2013%20State%20of%20the%20Birds_low-res. First signs of progress in saving Indian vultures from killer drug | BirdLife CommunityBirdLife Community. Wildlife Conservation – The Weak Link : The Viewspaper. In present times when Global Warming, E-waste, Waste management, et al take centre stage when it to comes to policies and debates on environmental conservation, the four- legged one and his habitat are more often than not neglected. Wildlife Conservation as an issue has been recognized for long now but has not been given the serious brainstorming or policy regulation and framework as some of its contemporaries. Stone Age people and hunter-gatherers relied on wildlife, both plant and animal, for their food and hunting, fishing, or gathering wildlife is still a significant food source in some parts of the world. In other areas, hunting and non-commercial fishing are mainly seen as a game or sport. It is believed that increasing demand for wildlife as a source of traditional food in East Asia is decimating populations of sharks, primates, pangolins, which they believe have aphrodisiac properties.
Mridul Kumar [Image source: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. National Audubon Society - Birds in Decline. Audubon's unprecedented analysis of forty years of citizen-science bird population data from our own Christmas Bird Count plus the Breeding Bird Survey reveals the alarming decline of many of our most common and beloved birds. Since 1967 the average population of the common birds in steepest decline has fallen by 68 percent; some individual species nose-dived as much as 80 percent. All 20 birds on the national Common Birds in Decline list lost at least half their populations in just four decades. The findings point to serious problems with both local habitats and national environmental trends. Only citizen action can make a difference for the birds and the state of our future.
Which Species? The wide variety of birds affected is reason for concern. Greater Scaup and other tundra-breeding birds are succumbing to dramatic changes to their breeding habitat as the permafrost melts earlier and more temperate predators move north in a likely response to global warming. EU Birds Directive.
The RSPB. BirdLife International - conserving the world's birds. Welcome to the BTO | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology.