Automatic pH Corrector. Arduinoponics. Hello, Just wanted to share a new project I started.
It's using the Arduino to control a hydroponics setup I made. There are pictures here: The Arduino sketch was initially just very simple to control a pump for a few seconds every 10 minutes. I adapted it though to use Firmata so that I could later add temperature and light sensors so those things could be logged to some computer that acts as a 'server' to support the hydroponics setup. For this reason I'm working on getting the Arduino to talk to an old Fon2100 Fonera router I have sitting around. I modified the StandardFirmata Arduino sketches and put the pumping interval code in there. There is still a lot of work to do for all this but just wanted to mention it here in case anyone is curious. I'd also appreciate any suggestions or criticisms on it. Thanks,nemik. Humidity and Temperature Sensor. The Humidity and Temperature Sensor is an Arduino-compatible sensor board that carries an SHT21 digital humidity and temperature sensor from Sensirion.
It has a 4-pin interface that can communicate directly with the analog pins on the Arduino. The SHT21 utilizes a capacitive sensor element to measure humidity, while the temperature is measured by a band gap sensor. Both sensors are seamlessly coupled to a 14-bit ADC, which then transmits digital data to the Arduino over the I2C protocol.
Because of the sensor’s tiny size, it has incredibly low power consumption, making it suited for virtually any application. To optimize accuracy of temperature and humidity readings, the SHT21 sensor is placed at the tip of the board, isolating it from heat producing circuitry. The sensor can be placed in soil to measure moisture and temperature, which makes it ideal for using it in a garden or greenhouse. Board comes assembled with 4-pin male headers soldered on. Specifications. The Garden Droid 1.0. Well after many months in the lab toiling away with a soldering iron and C compiler I have finally gotten the first version of my Arduino project done!
OK really It just took months to get the time to finish the project but that doesn't sound as impressive really.. This is my first Arduino project and first really large electronics project so mistakes were made but overall I'm really happy that it all works! Greenhouse. Did You Win Yet? » Android Garden Monitor. Overview One of the coolest things announced at this year’s Google I/O was the Android Open Accessory Kit, which allows Android devices to interact with accessories over USB.
As an attendee, I received the Arduino-based ADK DemoKit board, which I’ve used to build an app to monitor my Aerogarden. Hardware Arduino and Breadboard. Blog » Blog Archive » Plantduino Greenhouse Cares Of Your Plats While You’re Away. Plantduino Greenhouse. UPDATE 7/9/11: The AC power fed relay has been replaced with a DC battery fed relay system as shown in step 10.
UPDATE: We have been selected as finalists in the microcontroller contest! Thank you for voting and rating. Thank you also for all the feedback on the safety of out relay system. We hope the new instructions are clear. We will be continually updating as we make progress on the new design. Hello Everyone! My name is Clover and I am in love with vascular plants and robots. This summer I wanted to combine my two loves of plant science and engineering. I have constructed an automated watering and temperature system. This is my first project using an Arduino so I am using wonderful articles from MAKE and Instructables as very helpful templates. Plantduino Greenhouse. Blog » Blog Archive » GardenBot Is Monitoring Your Garden. GardenBot Is Monitoring Your Garden Davide Gomba — October 21st, 2010 Very interesting bottom-up product (but it’s not really a product, it’s more of an experience of nature-lovers and DIYers) do look after your garden: GardenBot is a garden monitoring system.
This means that you put sensors in your garden, and GardenBot will show you charts of the conditions in your garden — so you can see the world the way your plants see it. I did… er, I mean hi. Amazing story. via [gardenbot] Open source garden automation project. The Brain The brain is where all the other modules come together.
Physically the brain is mostly a couple of little boards and a lot of wires. Garduino: Gardening + Arduino. Growduino smart garden. I've been toying with so many ideas of things to automate, but with the long days and an approaching 2-week trip and two young plants at home, I started working in earnest on a garden control project last night.
"Growduino" seemed like the obvious name... This is the simplest possible version-- just an automated watering system, with the nutrient solution pumped up from a reservoir in the tub with a submersible pump. Here's a shot on Flickr: from the description: Note: the "plans" are in (roughly) increasing level of complexity/desirability-- not sure about aiming or CO2 scrubbing (?!)