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Atheism vs religion

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Atheism Central. Atheist Soup: Christian Chemistry Fail. Skeptic's Annotated Bible / Quran / Book of Mormon. Christian hallucination. Why Atheism Will Replace Religion. Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries, particularly the social democracies of Europe (Barber, 2012). In underdeveloped countries, there are virtually no atheists . Atheism is thus a peculiarly modern phenomenon. Why do modern conditions produce atheism? First, as to the distribution of atheism in the world, a clear pattern can be discerned. The question of why economically developed countries turn to atheism has been batted around by anthropologists for about eighty years. Atheists are more likely to be college-educated people who live in cities and they are highly concentrated in the social democracies of Europe.

It seems that people turn to religion as a salve for the difficulties and uncertainties of their lives. In addition to being the opium of the people (as Karl Marx contemptuously phrased it), religion may also promote fertility, particularly by promoting marriage , according to copious data reviewed by Sanderson (2008). References. BibleContradictions-ReasonProject.png (PNG εικόνα, 3327x4418 εικονοστοιχεία) Is God A Criminal? Table of Contents Introduction Does God stand above morality, defining for us what is moral and what is immoral in accordance with His will? Or is morality a characteristic that exists independent of what God wills to be moral or immoral? For at least 25 centuries, these two related questions, or variations thereon, have troubled those of us who think deeply about philosophical matters.

Frankly, there has not (at least, not until recently) been any really satisfactory answer to the issues raised by these questions. This essay is an attempt to explore this issue, which is quite relevant to the debate between atheism and theism, even though it tends to get short shrift in most debates between atheists and theists. The essential belief of those who believe in the Judeo-Christian God [3] is that God created the universe and all that is within it. The Facts of God's Acts The Law Governing These Facts (a) Crimes against peace: (b) War crimes: (c) Crimes against humanity: Jurisdiction P1. Footnotes: I read the Bible… | Unreasonable Faith.

Hundreds of Proofs of God’s Existence. NOTE: For real proofs of the nonexistence of any god, see "Why Atheism? " For other evidence, go to Atheists of Silicon Valley debate page . Hundreds of Proofs of God’s Existence Formerly: Over Three Hundred Proofs of God’s Existence Originally adapted from a forum on the Internet Infidels . TRANSCENDENTAL ARGUMENT, a.k.a. . (1) If reason exists then God exists. (2) Reason exists. (3) Therefore, God exists.

COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT, a.k.a. . (1) If I say something must have a cause, it has a cause. (2) I say the universe must have a cause. (3) Therefore, the universe has a cause. (4) Therefore, God exists. (1) I define God to be X. (2) Since I can conceive of X, X must exist. (1) I can conceive of a perfect God. (2) One of the qualities of perfection is existence. (1) God is either necessary or unnecessary. (2) God is not unnecessary, therefore God must be necessary. ARGUMENT FROM DESIGN, a.k.a. . (1) Check out the world/universe/giraffe. . (2) Only God could have made them so complex. ARGUMENT FROM BEAUTY, a.k.a. Organized Religion / atheism / humanism... Zaphodbeeblebrox. Atheist & Agnostic. Positive Atheism (since 1995) Join the Struggle Against Anti-Atheist Bigotry! Sc-tech: What atheists are really concerned about. Atheist or Agnostic? I'm Both. STFU, Conservatives. SAB, Absurdities.

Absurdity -All: Genesis - Revelation -Genesis - Deuteronomy -Joshua - 2 Chronicles -Ezra - Isaiah -Jeremiah - Daniel -Hosea - Micah -Nahum - Malachi -Matthew - John -Acts - Ephesians -Colossians - Hebrews -James - Revelation About the Absurdities Dwindling in Unbelief: Absurdity.

Existence of God arguments

Welcome to! Debating a Christian – The Atheist Handbook | Atheism Resource. Email by Jeremy L. Moran, JT Eberhard, Adam Brown, and other contributors Part 1. Opening Statements. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6: Philosophical Quotes. Credits. This culmination of knowledge is put together in the hopes that both theist, and atheist alike would be able to take something from it & improve upon the human they are. There is no greater debate then that between faith and fact. For the sake of clarification, if & when I state IF god…this, or IF god…that. Memorize some of these to remember when you hear “Religion is good!” For a simple breakdown in 12 arguments against “god”, JT Eberhard gives you: ARGUMENT #1 – Biblical Prophecies / ARGUMENT #2 – Miracles / ARGUMENT #3 – Design / ARGUMENT #4 – Fine-Tuning For a deeper knowledge base, Jeremy Moran gives you a plethora of source (academic and otherwise): Part 3.

Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7: Philosophical Quotes. There is much debate about what it means to be an atheist. Atheism Definition Links: Proper definition: Why Won't God Heal Amputees? God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs. Religions - Atheism: At a glance. From FreeThoughtPedia Why Atheists Care About Religion? First and foremost, it's critical to understand why an atheist might spend time criticizing religion. Theists may ask, "Why not just ignore us? And leave us alone with our beliefs? " But the problem is not that simple.

For example: PART IV. In Massachusetts, it's against the law to be atheist. See Why atheists care about religion Philosophical Arguments Top 10 arguments for the existence of God - A comprehensive outline of the most common claims theists make that prove God is real, along with detailed explanations of why they are faulty. 10 questions every intelligent christian must answer 20 Reasons to abandon Christianity - A very detailed and compelling set of reasons why Christianity is invalid. Arguments Against Scripture The ten commandments - What's wrong with them? Historical arguments A Silence That Screams - What evidence is there for a historical Jesus? Scientific arguments Theological hypocrisy Documentaries Essays See Also. From FreeThoughtPedia Overview Here we endeavor to organize a list of common theist arguments. These will be broken down into categories based on whether the arguments are general in nature (i.e. applying to a generic "god") or against specific religious philosophies.

Looking for a quick summary? Take a look at the Top ten arguments for the existence of God. Notes to contributors Note to contributors: Try not to put the arguments in this page - this is mainly an index to individual pages with more details on each argument. For a good example of the format we want to present, see Argument From Design - each argument is broken into three main sections: summary, examples, problems/criticism. Hall of Fame Arguments so amusing or erroneous they are fast becoming apocryphal. Banana: The Atheist's Nightmare Religious misconceptions - Common misconceptions about religion and scripture Peanut Butter: Disproves Evolution?

General Arguments Theist Propaganda Why are atheists so angry? Christian Arguments.