Bassin / mur végétal. La mare. Mares/piscine/baignades naturelles. BioNova, le spécialiste de la piscine naturelle et biologique, baignade naturelle, piscine écologique et biologique. Baignades Naturelles : leader de la piscine naturelle depuis 25 ans. Piscine naturelle, piscine biologique. Tout sur la piscine écologique et la piscine naturelle. En plus de présenter une fraîcheur esthétique pour les yeux et de réduire les écarts thermiques, ces plans d’eau naturels présentent de nombreux avantages; Aucun produit chimiqueQualité d’une eau non chloréeAspect esthétique, contact avec la faune et la flore.
La Belgique ouvre les portes de sa première piscine municipale bio. À une trentaine de kilomètres de Valenciennes, la ville de Dour vient d’inaugurer la première piscine municipale bio et écologique de Belgique.
L’eau est filtrée et épurée naturellement grâce aux roseaux et aux iris, pour le plus grand bonheur des baigneurs. À Dour, c’est l’écosystème qui se met au service des loisirs, et inversement. Natural swimming pools: Everything you need to know about building one in your garden. Natural swimming ponds–refreshing, aesthetically pleasing, wildlife friendly and more harmonious in the landscape–are becoming fashionable.
Why not take the plunge, suggests Tiffany Daneff. Like tennis courts, swimming pools tend to be hidden out of sight at the end of the garden, that offensively brilliant-Californian-blue rectangle, sensibly disguised behind trees or tucked away behind high walls. And quite right, too; few sights are more guaranteed to disrupt a bucolic view. There’s a much simpler solution: the natural swimming pond. With dragonflies glinting on the reeds and waterlilies drifting on the surface, they look just like a real pond and are excellent for wildlife, but allow for entry without getting mud between your toes. Popular in Austria and Germany, they’re now gaining fans in this country. Swimming pool flows between courtyard walls of Mexico's Casa Xólotl.
Masonry walls partition a patio and create various swimming areas at this renovated Mexican residence by Punto Arquitectónico.
Casa Xólotl is a single-storey home in Mérida, which was overhauled by local firm Punto Arquitectónico after finding the home in disrepair. The studio renovated the house by dramatically transforming it into two separate volumes with a courtyard, forming a 1,776-square-foot (165-square-metre) plan. A detached master suite, with a bedroom and bathroom, is located to the rear of the property and is linked to the main living space by a walled-in patio.
Original stone walls and a refurbished cistern feature in the courtyard, along with a swimming pool that fits into the gaps formed by the structural elements. "As a result, the placement of the master bedroom, and the preexisting house and a traditional cistern, the pool becomes the main element of the patio," said the studio. Inside the main volume is a foyer, a bedroom and a bathroom in the first bay. Build The Most Modern Natural Swimming Pool Underground. 10 DIY Swimming Pool Tips - Swimming Pool Construction. Chemical free swimming has been big news this week.
With the Kingscross Pond Club opening over the bank holiday and the M&G garden at The RHS Chelsea flower show last week featuring a beautiful swimming pond (complete with synchronised swimmers in flowery caps) you may well be feeling inspired to excavate that unused patch of your own garden to create your own chemical free swimming ‘retreat’ with swimming pool construction. Natural swimming pool and Sustainable Development. - Bio-ressources : le blog.
Tomorrow’s pool should be 100% environmentally friendly.
Without the presence of chlorine and of any chemical product, this breakthrough is partly a reality. Few people, but also rare communities have already adopted this green technology. Thus, what are exactly the pros and cons of biological pools ? Copyright: wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Pool. The natural pool : an ecological and sustainable system. Certainly, chlorine is the best solution to make pools accessible to the greatest number while respecting hygienic conditions, but chlorinated pools are not sustainable.
Yet some solutions exist, either to save water either to use it through sustainable means. This concept appeared in Austria and Germany in the 80’s. Plants rather than chlorine to purify water . Nearly 19 varieties of aquatic plants (including rushes, reeds and water lilies) are required to clean the water of this kind of pools. Natural Pools - Natural Swimming Pools and Ponds. The ecological and health benefits of natural swimming pools. Wouldn't it be nice if on the warmest of summer days, you could dive straight in to a clear, cool pool to refresh the senses and prevent overheating.
But with our skin being the largest of all our bodily organs, we rarely consider the consequences of extended contact of chlorine, algicides and other chemicals with the skin. As a living, breathing organism, anything we put into contact with it can be absorbed, proving to be either beneficial or harmful to the rest of the body. You may already have converted to organic, paraben-free non-toxic alternatives to conventional shampoos, skin care and health products, either for preventative reasons or to cure ongoing conditions such as eczema. However the dialogue continues each time you enter the shower, bath or swimming pool. How bad are conventional swimming pools to human health? DIY pool: How to build a natural swimming pool. How does the idea of a natural swimming pool sound?
Is there enough room in your backyard to create one? Natural swimming pools are the hottest green living trend, and they definitely deserve a second thought. Your natural swimming pool can be either simple or really complex – it depends on how much you’re ready to spend on it. It is true that such pools cost more than regular ones, but they provide you the pleasure of being surrounded by natural habitat. Image source: Keyscape Landscape Design & Construction Ltd.