Newsonomics: With a cross-country merger, Spirited Media aims to build a nationwide digital local news chain. Consider it a baby chain.
Today, with broad ambitions, two of America’s young, dynamic, millennials-targeting, mobile-first city news companies are merging. They’ll take the name of the older (by 19 months) company, Spirited Media. That company, funded and founded by serial digital news entrepreneur Jim Brady, opened up Philly’s Billy Penn in October 2014 and Pittsburgh’s The Incline, six months ago.
Merging into Spirited is Denverite, the 10-month-old startup bankrolled by investors Gordon Crovitz, Kevin Ryan, and Jim Friedlich. The new company, to be led by Brady as CEO, vision-setter, and cheerleader, also counts Gannett as a minority investor as the country’s largest news company aims to learn tricks of the newer trade. The combined company will employ 27, 21 of them content-creating journalists. The newly reenergized Spirited Media model borrows some that business-building strategy from Business Insider. “Events has always been about connecting with readers,” says Brady.
20161212 國際股市 觀察與分析. 20161205 上課資料 台灣股市. Prezi. 20161120 上課資料. The Upshot. 这 14 个案例,可能是过去一年表现最棒的数据可视化作品_设计_好奇心日报. 英国 Kantar “信息之美” 2016 年度奖项(Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards)公布,这是今年获奖的作品及网站。
数据、信息可视化越来越流行。 一张图不仅让枯燥的数据和信息变了模样,还可让洞察见解跃然纸上,轻松传达复杂观点。 越来越多媒体、研究机构开始尝试这种这种生动有效的叙事方式。 这两天,英国 Kantar “信息之美” 2016 年度奖项(Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards)公布,今年获奖的这 14 个作品及网站,也许代表了这一年在数据可视化领域表现最棒的作品。 这一奖项开始于 2012 年,由 Information is Beautiful 网站的记者、数据观察员 David McCandless、市场调研机构 Kantar 当时的创意总监 Aziz Cami 创立,面向全球各地的学生、个体从业者、媒体以及非政府组织等。 《空中的间谍》(Spies in the Skies) 这一系列作品出自美国新闻网站 Buzzfeed 的两名编辑 Peter Aldous 和 Charles Sefie,凭借《空中的间谍》,两人斩获了“最美奖”和“数据新闻金奖”两项大奖。
20161024 上課. 【Gartner 新聞稿】Gartner預測2017年十大策略科技趨勢. 圖書館上課 國際財經新聞 2016-10-17. 2016 諾貝爾經濟學獎. 20161003 上課. 未來之星-菁英培育計畫. 产业政策大讨论:林毅夫这次为什么更受欢迎? 【编者按】张维迎林毅夫产业政策之争举国关注,令人回想起两年前由杨小凯追思会引发的大讨论。
(参见《杨小凯专题》)这场争论不仅关于学术,也关于当下,更关于中国经济向何处去。 FT中文网近期组织专题讨论,期待理性争鸣。 编辑事宜,联系徐瑾jin.xu@ftchinese.com 林毅夫和张维迎两位教授关于产业政策改革的争论,不仅代表着两种观点的碰撞,也将对新一轮国企改革产生深远的影响。 事实上,在目前的时代背景下,林毅夫的观点更容易占据舆论的制高点。 林毅夫观点更符合潮流 两位教授的观点之争,是对过去一段时间经济现象的一个思考。 台北是亚洲最自由开放的城市吗? 今年四月,世界著名的杂志《Monocle》就一则台北的报道访问了我,他们认为台北可以说是亚洲最自由开放(英文是liberal)的城市:例如对待同志的友善程度,太阳花的青年抗争,还有一个刚上任一年、很不一样的市长柯文哲。
《Monocle》看到了台北在亚洲城市中的相对进步性,且不论这是事实或是美丽的误会,然而,台北市政府是否看到这点,并愿意努力以各种政策(更环保、更捍卫人权、更支持独立文化)去追求这样一个目标,并建立台北的内在与外在认同呢? 如果台北在同志平权方面有所进步,那主要是由于许多同志平权运动者长期的努力推动的,虽然也有过去市政府若干比较进步的政策。 问题是,如果这是台北可以骄傲的一个特色,市政府是否继续在往前推动,让台北的彩虹更灿烂?
發展中議題. 科技風雲 - 剽悍狼企業 蘋果、三星最該懼怕的對手. 20160919 上課. How-data-kid-found-his-favorite-pokemon-data-57650?domain=msa.hinet. Eight-year-old Judah Bausili has been playing a whole lot of Pokémon Go lately.
He and his dad, Ben, have caught 46 so far. “I’ve caught Doduo, Bulbasaur, and the last one...I can’t remember,” says Judah. Judah has always enjoyed catching Pokémon, but he hasn’t always been discerning about the types he caught. And that’s where Ben, his data-minded dad who happens to work for Tableau Gold Partner InterWorks, saw an opportunity. Ben pulled some Pokémon character stats from Wikipedia. “I explained dimensions and measure. Five minutes later, Ben turned on the camera. After exploring the stats, Judah realized not all characters were created equal, and declared a new favorite: “Mewtwo, because he’s like really strong, fast, and really defensive.” Indulging Curiosity This exercise was Judah’s first introduction to Tableau, but it was hardly his first lesson in seeing and understanding data. It all began when Judah was just 6.
“And he jumps on the bed and says, ‘I want to watch you!
Journalism and Economics. Journalism in the Digital Age. The newspaper business has been in decline for the past twenty years.
Almost every single source of revenue, from newsstand and subscription sales to classified and retail advertising has fallen dramatically. This has led to the bankrupt reorganizations of a number of very prominent national newspapers. The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal all fired hundreds of journalists and staffers in 2009 in an effort to reduce costs. Even these efforts have not been enough to restore healthy profits, The New York Times reported a 26% drop in year-to-date profits in the fourth quarter of 2010. The forces driving these trends are complex, but the basic cause is that the newspaper business is organized around a model that was extremely profitable when newspapers were the only medium to receive news, but extremely vulnerable in the face of competition. News as a product has two important economic features. The Internet has enabled disintermediation in many industries. 一個你從不知道的新聞頭條…張憶芬風暴.
Local media. Online TV. OK TPP與東協市場契機 V4. SPGlobal Negative Interest Rates August 2016.