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Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes. Bitcoin : la monnaie virtuelle et décentralisée en questions. Untitled. Bitcoin Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About the Future of Money. Illustration: WIRED The price of a bitcoin topped $900 last week, an enormous surge in value that arrived amidst Congressional hearings where top U.S. financial regulators took a surprisingly rosy view of digital currency.

Bitcoin Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know About the Future of Money

Just 10 months ago, a bitcoin sold for a measly $13. The spike was big news across the globe, from Washington to Tokyo to China, and it left many asking themselves: “What the hell is a bitcoin?” It’s a good question — not only for those with little understanding of the modern financial system and how it intersects with modern technology, but also for those steeped in the new internet-driven economy that has so quickly remade our world over the last 20 years.

The spike was big news across the globe, from Washington to Tokyo to China, and it left many asking themselves: ‘What the hell is a bitcoin?’ Philippe Herlin La révolution du bitcoin et des monnaies complémentaires. Rich-Get-Richer Effect Observed in BitCoin Digital Currency Network. In January 2009, a small group of Internet enthusiasts began an unusual economic experiment when they began to trade a new type of digital cash known as BitCoin.

Rich-Get-Richer Effect Observed in BitCoin Digital Currency Network

After a shaky start, the idea caught on and grew rapidly after 2011. Today, bitcoins can buy a wider range of goods and services. In total, the BitCoin marketplace has hosted over 17 million transactions and the value of all the bitcoins in circulation is over $1 billion. One interesting aspect of this marketplace is that the complete list of all transactions is publicly available. And this gave Daniel Kondor and buddies at Eotvos Lorand University in Hungary an idea. These guys have downloaded this complete list of transactions and reconstructed the entire financial history of each account in the market. “We believe that this is the first opportunity to investigate the movement of currency in such detail,” they say. Kondor and co say that the evolution clearly occurred in two separate phases. Bitcoin. Pdf. Max Keiser: Is Bitcoin Money? Since Bitcoin is now a $400 million market, with its pricehitting new all-time highs, now might be good time to ask, is bitcoin money?

Max Keiser: Is Bitcoin Money?

According to Aristotle, for something to be considered money, is has to fulfill four characteristics: 1) It must be durable. It can't fade, corrode. 2) It must be portable. It has to be 'dense' so that you can take it with you when you travel to the market. La justice va se prononcer sur le statut du Bitcoin. Bitcoin in France: first legal decision directly related to Bitcoin? A few people around here know about the legal drama currently happening in France between us (Tibanne, MtGox and Macaraja, the company representing us in France) and french banks.

Bitcoin in France: first legal decision directly related to Bitcoin?

A few weeks ago, our previous French bank closed our bank account despite knowing about our activity, which we explained fully before starting. We challenged this decision in court, to which the bank tried to defend itself by saying "Bitcoin is an electronic money, Macaraja is not a bank, therefore it's illegal for Macaraja to be handling this". The court replied that it was not up to the bank to decide this, and ordered the bank to re-open the account. The bank announced us they would close the account again, and did an appeal. They lost their appeal but closed the account anyway. We have then brought them once again in front of a court, which this time again decided against the bank. Court decision (in French): Bitcoin libérera-t-il la monnaie à l'échelle d'Internet ? Bitcoin - Rise of a New Currency.

Bitcoin : la monnaie virtuelle et décentralisée en questions. BitCoin : une Monnaie. Par Stéphane Geyres.

BitCoin : une Monnaie

Bitcoin : une monnaie électronique pour tous by Renaud Lifchitz on Prezi. Bitcoin cyber currency mentioned on the Max Keiser show. Bitcoin in the real world – supply and demand. Bitcoin is an electronic currency based on a piece of software that allows for the collaborative adoption and use of electronic bits of information as money.

