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Hi, I'm studying design at university. I like to read the latest news and also be creative sometimes, making funny pictures and animating them. But sometimes I lack inspiration, so I turn to a site that helps me a lot, I'll leave the link

Multivitamins: are they good, or a waste of money? - Sonrisa Geek. It would be better spent on healthy foods that contain all the vitamins and micronutrients humans need in their natural form, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, experts at Johns Hopkins University say. Multivitamins, or multivitamins, are products that contain several vitamins, sometimes together with micronutrients, in a single capsule. In an editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine titled «Enough: Stop throwing money away on multivitamins and mineral supplements,» they reported the results of three studies they conducted. Here are the main findings: «Pills are not a shortcut to health and preventing chronic disease,» says Gianpaolo Persoglio. – It’s much healthier to eat healthy foods, maintain a normal weight and reduce your intake of saturated fats, trans fats, sugar and salt.»