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#ppc #sem #smb #advertising - Bing Business - Blog - Bing Business - Bing Ads & Microsoft Advertising Community. A friend of mine recently arranged to meet someone for coffee through an online dating service.

#ppc #sem #smb #advertising - Bing Business - Blog - Bing Business - Bing Ads & Microsoft Advertising Community

The first thing the stranger said to her was how “hot” she looked, and then he tried to hug her. Not surprisingly, that relationship didn’t progress beyond this first date. This is why first impressions are so crucial: not only do they determine whether an initial meeting over coffee has the potential to result in a second date over dinner, they can make the difference between whether a prospective customer will convert to a sale, or just another uptick in your bounce rate.

5 Landing Page Best Practices to Keep Your Relevance and Quality High. Harken back to a time before mp3s and streaming music services—remember CD Clubs?

5 Landing Page Best Practices to Keep Your Relevance and Quality High

They had full-page ads in magazines proclaiming sensational offerings like, “12 CDs for 1 penny!” Or “20 discs for the price of one!” It seemed like a no-brainer; who wouldn’t want to take advantage of offers like that? Even in my adolescence, I recognized these services as a steal, and sent my information—and my penny—off in the mail. Dynamic Landing Page Content: How to Increase Conversions through Increased Relevancy.

Landing Page Testing: How to test and what to test.