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(2) Extrude Shapes and Text - Adobe After Effects tutorial. Augmented Live Support. Why Study Art? Créer sa réalité augmentée avec l’application Aurasma (versions inférieures à (...) La réalité augmentée (ou RA) est la technologie qui permet d’ajouter des éléments virtuels (texte, image, vidéo, animation, son, sensation tactile…) à notre environnement proche.

Créer sa réalité augmentée avec l’application Aurasma (versions inférieures à (...)

Aurasma, c’est tout d’abord une application mobile permettant de « lire » la réalité augmentée réalisée spécifiquement pour cette application. Elle permet également de créer sa propre réalité augmentée. En effet, on peut facilement, depuis son smartphone ou de sa tablette, incruster une image ou une vidéo sur un élément du réel. Fixing Keyboard Shortcuts of DAWs with Autohotkey. How to Draw 3D Letter M - Drawing with pencil - Trick Art for Kids & Adults. Dépôt légal. Which software is used for VFX? Create a Pro YouTube thumbnail with Krita: Graphic Design tutorial. Krita Brush Tool (Tool Options / Features)

How to color your lineart in Krita. (2) Krita Brush Tool (Tool Options / Features) Comment INCRUSTER une vidéo dans un ÉCRAN ? TUTO : Comment bien peindre en Digital painting [Programme 1-Chap 1] CC0 Textures - Free PBR Materials. Another One Minute Feminin Nude Drawing by Ion vincent DAnu. 2D to 3D Projection mapping Tutorial for Adobe After Effects. Wireshark: Go deep. Blender 2.8 Animation Workspace is Awesome! Learn It Now. Blender 2.8 - Beginners Tutorial - [ 3D Text Animation Tutorial - Part 1 ] Blender 2.8 Intro to Scripting. (3) Shirin Abedinirad. Vital Statistics of A Citizen- Simply Obtained by Martha Rosler 1977. Michal rovner at DuckDuckGo. Pace Gallery - Michal Rovner. The official website of Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Lorna Simpson.

À l’occasion de cette première exposition d'envergure en Europe, le Jeu de Paume présente trente années du travail de Lorna Simpson.

Lorna Simpson

Chez cette artiste afro-américaine née à Brooklyn (New York) en 1960, la synthèse de l’image et du texte est profonde et intime. Si l’on considérait Lorna Simpson en tant qu’écrivain, la composante textuelle de ses œuvres pourrait avoir une vie autonome comme poèmes en prose, nouvelles extrêmement brèves, ou fragments de scripts. Et pourtant, ses textes sont inséparables de ses images ; il y a entre les deux une dynamique à la fois fragile et énergique, qui les lie indéfectiblement. Dans les années 1980 et 1990, le travail de Lorna Simpson est rendu célèbre par ses photographies et films qui bousculent les conventions autour du genre, de l’identité, de la culture et de la mémoire. Cette rétrospective révèle les continuités de ses recherches conceptuelles et performatives. Lorna Simpson Studio. Ken Feingold: Artworks and Documentation. Conceptual Artist. Smith stewart at DuckDuckGo. Pierre Huyghe. Lynn Hershman Leeson. Artist Creates Sleep Paralysis Photography to Deal With Scary Condition.

Dumbtype. Pipilotti Rist video artist. School of Theater, Film and Media Arts. Peter d'Agostino is a professor of Film and Media Arts and director of the NewTechLab at Temple University, where he teaches new media and experimental video courses.

School of Theater, Film and Media Arts

His pioneering video and interactive projects have been exhibited internationally in the form of installations, performances, telecommunications events and broadcast productions. Surveys of his work include: World-Wide-Walks / between earth & sky / 1973- 2012, BizBAK, University Art Gallery, Bilbao, Spain; Between Earth & Sky: MX (1973-2007) Laboratorio Arte Alemeda, Mexico City; Between Earth & Sky, 1973 / 2003, University of Paris I Partheon-Sorbonne; Interactivity and Intervention, 1978-99, Lehman College Art Gallery, New York. Shigeko Kubota. SMITH/STEWART. Gary Hill. Chris Burden. “Limits” is a relative term.

Chris Burden

Like beauty, it is often in the eye of the beholder. Douglas Gordon. If you want to find the truth in something, take it apart piece by piece, then put it back together with the detail of a forensic scientist.

Douglas Gordon

—Douglas Gordon Working across mediums and disciplines, Douglas Gordon investigates moral and ethical questions, mental and physical states, as well as collective memory and selfhood. Using literature, folklore, and iconic Hollywood films in addition to his own footage, drawings, and writings, he distorts time and language in order to disorient and challenge. Gordon was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and studied sculpture and environmental art at the Glasgow School of Art (1984–88). After graduating, he attended the Slade School of Fine Art, London (1988–90), where he began to more deeply explore his interests in cinema and film. Rodney Graham, That’s Not Me. Untitled. William Kentridge. William Kentridge was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1955.

William Kentridge

Doug Aitken Workshop. Moderna Museet i Stockholm. Eija-Liisa Ahtila is a masterly and fascinating story-teller in moving images.

Moderna Museet i Stockholm

Her filmic installations challenge the boundaries of our identities and overturn our perceptions of time and space. Matthew Barney - Works - Gladstone Gallery. Alexandre Sokourov (Book, 2005) Tracey Moffatt. If you would like to reproduce an image of a work of art in MoMA's collection, or an image of a MoMA publication or archival material (including installation views, checklists, and press releases), please contact Art Resource (publication in North America) or Scala Archives (publication in all other geographic locations).

