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Analyzing Trends in the Silk Road 2.0 - Impetus Last Friday, one of the top articles on hacker news was called Breaking the Silk Road’s Captcha This sounded pretty cool to me, though not necessarily applicable because the current Silk Road 2.0 (I’ll just be calling it SR from now on) isn’t using anything nearly as sophisticated.

Analyzing Trends in the Silk Road 2.0 -

I thought it would be really interesting to scrape SR for, let’s say a month or two. The Truth About Pavlov's Dogs Is Pretty Disturbing. Return to Angel Dust: PCP Is a Supporting Player in the Saga of Aaron Hernandez. Aaron HernandezPhoto Credit: Wikimedia Commons May 27, 2014 | Like this article?

Return to Angel Dust: PCP Is a Supporting Player in the Saga of Aaron Hernandez

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. This post has been updated to reflect the latest developments in the criminal case against Aaron Hernandez. This is what your brain on drugs really looks like. This actually raises several questions... 1.

This is what your brain on drugs really looks like

A Mind-blowing Journey Into the Jungle for the Sacred, Life-Altering Ayahuasca Psychedelic. Photo Credit: November 14, 2013 | Like this article?

A Mind-blowing Journey Into the Jungle for the Sacred, Life-Altering Ayahuasca Psychedelic

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Can People Smoke Crack Recreationally? A funny thing happened during thetabloid feeding frenzy surrounding reports of former NBA star Lamar Odom's crack use: Some actual news broke out.

Can People Smoke Crack Recreationally?

Polina Polonsky, a model-hot criminal-defense lawyer, coyly answered questions from TMZ host Harvey Levin about her account of Odom's smoking crack. Polonsky, you see, had been keeping up with the Keeping Up With the Kardashians costar (Khloe's hubby) at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, whose lobby bar and pool are booze-drenched party spots for celebs, agents, and junior studio execs on the make.

When Polonsky said of Odom's crack use, "I can't say [it was] necessarily out of control," Levin seemed astonished. Alcohol Without the Hangover? It's Closer Than You Think. November 11, 2013 | Like this article?

Alcohol Without the Hangover? It's Closer Than You Think

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Dr. David Nutt on Alcohol. Rebutting industry myths.

Dr. David Nutt on Alcohol

A couple of years ago, the European Alcohol Policy Alliance, known as EuroCare, put together a brochure addressing the common messages the liquor industry attempts to drive home through its heavy spending on advertising. The messages are not just designed to sell product, but also to influence alcohol policy at the political level. According to EuroCare, the “industry”—the alcohol and tobacco companies—“has traditionally worked closely together, sharing information and concerns about regulation. They have used similar arguments to defend their products in order to prevent or delay restrictions being placed on them.” Dr. David Nutt on Alcohol. Crack Addicts Make Surprisingly Rational Decisions, Fascinating Study Reveals. September 17, 2013 | Like this article?

Crack Addicts Make Surprisingly Rational Decisions, Fascinating Study Reveals

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Everything you know about drugs is wrong. Crack Babies Are Turning Out Okay. Major study concludes that crack panic was overblown.

Crack Babies Are Turning Out Okay

The Class of 2013. Making Fake Ecstasy with the Meth-Smoking Beach Boys of Indonesia. Off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia, there are three islands called The Gilis – a mini archipelago of paradises where nothing much happens.

Making Fake Ecstasy with the Meth-Smoking Beach Boys of Indonesia

There are no motorised vehicles on the islands – just stampeding horse-drawn carts; not too many brash, leering Australian tourists in Bintang vests, unlike nearby Bali; and no cops, just sporadic visits by police teams from Lombok every couple of months. Hallucinogens and shamanism. Marijuana and Diabetes: Does Pot Make You Thin? Teasing out the insulin effect. On the face of it, the study seems to come out of left field: A group of researchers claimed that marijuana smokers showed 16 per cent lower fasting insulin levels than non-smokers. The study , called “The Impact of Marijuana Use on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance among US Adults,” is in press for The American Journal of Medicine .

The authors are a diverse group of medical researchers from Harvard, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. The study concluded: “We found that marijuana use was associated with lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR [a measure of insulin resistance], and smaller waist circumference.” Teens Are Being Trapped in Abusive 'Drug Rehab Centers' Josh Shipp from Lifetime TV's Teen Trouble. (Image via ) If you like Army Wives , Preachers’ Daughters , Dance Moms, or any other TV show attempting to create a taxonomy of women based on the professions of their husbands, fathers, and children, then you may well have caught an episode of Teen Trouble .

It’s a reality TV show on the Lifetime network where a guy named Josh Shipp sends “at-risk teens” to "alternative rehab centers," where they’re forced to endure emotional and physical abuse before being allowed to rejoin society. Shipp is your classic Jerry Springer brand of therapist—no real qualifications, a huge ego, and a penchant for money and entertaining TV over science and genuine psychology. Interviewing Danny Dyer... on Acid! The Khat Ban Is Harmful and Pointless. The Disease of More Drives the War on Drugs. Why the war on drugs has been made redundant. The term "designer drug" became popular with the acid house and ecstasy boom in the 1990s, but it was never really accurate. Why the war on drugs has been made redundant. Can Marijuana Reduce Social Pain? What We Talk About When We Talk About Drugs. Will Marijuana “Dabbing” Harm the Legalization Movement?

Seven Questions About Marijuana Legalization. RAND researcher nails it neatly. I’ve been meaning to offer up the key points from an excellent column on marijuana legalization that appeared in April in USA Today. Beau Kilmer, a senior policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, lists the “new and tricky issues” that Colorado and Washington forgot to consider in depth before passing broad legalization statutes. Both states are works in progress. The Rat Park experiment. Leave It to Science: Should We Do E? 2 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 Reddit 1 StumbleUpon 1 LinkedIn 0 inShare0 Google+ 0 2 Flares × Synthetic highs are mutating. 10 Crazy Drugs You Don't Know (And Don't Want To) Health.