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Air Force

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United States Air Force - Enlistment Standards. As I have often said, there is no right granted to anyone to serve in the United States Military.

Enlistment Standards

The respective military departments do have the absolute right to reject you for any reason it deems appropriate. Regardless of how recruiting commercials may "sell" the military, it is not a "jobs program. " It's serious business, involving the security of the United States of America, and our country's national interests. Joining the Air Force" The first thing everyone wants to know about joining the Air Force is, "How do I become a pilot?

Joining the Air Force"

" Only officers in the Air Force become fighter pilots, and they are rare even among the officer corps. The overwhelming majority of Air Force personnel stay on the ground to do their jobs. In facto, only four percent of all Air Force personnel are pilots. Study for the asvab. Career Exploration Program. The ASVAB is offered to high school and post-secondary students as part of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program.

Career Exploration Program

The program provides tools to help students learn more about career exploration and planning, in both the civilian and military worlds of work. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is free of charge to participating schools. Call 1-800-323-0513 if you would like to schedule a test date at your school, ask questions about other aspects of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program, or receive printed copies of program materials. ASVAB Practice Test. Joining the Air Force: Basic Military Training -

Air Force Registration Page.