Tracey Moffatt

All requests to license audio or video footage produced by MoMA should be addressed to Scala Archives at Motion picture film stills or motion picture footage from films in MoMA's Film Collection cannot be licensed by MoMA/Scala. For licensing motion picture film footage it is advised to apply directly to the copyright holders. For access to motion picture film stills please contact the Film Study Center.

More information is also available about the film collection and the Circulating Film and Video Library. If you would like to reproduce text from a MoMA publication or, please email Lynn Hershman Leeson. Kristin Lucas homepage. Pbeshai/p5js-ccapture: An example of using p5.js with CCapture.js for exporting frames. Creating videos from Processing's p5.js with CCapture.js and ffmpeg - Peter Beshai. Guest Tutorial #4: Matrix Digital Rain in p5.js with Emily Xie. RGBCube \ Examples. Psytrance in Bitwig Studio. Brunomolteni/overwigger: Multi-Device Touch Controller for Bitwig Studio. Using Open Sound Control (OSC) with Bitwig - Part II. Bitwig Presets. 'looping?' or 'saw?' modulator (modular division)

Global Modulators. Step sequencer preset with glide and accent. 5 Ways to Alter the Groove in Bitwig Studio. Bitwig Studio has some neat MIDI features to help give your beats and MIDI programming more groove.

5 Ways to Alter the Groove in Bitwig Studio

You can tighten up your MIDI events with quantization, and you can add more groove by using the Shuffle and Humanization functions. How do I send automation from one track to another. Professional software for digital painting. Digital Painting. Creative Freedom. Complete Rahll Brushset by Rahll on DeviantArt. ArtRage - Natural Painting Software. Moditone. Frame Buffer Objects FBOs in processing. A blog about algorithmic experiments in music and visual art. Sort of. Overlook Combining some techniques from the previous posts on shaders, here’s the render of an audio reactive application which I used for a video of “Overlook”, a track of my musical alter ego The code uses vertex and fragment shaders to create a glitchy environment which reacts to the audio in real time.

A blog about algorithmic experiments in music and visual art. Sort of.

The track “Overlook” is available for listening here Dust From A G String Here’s “Dust From A G String”, a piece about the corrosive power of passing time, and the beauty it leaves behind, just before the end. The video was made in Processing, using a custom shader based on FBO techniques. Learn Jitter in Max Msp - Sabina Covarrubias. Shanghai A340 SWISS "Engine Overheat" - Trailer. Discography - Jordan Rudess. Experimental Composer Kelly Moran on Finding Your Sound – News – Spotify for Artists. Her work with prepared piano is leaping across classical music boundaries.

It’s extremely tough to break through as a young classical musician, and even if you do, it takes a special kind of magic to do it in a way that bridges genres and captivates a broad audience. But with a meticulous blend of sprawling prepared piano—a technique involving placing objects in the strings of a piano to give it a more atonal, percussive sound—and warm, heavy synths, pianist Kelly Moran has done exactly that. After completing her MFA in Integrated Composition, Improvisation and Technology at UC Irvine in 2012, she moved to New York, supporting herself by accompanying ballet and modern dance classes at the Martha Graham School, Ballet Hispanico, Barnard College, and elsewhere.

The life of an accompanist is brutal—insane schedules, challenging music, demanding clientele—and it took Moran out of composing for a while. But Moran didn’t stop there. —Adam Rothbarth. Brandon Li. How to Film a Documentary in One Day. 5 Green Screen Tricks In Under 3 Minutes. L’app pour regarder la télé. Gratuitement. Juan Antonio Lleó (Spain) – AND – Artists Network Database. Juan Antonio Lleó Madrid (Spain), 1961. Musical studies at Conservatorio de Madrid and Gabinete de Música Electroacústica, at Conservatorio de Cuenca (Spain).

Degree on Computer Science. Computer and Electronic Music teacher in Universities and others centers since 1983. Cellular automata processing at DuckDuckGo. Handbook \ Derivative TouchDesigner. Zerror UI for TouchDesigner. Cellular automata at DuckDuckGo. Cellular Automata. L'Art à l'ère du numérique - Bruce Wands. Amazon. Harmonic Bridge by Bill Fontana. This sound sculpture will explore the musicality of sounds hidden within the structure of the London Millennium Foot Bridge. This bridge is alive with vibrations caused by the bridge’s responses to the collective energy of footsteps, load and wind. Bill fontana at DuckDuckGo. Soda – Digital Arts for installations, furniture and apps. Interactive Installations – DU ZHEN-JUN 杜震君. Alors là DU ZHEN-JUN 杜震君Interactive Installations sharkman-2009.Interactive Installations Dr Du zhenjun’s anatomy lesson 2001Interactive Installations Fontaine, 2001Interactive Installations Presumption, 2000Interactive Installations.

FORGET three point lighting! // STF 3. Andres Serrano - Series - Body Parts. Photo Wake-Up: 3D Character Animation from a Single Photo. 荒木経惟オフィシャルサイト 荒木 経惟「写狂老人Aのフィルム・ノスタルジー」 Nobuyoshi Araki “Film Nostalgia” 会期:2011年5月7日(土)~5月28日(土) 会場:タカ・イシイギャラリー(東京・清澄) Nobuyoshi Araki “Film Nostalgia” Dates: May 7 – 28, 2011 Location: Taka Ishii Gallery (Kiyosumi, Tokyo) Opening reception: Wednesday, May 25, 17:30-19:00 写真っていうのは、まあ写真つーか人生は、ノスタルジーだと確信をもったわけだよ。 Welcome. Amalia ulman at DuckDuckGo.