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Plugins: How analog hardware still sounds better and why? Well not all of them all the time, but in quite a few cases analog still reigns supreme over plugins.

Plugins: How analog hardware still sounds better and why?

The funny thing is, it's not some voodoo magic or gut feelings, it's facts and science that slant the tables in favor of analog. Note, I'm not saying that you can't make a No. 1 hit "in the box", lots of them have been and will be made that way and that's great! But if you're after the best, deepest, most open and most pleasant sound possible, analog is still the way to go. And that's also the reason was created! We believe that if not absolutely necessary, you shouldn't be forced to make compromises while creating a piece of art! And, a foreword before you dive in. Accuracy The analog signal is only limited by the laws of physics in accuracy, and those allow for some serious "ultra-super HD resolution". Instead, analog gear can go after the exact same effect with vastly superior accuracy and resolution, and it does it perfectly - especially the imperfections!

Christian's private site - VST Plug-in Analyser 2.0 - Christian's private site. VST Plug-in Analyser 2.0 While initially the VST Plug-in Analyser received negative receptions, there are still some users asking for an up-to-date version.

Christian's private site - VST Plug-in Analyser 2.0 - Christian's private site

For my own needs I have developed the tool further, but as it integrates very deep into my tool-chain, this version can’t be released easily. The only consequence to get new features (such as x64 support) built-in is to write a new version 2.0 from scratch. Although the code for initial version is still available, the structure can’t be reused, especially if a future move to OSX is also planned. So far, I have started to collect features and requests. Since I need to pay my bills, I can’t just spend weeks and months developing this while receiving no income in the meantime. If you want to support this project, feel free to contact me with the amount of money you are willing to invest.

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La couronne prothétique - Dentalespace

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Pourquoi il faut (re)lire « L’Obsolescence de l’homme »

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Windows 10 : le top des trucs et astuces

Reste que si l’on a connu les précédentes éditions de Windows, la transition peut parfois sembler un peu rude et que l’on peut vite se retrouver totalement perdu au beau milieu de ces nouveautés et de celles apportées par les différentes mises à jour qui s’égrainent au fil des mois. Pour mieux vous y retrouver, voici une série de trucs et astuces dédiés à Windows 10. The browser that puts you in control. Using an OLED TV for Post Production. When you spend all day looking at images, as I do as a film editor, you really want to look at them on the best possible display you can, or at least the best that you can afford.

Using an OLED TV for Post Production

A professional broadcast OLED monitor, like the Sony BVM-X300 30 inch 4K TriMaster EL OLED, will set you back around £35,000, which is certainly more than I can afford, and far more than I require. But consumer grade OLED TVs that costs a 10th of this, have come on in leaps and bounds in the past few years. Manufacturers like LG have been especially cognisant of the professional consumer by, for example, providing greater access to internal calibration controls, making top of the line OLED TVs a very viable option for your editing and colour grading suite.

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First Look: Chris Hein Ensemble Strings - Sample Library Review

CH Ensemble Strings delivers a delightfully expressive collection of instruments and there is no shortage of voices with the libraries 32 different articulations! Jump to the Videos of Chris Hein Ensemble Strings Jump to the Demos of Chris Hein Ensemble Strings First Look: Chris Hein Ensemble Strings In this First Look Video of Chris Hein’s new Ensemble Strings, I play through a good selection of the NKIs to get a feel for what the library has to offer. This ‘Designed’ take on a String Ensemble is quite different than anything I have used thus far. Chris Hein has compiled the library from a sample set of over 120,000 individual recordings of violins, cellos and double basses.

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