Blood on the River Novel Study - Introduction. Blood on the River James Town, 1607. Blood on the River: James Town 1607 ISBN 0-670-06060-7 Buy Blood on the River Awards and Honors for Blood on the River: Buy the Book Study Guide - for teachers and discussion leaders.
8th-Grade-BOTR-Novel-Questions. Elisa Carbone - Home. Exposed wattles From: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, “Wattle and daub,” (accessed February 26, 2006).
“Inside the triangular wooden palisade of James Fort, wattle-and-daub structures topped with thatched roofs depict dwellings and a church, guardhouse, storehouse and governor’s house during the period 1610–1614.” From: Jamestown Settlement and Yorktown Victory Center, “James Fort,” (accessed February 26, 2006). Chapters Fifteen and SixteenDiscussion:1. Blood_on_river_T.