Recibidos (3081) - procesos1biblioteca - Correo de Universidad El Bosque. Estrategias de acceso abierto: SSOAR. Bajo el "código de color" del acceso abierto, a las dos principales estrategias de implementación - publicación de acceso abierto y autoarchivo - se les asignan los colores dorado y verde respectivamente.
(Existen también algunas formas híbridas). La ruta dorada -publicación de acceso abierto- se refiere a la publicación primaria de artículos académicos, etc., en revistas de acceso abierto. También incluye la publicación en acceso abierto de otros manuscritos originales como monografías y antologías. Como los manuscritos que se publican en papel, estos textos están sometidos a la revisión por pares.
Dirección General de Bibliotecas BUAP. Tesis y proyectos de grado. Biblioteca Digital - Universidad Icesi. Dirección General de Bibliotecas BUAP. OER REMIX : The Game. "I’m coordinating a European thematic network focusing on educational repositories...
After stumbling upon your game I decided to use a bit of time at the workshop we have just concluded with participants. I just thought I’d get back to you and say that the response was positive and using the game was really helpful in getting people engaged in the subsequent small group discussions. So thanks for sharing! " OER REMIX :: The Game is a deck of cards designed to enable a number of games exploring the intricacies of open content license compatibility issues and the difficulties these create for anyone who wants to remix open educational resources. Each card represents an open educational resource (OER). Download the cards, print and cut them out, and you're ready to play! (A license compatibility remix of the game "Go Fish! ") Goal: The first player to aggregate a set of one each of the four media types (Text, Image, Audio, Video) with compatible licenses wins.
DCMI Home: Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Proyecto - CoLaBoRa. Public Library of Science. Science. The more we understand about science and its complexities, the more important it is for scientific data to be shared openly.
It’s not useful to have ten different labs doing the same research and not sharing their results; likewise, we’re much more likely to be able to pinpoint diseases if we have genomic data from a large pool of individuals. Since 2004, we’ve been focusing our efforts to expand the use of Creative Commons licenses to scientific and technical research. Science Advisory Board Open Access The Scholars’ Copyright Project Creative Commons plays an instrumental role in the Open Access movement, which is making scholarly research and journals more widely available on the Web.
We’re also expanding Open Access to research institutions. We’ve created policy briefings and guidelines to help institutions implement Open Access into their frameworks. Open Data At Creative Commons, we believe scientific data should be freely available to everyone. Learn more. OER REMIX : The Game. DCMI Home: Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Proyecto - CoLaBoRa. Public Library of Science. ESPE Home. Bienvenidos a Timbó Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología. RCAAP - Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal. Author details (Patarroyo, Manuel Elkin) Ocampo, M., Patarroyo, M.A., Vanegas, M., Alba, M.P., Patarroyo, M.E.
Functional, biochemical and 3D studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein peptides for an effective anti-tuberculosis vaccine (2014) Critical Reviews in Microbiology40(2)PP. 117 - 145 doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2013.763221 Bermúdez, A., Calderon, D., Moreno-Vranich, A., Almonacid, H., Patarroyo, M.A., Poloche, A., Patarroyo, M.E. Gauche+ side-chain orientation as a key factor in the search for an immunogenic peptide mixture leading to a complete fully protective vaccine (2014) Vaccine32(18)PP. 2117 - 2126 doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.02.003 Lozano, J.M., Cuadrado, B.S., Delgado, G., Patarroyo, M.E. Cationic Peptides Harboring Antibiotic Capacity are Selective for Leishmania panamensis and Leishmania major (2014) Journal of Microbial and Biochemical Technology6(2)PP. 54 - 62. RENATA: Red Nacional Académica de Tecnología Avanzada. BIREDIAL. BIBLIOTECAS DEL ECUADOR - METABUSCADOR. COAR - Confederation of Open Access Repositories.