Is Intelligent Design a Circular Argument? A Conversation with Atheist Activist Matt Dillahunty. Over the past weekend, I called into the Atheist Experience, a TV show based in Austin, Texas, hosted by atheist activist Matt Dillahunty.
It is a weekly call-in program, airing Sundays from 4:30 to 5:30 pm Central and can be viewed on ustream. The recording of my discussion with Matt (I am the first and longest caller) is accessible online (mp3, video). Informed and intelligent theists rarely call into the program. It is unfortunate that the vast majority of callers are not knowledgeable about their own beliefs, let alone how to defend those beliefs rationally. Chinese Student and Scholars.
A journey through the imaginative worlds of C.S. Lewis. Dietrich Bonhoeffer remains such an intriguing figure.
A pastor who stayed in Germany in WWII so that he might resist Hitler and Nazism, he is one of the more original and evocative 20th century theologians. The 70th anniversary of his assassination has led me back to his work. Bonhoeffer wrote The Cost of Discipleship in 1937; by 1945 he demonstrated that he really knew what that cost was. He stayed firm against isolation, prison, torture, and threat to his family and friends.
C.S.LEWIS ATRIUM. Course Description.
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Mike Bickle – – View Resources. Dr. Constable's Bible Study Notes and Commentary. The two sets of table grids above access Dr.
Constable's Notes in the PDF and HTML formats, respectively. The first one, the PDF format, provides page numbers and bookmarks for navigation; footnotes are at the bottom of each page. This format is good for printing and making copies. For landscape images (sideways), rotate the screen with Ctrl-Alt-Arrow keys. Either format works for desktop PC users, but only the HTML has the Scripture reference links. Other Information and Troubleshooting The .pdf format of Dr. Christian Leadership World. Small Groups - Student Leadership Journal -
The Lost Art of Lingering - Student Leadership Journal - Have you ever noticed how long it takes to make microwave popcorn?
“Delicious popcorn in only three minutes!” Well, that’s what it says on the bag, but standing there waiting for it to get done seems like an eternity. How to Do Quiet Time - Time Alone with God. Quiet time is one of the most essential aspects of your Christian life.
Many Christians take some time reading the bible everyday. While it is very useful, just reading the bible will not lead you to much fuller Christian walk with Christ. Just another site. Bbmw.pdf (application/pdf Object) Genesis 1. New International Version (NIV) - Free Online NIV Bible Study Tools. In 1967, the New York Bible Society (now Biblica) generously undertook the financial sponsorship of creating a contemporary English translation of the Bible.
The NIV Bible was produced by more than one hundred scholars working from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The NIV Bible was first published in 1973, with revisions published in 1978 and 1983. You can browse the NIV Bible verses by using the chapters listed below, or use our free Bible search feature at the top of this page. Copyright and usage informationScripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. The "NIV" and "New International Version" trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica. Ligonier. Spiritual Gifts Test. Introduction: God has blessed each born again Christian with one or more Spiritual Gifts.
Do you know what Spiritual Gift(s) God has given you? If you have been wondering about this, then you have come to the right place! This on-line Spiritual Gifts Test (sometimes referred to as a Spiritual Gifts Inventory, Assessment, Survey, Analysis, Questionnaire, or Quiz) will help you determine what Spiritual Gift(s) God has given you. Spiritual Gifts Definitions and Reference Page. If you find the Youth Spiritual Gifts Test or this Spiritual Gifts List with Definitions and Biblical References to be a blessing to you and you are able to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
To donate, click HERE. This document is to be used with the Adult Spiritual Gifts Test and the Youth Spiritual Gifts Test . The gifts covered by each test are shown in the table below: Clicking on any gift name will take you directly to its definition and Biblical references. Spiritual Gifts Definitions and Reference Page. If you find the Spiritual Gifts Test or this Spiritual Gifts List with Definitions and Biblical References to be a blessing to you and you are able to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated. To donate, click HERE. This document is to be used with the Adult Spiritual Gifts Test and the Youth Spiritual Gifts Test .
The gifts covered by each test are shown in the table below: Clicking on any gift name will take you directly to its definition and Biblical references. Immediately below this table is some introductory material you may want to read first. The Holy Bible (Interlinear 中英對照) 1 Corinthians 13. 查經資料大全. 华人基督徒查经资料网站 首页 ⊙ 本网站简介 ⊙ 相关网站 ⊙ 繁体中文 ⊙ English ⊙ 同工专区 【新约查经】 【旧约查经】 【主题查经】
Browse our Sermons by Topic. The HOPE. Christ Notes: Bible Search & Bible Commentary. Bible Verses By Topic – Easily Find Bible Verses for Specific Topics. Biblical Theology- Part 1: Introduction « Matt Capps Blog. January 14, 2010 at 7:57 pm “It is possible to know Bible stories, yet miss the Bible story.”[2] Edmund Clowney An Introduction to Biblical Theology. Skits Skits Skits. Theology. Systematic theology, though having once fallen on hard times in both the evangelical church and in the academy is now making a comeback. It should, for it is both possible and necessary. Systematic theology, then, for our purposes, is the study of all facts about God and his work, from any and every source, but revealed primarily in the Bible, and brought together in a coherent and inter-related manner in order to instruct, encourage and guide the saints in godliness. Lord willing you will find to be a great resource in your lifelong pursuit of a right understanding of God, in deepening your relationship with Him, and in strengthening your faithfulness to share God's truth with others.