Énergie alternative. Notions d'électricité. Puissance électrique (Volt, Ampère, Watt) - La loi d'ohm - Capacité (Ah) - Travail électrique (Kwh) - Comment choisir une batterie ?
Voici un petit cours d'électricité pour se rappeler les notions de base du courant électrique. Nous ne pouvons ni voir ni toucher le courant électrique, mais seulement observer le résultat qu'il produit. On comprendra mieux ce courant électrique en utilisant un exemple: celui du moulin à eau avec lequel on peut retrouver les lois de l'électricité (loi d'ohm, énergie, travail électrique, ...). La hauteur d'eau dans le lac de retenue correspond à la tension électrique, elle se mesure en Volt (V). La quantité d'eau qui s'écoule, par seconde, au pied de la digue (retenue) est comparable avec l'intensité du courant. Guide 5 : le calculateur automatique de puissance et de capacité. Scie mécanique actionnée par un vélo. Poêle à bois portatif » Le blog de sinux.
Il existe toutes sortes de façons de faire du feu (pour cuire et/ou chauffer).
Avant d’opter pour tel poêle, boîte à feu, chaud, four ou barbecue, il s’agit de bien déterminer ses besoins. Dans mon cas, je me suis dit qu’un chauffage d’appoint pour rester un moment dehors en hivers serait sympa. Je ne voulais pas me lancer dans une construction d’intérieur et courir un risque d’intoxication si je me plantais. Celui que j’avais vu était utilisé dans une tente canadienne à armature d’un bon volume. Je me suis basé sur cet idée.
Cuisine solaire. Vent, éolien. Eau. Blog Archive » Poop piki piki for my biogas system. This gadget was created to solve a real problem with biogas – getting the dung to the system quickly and efficiently. Motorbikes are the taxi’s of Africa so why not? Before I tell you about the above gadget I just want to remind you about the problems we have been having to solve to get the biogas to work at home. Installing biogas at home has a real experience in afrigadget – we have figured out by trial and error how to get the gas under pressure – At first we tried using water pressure, but when we stepped back and looked at it we realized that it really wasn’t simple or appropriate for bush applications .. In fact, all we needed to do was to put pressure on the bags. The pressure wasn’t enough to run the stove until we modified the stove jets by enlarging them slightly. The problem I face is common to many folks around here, we rent houses but we don’t have livestock.
We tested it with a human load to ensure it is balanced … each bucket weighs about 50 kg. Fixed dome 5 people Low Decades low. Blog Archive » Solving the flexible biogas digester problems. You’d think that given the amount of cow dung available around rural Africa that biogas would be a big hit right?
Well, its actually relatively unknown. The main reason is materials, coast and complicated technology. People in these areas use charcoal or wood for their domestic cooking needs – its not only dirty hard work to collect firewood, but it’s unhealthy and damages the environment. But, it’s free … We believe that biogas from cow dung holds huge promise for rural and urban areas as a cheap source of energy that can be turned into domestic use or even business anywhere in rural Kenya….eg. pasturizing milk, making yoghurt, running fridges, generators, hammer mills for grinding corn, cooking, baking, heating water, running machines… and reducing your carbon footprint.
I have recently become the latest guinea pig for Dominic Wanjihias experiments … and it has been quite a learning experience Biogas system on a motorbike in Kenya You may need a Dominic to help set it up Problem No. 2. How to make a solar iPod/iPhone charger -aka MightyMintyBoost. I wanted a charger for my iPodTouch and the MintyBoost was definitely my first choice.
I wanted to take it a bit further and make it not only rechargeable but also solar powered. The other issue is that the iPhone and iPodTouch have large batteries in them and will deplete the two AA batteries in the MintyBoost rather quickly so I wanted to increase the battery power as well. What I really wanted was a MightyMintyBoost! Apple has sold over 30 million iPodTouch/iPhone units- imagine charging all of them via solar power.... If every iPhone/iPodTouch sold was fully charged every day (averaging the battery capacity) via solar power instead of fossil fuel power we would save approximately 50.644gWh of energy, roughly equivalent to 75,965,625 lbs. of CO2 in the atmosphere per year.
Electricity from walking. Red Rock Energy Heliostats. πΩθ©±°²³µ¼½¾÷ø shortcut theenergydude forsale 2/3 Motion Heliostat 3M SMF1100 Solar Film Acro Solar The Acronym Finder Air Analemma APRS Arc Heliostat Arizona Solar Center American Solar Energy Society Ben Wiens Bizarre Stuff Borealis Keith Burnett Calculators CampaTracka Cell Si Co Cerebral Meltdown Chace CiraLight ClearDome Solar CLFR Colon Concepts Cooker CRACKED CREST Currency Definitions Rich DeMartile Dew Point Dish DNP Group DSIRE Ecomall Edit+ EGIS El Cheapo Electronic Goldmine Electronics Electronics Lab Energy Warrior EV Event Flight Simulator For Sale Focal Length Formulae Four Solar Free Energy Fun Science Gallery Leo Gerst Greenpeace & PV Heat Engine Heliostats Helio Track H-Ion Home Heliostat HomePower Magazine HotBot Philip J.
Hurley HyperPhysics Ingrams Jade Mountaim Junk Science Richard J. I Last edited this page on 20140115 Alternative energy systems for the home or small property owner who is interested in Natural Energy or Solar Power. searchSearch engines archimedes 1. Green Tech Contest.