Bitcoin in the real world – supply and demand

Bitcoin libérera-t-il la monnaie à l'échelle d'Internet ? Bitcoin Mining. Bitcoin the story so far. Bitcoin, the new digital currency explained. BitCoin, un système monétaire P2P crypté. Je viens de découvrir l’excellent projet Open Source BitCoin encore en béta-test, et qui est extrêmement prometteur. Il se rapproche au plus près de ce qu’on peut espérer de mieux comme système monétaire P2P. BitCoin se présente comme un logiciel multiplateforme qui une fois lancé se connecte aux autres logiciels connectés, et commence à générer des « blocs » cryptés assurant par leur nombre et leur dissémination dans le réseau, la sécurité du système.

Crypté, P2P, Open Source, le rêve absolu… BitcoinAction - 30 days to establishing Anarchy, one shop at the time. Bitcoins: A New Digital Gold Rush. Bitcoi PRLog (Press Release) - Aug. 6, 2010 - Bitcoins: A New Digital Gold Rush The California Gold Rush began in 1848 when gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill.

Bitcoins: A New Digital Gold Rush

Hundreds of thousands of people migrated across the country to prospect for the rare yellow metal. Mining for gold was a challenging task and there were tools that were invented to separate gold from dirt. Bitcoins: the peer to peer currency « Make Wealth History. A couple of years ago I read a book called The End of Money, by Thomas Greco.

Bitcoins: the peer to peer currency « Make Wealth History

In it, the author predicted that at some point, some internet application would do for money what Skype has done for the telecommunications industry. It’s only a matter of time before someone blows the whole thing open, re-writes the rules and changes the game for good. Bitcoins: The Taxless Currency. In today’s economy, the value of the dollar is weaker than ever and the thought of a digital currency is becoming more of a reality with the recent introduction of bitcoins.

Bitcoins: The Taxless Currency

Bitcoins can be compared to cash, but cash is limited to physical exchange, where as bitcoins can be sent throughout the Internet. Today there are more than 6.3 million bitcoins in existence and this number continues to grow. So, how are bitcoins used and how have they become a currency that can be used like dollars, but is tax avoidable? Let’s explore. Embed the above image on your site using the code below: Interview: How Bitcoin Created a Decentralized Crypto-Currency. Bitcoin is an open source, peer-to-peer electronic currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto and maintained by a small team of developers.

Interview: How Bitcoin Created a Decentralized Crypto-Currency

As part of what's turning into an ongoing series on the distributed Web, I talked to contributor Gavin Andresen about how the software works. This is a technical overview. If you're interested in an economic or political look at the software, you can read the Wikipedia entry or Niklas Blanchard's essay on the project. L019: Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We've Ever Seen - Launch - Solid discussions of this piece on, Hacker News, Slashdot and Reddit. Rob Tercek has a follow up to this piece here. by Jason Calacanis and the LAUNCH team. L020: Is Bitcoin the Wikileaks of Monetary Policy? - Launch - Discuss this post on Hacker News Calacanis primer on bitcoin By Robert Tercek Cynics make the argument that complaints about the loss of privacy in the digital domain are pointless. "If you use a credit card or an ATM machine, you're already living in the fishbowl," the wags say. Fair point. Financial institutions monitor where and when you withdraw cash and how you use your credit or debit card.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Centralization Versus Diffusion The struggle over the Internet's future can be summarized as a battle of centralized control versus radical decentralization. In each case, powerful incumbents fought hard to maintain control over their proprietary information asset. Without the advantage of inside information, their traditional businesses made no sense. Le Bitcoin fait-il le bonheur? Le jour où les geeks prirent le contrôle de l'économie… Cela ne rate jamais ! Dès que j’ai une course rapide à faire, je finis toujours dans la file bloquée par un petit vieux venu chercher de la nourriture pour son chat. Vous savez, un de ces pensionnés né au vingtième siècle, pour qui un supermarché est plus un parc d’attractions qu’une commodité. Que faire avec mes bitcoins ? Matériel informatique, téléphonie, électronique : portables/tablettes, ordinateurs, composants, écrans, périphériques, réseaux/Wifi, stockage, photo/accessoires, câbles, cigarettes électroniques, détecteurs de fumée, électroménager, matériel HI-FI, éclairage LED...

Statistiques bitcoin mining - Informations et actualités des bitcoinsInformations et actualités des bitcoins. What is a Bitcoin? What is Bitcoin?