Cardboard Busts. Make A Life-Size Cardboard 3D Self Portrait. I created this 3D model face just after seeing a sculptural exhibition based on faces.
I made this at home and it is very easy because it doesn't require many materials. In the instructable I will try to teach you how to make your own self portrait in cardboard by using a variety of different techniques and textures. you can mount it at home on your wall or use as a table decoration. Cardboard Safari. Cardboard World Globes. Large Cardboard Train. Make A Life-Size 3D Cardboard Motorbike. The fact is everybody secretly would like to own a motorbike, but they are sometimes expensive to run and often dangerous.
Cardboard Bike Station. Benedetto Bufalino made this cardboard bike station in Lyon (France) as a “social ephemeral” art installation. It looks exactly like the real ones you can find in the city of Lyon which was the first city in France to launch a bike sharing program (called Velo’V) a few years ago ! Cardboard Bicycle. Or just let you over until convenient generic levitra online ways you pay interest penalties.
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Rideable Cardboard Bicycle. Sheldrake - Cardboard Surfboards. Cardboard Bins. Cardboard Craft Gadgets: Disposable Design Statement? « Dornob. Like life-size cardboard figure cut-outs used to advertise movies, these creative constructions are merely representations of other objects – but how far are they from the objects we so regularly throw away?
We all realize the truth in this upon reflection, but it is still sometimes shocking to concede: we treat amazing technologies as disposable goods. Making things used to be about durability, design was made to last. Now no one expects even their suburban home to be well-built, let alone a phone or camera. Freefold Furniture. Cardboard Tube Art. Collages Crafted inside Of Toilet Paper Tubes. Toil paper rolls … every home has them, but artist Anastassia Elias put in the time and effort to turn these ordinary, dull-brown & disposable cardboard tubes into delicate and precise works of creative recycled craft.
But be careful of paper cuts! Each piece has to be carefully cut from inside so as not to disturb the exterior of the roll – an almost absurdly gentle approach to one of the most commonplace waste materials on the planet … yet somehow reminiscent of the ancient art of painting inside of blown-glass balls, which had only the smallest of openings on one side. The scenes are intentionally domestic, a subtle reference to the source material (itself of modest and simple origins). People are shown idling at home or sitting, bored, in the midst of a meeting or classroom setting. Cardboard Art. By Becky Striepe on August 29, 2012 Artist Mykl Wells creates beautiful art pieces out of recycled and reclaimed cardboard.
Almost all of his materials are reclaimed or upcycled. He even recovers the oil paints that he uses from the local hazardous waste disposal. You can't toss leftover oils in the trash, and Wells collects those cast off paints from other artists to use in his work. I think my favorite project of his is the Lantern Project. Wells's most recent installation is the winning sculpture in the 2012 Cartasia art competition (pictured at the top of this post). Normally I go out and dumpster-dive the cardboard I use in my work. You can find Wells's work on his website. About the Author: Becky Striepe is a green blogger and independent crafter with a passion for vintage fabrics. The Dark Knight Returned - Upcycled Art. Packaging Lights: Recycled Green Lighting by Anke Weiss. Extraneous packaging and poor packaging design are a couple of TreeHugger's least favorite things, so we're always glad to see examples of better packaging and creative ways to reuse old packaging and keep it out of the landfill.
Falling into the latter category is the green lighting from Amsterdam-based designer Anke Weiss; appropriately named "Packaging Lights," it takes typically disposable packaging -- cookies, juice, and soap, just to name a few -- and gives it new life as lighting. We've seen this kind of thing done before -- creative recycling is always welcome on these pages -- but we like the balance this strikes between looking like the original packaging and taking on its own identity as lighting. What packaging would you want to see reincarnated as lighting? Hit the jump for more pics. ::Anke Weiss Studio via ::Yanko Design See also: ::lite2go by knoend: A Product that Knows No End and ::Light Bulb Packaging: The Package Becomes the Product.