS. Orange Honeysuckle Fact Sheet. Species Orange honeysuckle, Lonicera ciliosa (Pursh) Poir.
Ex DC. Perennial vine, prostrate or twining climber to 6 m long, leaves opposite, oval, 4-10 cm long, deciduous, dull green above glabrous white below with ciliated margins. Flowers orange-yellow to orange-red 2.5-4 cm long born on verticals pollinated by hummingbirds. Pacific Ninebark - Physocarpis capitatus.