Ancient Hebrew
Thechart. Greek and Hebrew Reader's Edition. Ancient Language Resources Online. Learn and talk about Aramaic alphabet, Abjad writing systems, Aramaic alphabet, Aramaic languages, Fertile Crescent. The Aramaic alphabet is adapted from the Phoenician alphabet and became distinctive from it by the 8th century BCE.
It was used to write the Aramaic language. The letters all represent consonants, some of which are matres lectionis, which also indicate long vowels. The Aramaic alphabet is historically significant, since virtually all modern Middle Eastern writing systems can be traced back to it, as well as numerous non-Chinese writing systems of Central and East Asia. This is primarily due to the widespread usage of the Aramaic language as both a lingua franca and the official language of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, and its successor, the Achaemenid Empire. Among the scripts in modern use, the Hebrew alphabet bears the closest relation to the Imperial Aramaic script of the 5th century BC, with an identical letter inventory and, for the most part, nearly identical letter shapes. History[edit] Origins[edit]
The origins of abc. Where does our alphabet come from?
We see it every day on signs, billboards, packaging, in books and magazines; in fact, you are looking at it now — the Latin or Roman alphabet, the world’s most prolific, most widespread abc. Typography is a relatively recent invention, but to unearth the origins of alphabets, we will need to travel much farther back in time, to an era contemporaneous with the emergence of (agricultural) civilisation itself. Robert Bringhurst wrote that writing is the solid form of language, the precipitate.[1] But writing is also much more than that, and its origins, its evolution, and the way it is now woven into the fabric of civilisations makes it a truly wonderful story. That story spans some 5,000 years. We’ll travel vast distances, meet an emperor, a clever Yorkshireman, a Phoenician princess by the name of Jezebel, and the ‘purple people’; we’ll march across deserts and fertile plains, and sail across oceans.
Cuneiform 1.1 The pictographic origin of Cuneiform.
Original Hebrew. Ancient Hebrew Research Center - Home Page. El origen de los alfabetos. El origen de los alfabetos Tradicionalmente y a la hora de hablar sobre la invención de la escritura alfabética, se suele defender la idea de que el primer alfabeto fue el fenicio y que de él descienden muchos otros, incluso el latino con el que se está escribiendo el presente artículo.
Si bien es cierto que fueron los fenicios quienes exportaron este gran invento a todo el Mediterráneo y que gracias a ello la cuna de grandes civilizaciones posteriores pudo expresarse de forma escrita (Grecia, Roma, Cartago, etc.), no lo es tanto el que ellos fuesen los primeros en desarrollar este tipo de escritura. De hecho, los textos alfabéticos fenicios más antiguos datan del primer mileno antes de Cristo, mientras que en Ugarit ya se utilizaba unos cuatrocientos años antes, aunque expresado de forma cuneiforme (ver tabla infra). Pero tampoco debemos pensar en Ugarit como la cuna del alfabeto que ha derivado en los principales modernos...
Esfinge de Serabit el-Khadim (lado izquierdo)
Hebrew Language. Beauty of the bible. If we assume God is good (or, better yet, greater than we could ever imagine), then the heavens must be just glorious.
Indeed, they are. Most English translations of the Bible render the first sentence of Genesis, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The Hebrew word for heaven is shamayim; the Hebrew word for “the heavens” in Genesis is hashamayim. As with previous posts, I will explore the ancient Hebrew alphabet pictographs that make up the word “the heavens” and attempt to explain what might be contained therein. I numbered this post “Part 1″ because it will be but one of several posts about “the heavens”.
“The heavens” is comprised of the Hebrew letters HEY (similar to our letter “H”, and represented in the ancient Hebrew pictographs as a man standing with open arms, and meaning grace or to behold). The word mayim (spelled in Hebrew MEM YOD MEM) is the Hebrew word for water.